Please, stay alive! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Please, stay alive!

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April 29, 2021
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When 5-year-old Nato rolls her eyes and throws her head back as if her spine is about to break, it looks creepy. And when she screams in pain, it makes your blood curdle. It's twice as hard for her mother to see this. She sometimes dreams that everything that hurts her daughter will be transferred to her. But she does not know whether she can endure that...
Charity number:
$ 998.37
( 178 Donors )
Project completed!

When 5-year-old Nato rolls her eyes and throws her head back as if her spine is about to break, it looks creepy. And when she screams in pain, it makes your blood curdle. It's twice as hard for her mother to see this. She sometimes dreams that everything that hurts her daughter will be transferred to her. But she does not know whether she can endure that...

Nato is the second child in the family, she was born perfectly healthy. When she was 40 days old, happy mom and dad and their beautiful daughters were coming back home from relatives. Suddenly a jeep crashed into their small car at great speed... Everything went dark...

“They thought I was dead, they even told my spouse there was no chance for me to survive. The baby got a severe head injury. When they took her to the hospital, her heart stopped twice on the way. But the doctors managed to save our lives. After being discharged from the hospital, my daughter felt fine. But soon the poor thing started having severe headaches. She cried without stopping, could not sleep day or night, fainted a couple of times... It would be better if all this happened to me!"

Read this story full of tears, pain, and despair... This is a cry from the heart of a mother who no longer knows how to gasp for life. God brought these children to us and wants to help them with our hands!

Eka: My girl has not uttered a word in her life. She communicates with us by gestures - she tries to convey her emotions to us. She cannot do it verbally, so she does it with screams, whims, sometimes she smiles when she likes something... She loves to listen to songs - the music soothes her a little.

- Eka, could you please tell us in more detail how you learned about Nato's disease?

Eka: When my daughter was 40 days old, my husband, I, and our elder daughter Megi were driving back home from relatives and had an accident. I hardly remember what happened, I only remember that I felt terrible pain. My husband and Megi were barely hurt, and Nato and I narrowly escaped death. God saved us! They thought I was dead, they even told my spouse there was no chance for me to survive, but I survived. And my baby got a severe head injury. When they took her to the hospital, her heart stopped twice on the way. But the doctors managed to save Nato’s life. The doctors spoke only of a head injury then, there was no talk of hydrocephalus. We spent many weeks in the hospital. After being discharged from hospital, my daughter felt fine. However, a couple of days later, Nato started having severe headaches. She cried without stopping, could not sleep day or night, fainted a couple of times...  The doctors said that such reaction of the child after the injury she suffered was within norm. But my heart felt something was wrong. It hurts to recall it!

- So, you were right?

Eka: Yes! We visited another doctor and he diagnosed her with hydrocephalus. It was terrible to hear that! It sounded like a sentence! We had series of surgeries, one followed by another, sometimes she was operated on twice a month. We literally lived in hospitals, in an intensive care unit. All these manipulations, surgical interventions... It's hard to bear! I would not wish this on anyone! Imagine, the baby was operated on ten times in five years of her life.

- What do the doctors say? Is there any chance for her to recover?

Eka: The doctors say that if she were treated in France, she would have a higher chance of a full recovery. But alas in Georgia, there are no such medications and medical procedures yet... Sometimes Nato suffers seizures, she throws her head back, and we have to correct the child’s posture every five minutes. When she feels pain, she screams loudly. I must always be by my daughter’s side. My heart is breaking! When you see your child suffering and you can do nothing about it, it hurts! Now we can only hope that one day Nato will recover! The child needs medications, she needs medical procedures, visits to doctors at least once a month to achieve that. But unfortunately, we do not have enough funds for all this...

- What is your family income?

Eka: We get a social allowance - 340 GEL, plus food coupon for kids - another 60 GEL. Besides that, we get disability pension - 250 GEL. But we took a major part of this pension in advance - we needed money for the operation. We have a lot of debts. The state paid for a couple of operations. We paid for the rest ourselves - we borrowed money. My husband does not have a permanent job, he takes any part-time job he finds...

– Eka, what is the main problem of your family?

Eka: You know in what a grave condition my baby is. She needs medications, hygiene products, diapers, medical procedures... She needs special food - she can’t eat any food. I buy various formulas, cereals... But we don't have enough money for all this! She spends day and night at home, although she needs the walks and fresh air. But Nato is already grown up, it's hard for me to carry her in my arms. We really need a wheelchair supporting the lower back and head so that I can take my daughter for walks.

