Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Gabriel can't say thank you - but his eyes speak volumes!

Gabriel can't say thank you - but his eyes speak volumes!

$ 171.52
(Donors: 44)

Gabriel is three years old, and he can't talk due to a medical condition. All he has ever seen in his life are doctors and medications. His mother can't give him any childlike joys as they can barely afford the medications he needs. But now, seeing "so many" candies and the bicycle he had always dreamt of, Gabriel lost his ability to speak for the second time!  Overwhelmed with joy, he sat on the couch and burst into tears, then hugged the employees of the Fund and stroked their cheeks with his little hands!  It's a miracle!  This means that God touched our souls with the hands of this child!