Instead of school Lizy got to the hospital… - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Instead of school Lizy got to the hospital…

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May 8, 2017
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What do you feel when you send your children to school? Have you ever thought of a situation when your child gets to a hospital instead of school?
Charity number:
$ 543.49
( 82 Donors )
Project completed!

What do you feel when you send your children to school? Have you ever thought of a situation when your child gets to a hospital instead of school?

Horrible, really? Even a thought of it could drive you crazy! Story of 10-year old Liza Gersamia from Poti would touch the heart of every person, especially those who have children!

In March 2014 little Liza was going home from school. The weather was dull; a car was driving along the road at dashing speed. Inexperienced young driver lost control of the car and knocked down the little girl… and in half a moment cancelled out her life … and ruined the whole family…

During long months Liza stayed at resuscitation department in coma. Doctors gave deplorable prognoses and prepared the parents to the worst.

Their sorrow is wordless! They did everything possible to save their daughter, they sold all valuables they had, and now they wander from one relative to another.  

The parents understand that she will never be the same, she will never sing and dance all day long, they will never hear her ringing laughter… they reconciled… the only thing they ask from the God is that their daughter lives!

Liza’s family, all relatives, acquaintances and classmates gave their last savings, if only the girl gets better.

The rehabilitation gave its results! Liza could open her eyes, move one hand, and swallow.  But as soon as the rehabilitation was discontinued due to lack of money, the girl’s condition dramatically got worse. Every day her mother cries and does not know what to do, who to ask for support or who to address for help.

We start a fund raising action for Lisa’s treatment. She acutely needs expensive medicines and a rehabilitation course which will give Lizy a guarantee for recovery.

But for this fatal day, now Liza would study at the 4th grade! She would be the same cheerful and merry giggler!

Think what hard time she is having now, how painful it is for her parents and sister, and do as your kind heart directs you! As if you read this article to this point you are a sympathetic person endowed with the gift of feeling the pain of other people as your own!

If you have a possibility to provide financial aid, you can transfer money to our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Lizy Gersamia) or pay directly from web-site

Please give this poor girl a hope for future!

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