- How do you see Nato’s future?

Eka: Like any other mother, I want to think only about the good, I want to believe that my daughter will recover and will be able to live a full life! But I'm a realist, so I understand that... I know her life will always be with me. She is my daughter, my flesh and blood, my treasure! May God give me strength to be with her and help her!

- Eka, could you please tell us about the place where you live? Do you have anything you need in this house?

Eka: We are renting this room. It is damp and cold, but we cannot afford anything else - we have no funds. There is only cold water in the kitchen, no hot water. When I wash the dishes, my fingers get so cold that I stop feeling them. We need a refrigerator. While it’s not hot, I can store food in the cupboard. But in the summer food without a refrigerator will go bad, and I am already very worried about it. Moreover, Nato needs special food... Where to store everything if there is no refrigerator? It will be great to have a TV too... You see, Nato is very fond of music and TV shows.  When she hears songs, she immediately calms down and starts to smile.

- Does anybody help you?

Eka: My relatives do their best. But everyone has their own families, their own problems. But still, they don’t leave us without attention. My parents send us food and canned food from the village... That's how we live!

- Did you address the local authorities for help?

Eka: They already pay an allowance to us, and they also financed our daughter's surgeries a couple of times... To be honest, I am embarrassed to ask for anything else.

- Eka, how did you meet your husband?

Eka: I used to work at a nut processing plant. And once my colleagues introduced me to Jambul. We've been dating for over a year. He romanced me so beautifully! He was so attentive, caring, kind... We fell in love and got married. I was right! My husband is a wonderful person!

- Have you ever thought that such misfortune would happen to you?

Eka: No! We were young, we were in love! We dreamed of a happy life. First, Megi was born, then Nato... Both babies were healthy. What else could you dream of? And then that terrible accident happened... You never know what awaits you!

- Eka, could you please tell me about your children?

Eka: Megi goes to school. She's a very smart girl! She manages to do everything: to do homework and help me around the house. She is never lazy, when I ask her to do something she immediately gets down to the business. She says: "Mom, take a break, I will wash." When I look at her, tears well up in my eyes. She's only eight years old... And our youngest daughter is 15-month-old. Cecily is our joy! She’s such a fidget - sometimes serious and sometimes smiling! Megi helps me with her too. If not for my dear husband and daughter, I could not have coped alone!

- Eka, you have wonderful children! Could I please talk to Megi? Sweetheart, your mom praises you so much, she says you help her a lot. Do you have time left to spend it with your friends?

Megi: I almost have no time to spend it with friends. My mom and my sister need me. My friends know that I need to help around the house, to be always close to Nato. So, they themselves come to me, and we always play at home.

- What is your favorite subject at school?

Megi: I love sports. But I want to become a doctor.

- What doctor do you want to become?

Megi: Pediatrician - to cure my little sister. I always tell my mother not to cry, not to worry. I'm almost an adult now. I will study well and become the best doctor in the world. And then I will cure Nato.

- What are you dreaming about the most?

Megi: I dream that my little sister will get better and be able to play with us. She lies all day long and watches my friends and me playing. I feel sorry for her! I want her to be able to run with us too, play hide and seek...

- You're so sweet Megi! I wish you to achieve everything you want! Now let me please talk to your mother. Eka, what is your biggest dream?

Eka:Perhaps many will not understand me ... But I dream at least once to hear my Nato calling me mom!

-Eka, what would you advise to women, who found themselves in the same hard situation, like you?

Eka: To never give up! No matter what happens, no matter how hard it is for you, remember that your child needs you! Love for your child will overcome everything! Believe in God, hope in Him and know that He will never leave you!


Friends, the Zalikashvili family really needs the help of kind people! We cannot remain indifferent and not help them! Let's pray for little Nato! All together let’s ask the Lord so that the baby's life to continue! The girl needs medications, hygiene products and a special wheelchair to survive! Help her to survive!

Friends, you can visit them and provide all possible help to the Zalikashvili family. Their address is: Tbilisi, Kukia, 2 Larekhi Turn.

Friends, Chernovetskyi Charity Fund starts charity campaign to help the Zalikashvili family. Please repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else's trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

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(Purpose: the Zalikashvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals.Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link:

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