Список поддержавших проект The greatest happiness in the world is when you can walk on your own! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The greatest happiness in the world is when you can walk on your own!

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February 18, 2021
- Says a beautiful wheelchair-bound girl who dreams of becoming a model. “I can watch the models walking the catwalk for hours. They are so lucky that they can walk ... I also want that, really want. Have you seen how people clap for them, how they film them from all sides? Beautiful! Sometimes I think that I will certainly learn to walk, and sometimes I look at this... this... wheelchair and feel very sad. What if I will have to live on wheels my whole life?”
Charity number:
$ 675.26
( 136 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 1.87
გიორგი ავაზიშვილი
year ago
$ 3.74
აბაშიძე ირაკლი
year ago
$ 3.74
ჩიტაძე დავით
year ago
$ 1.87
ზუხბაია ალექსი
year ago
$ 18.68
ფარტენაძე მამუკა
year ago
$ 0.37

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