"Lord, don't take my son away from me!" - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"Lord, don't take my son away from me!"

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May 27, 2019
6 year-old child, Teimuraz Shalamberidze, has been paralyzed for 4 years.
Charity number:
$ 789.3
( 161 Donors )
Project completed!

6 year-old child, Teimuraz Shalamberidze, has been paralyzed for 4 years. He suffers terribly from a terrible brain disease, and his mother and father are suffering as they realize the helplessness in front of the disease of their child. But they are so poor that often cannot afford buying the necessary medication!
     Damn poverty! The father and mother of the sick child are socially unprotected! Their total income is miserable!
Take a good look at this photo, dear friends! Look at the terrible poverty, and most importantly at the state of this little angel! His life is in danger! He's hanging by a thread!!! Let's not let the thread tear! Every life is from God. And children, both healthy and sick, are His angels on earth. They were given to us to care for them and to love them as much as we love our own kids. After all, there is no such notion as other people's children! 
We talked to the mother of Teimuraz – Maka Kuchava – and asked to share her problems and concerns. On her behalf we also sent a request to the Deputy of Georgian Parliment, Mr... who promised to take care of his voters during the elections in this constituency. 
– What is your son's diagnosis and at what age was the disease detected? 
Maka: Teimuraz grew up as a normal kid; there was no abnormal pain in the head. When he was 3 years old, suddenly he got a headache. We took him to the hospital, and there they found a cyst. Since that day the child has undergone 8 operations, but there are no improvements yet. The head has deformed badly, and the brain fibers are damaged. The body is practically paralyzed. He also often suffers from epileptic seizures. Doctors say that a new operation is needed, but they are not able to determine the exact degree of surgery.
 – How much money per month do you need to buy medicines? 
Maka: About 500 lari per month. We also need to buy diapers and special food. We are poor people, so we had to mortgage the house and to sell our valuables. We could not leave the child to fend for himself!
What's your family income? 
Maka: I receive a pension for the child in the amount of 200 lari. But we get only 100 lari, as I have taken some part of the pension in advance. The family is all unemployed. And still I need to feed the second child who is a year and 4 months old...
–Where is your husband now? 
Maka: Today there was a one-time work. He was offered to paint the fence, and he ran like a restless. You know, he had a good job as a painter, but lost it, because he had to stay in Tbilisi clinic for months and look after the child.
– Are you a socially viulnerable family? 
Maka: No, we are not. The Social Service Agency said that we had a car and the status of socially vulnerable family could not be awarded. But we can't live without a car! Several times a month we take the child to massage treatments, and without a car it would be very bad. 
–How does the municipality of Kutaisi help you? 
Maka: Once a year it allocates funds for medicines – 200 lari. In addition, they systematically pay for the massage treatments.
– In families with a seriously ill child it often happens that they even do not dream of having another baby. But you took that step! 
Maka: I was sure that the birth of a brother or sister would help Teimuraz to develop and not to feel lonely. Fortunately, Anastasia was born. You know, it gave me extra energy to take care of Teimuraz! 
– What do you need most at the moment? 
Maka: Medicines and hygiene items for my boy, as well as food. We don't need anything else but keeping my son healthy! 
– Is this your cherished dream? 
Maka: My dream is for my children to be healthy and happy. Every time before going to bed I stand at the icons and pray to the Lord for the health of my son; I beg Him to take pity and grant recovery to Teimuraz. As a mother, my soul aches for all the children who are sick and suffer. Lord, why are they punished so bad?! Please don't take my boy away from me!  
Friends, every Christian should help those who are near. Our actions towards the close ones are especially valuable. Actions directed not towards our son or grandson, who we naturally love, but to the one who is in need. This is what counts for the Eternity!
Let's support little Teimuraz, let us show mercy, favor his recovery and make it easier for the parents to care for him! We must all realize that if we do not help the child now, tomorrow it will be too late! You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. This is their address: Kutaisi, 1 Davitashvili St., deadlock No.1, tel.: 555453456, 555578301.
And if you have no time to visit little Teimuraz but you are willing to help him them you can transfer money to our Fund account: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Teimuraz Shalamberidze). You can also transfer money from our website.
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).
We report for each spent tetri in detail in the next post about this family!
The wider our hearts are open for good, the more deserving we will enter to the gates of Paradise.

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