Список поддержавших проект Mom! Hurry, hurry, come here! He is crying again, it hurts him! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Mom! Hurry, hurry, come here! He is crying again, it hurts him!

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September 24, 2020
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- Maka (13-year-old) calls her mother for help, she can't stand to see her one-year-old brother Nika suffering. The baby was born premature, he spent two months at an intensive care unit, he has two hernias and a neurological disorder. His mother Lela (30 years old) has no means for his treatment and is ready to die of her own helplessness!
Charity number:
$ 754.86
( 147 Donors )
Project completed!
ლევანი თოდაძე
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$ 1.12
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