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Our children – winners of the contest in Georgian language

The Charity Fund “Social Partnership” manages a family type home in Tbilisi
and an orphanage in Kobuleti. The main goal of the Fund is to raise children
right, in order to bring up sound, healthy, educated and hard-working
generation. The Fund pays special attention to education. Except going to
school the children are additionally taught other subjects: Georgian language
and literature, mathematics, English, Russian.

Not long ago four children from family type home participated in the contest
of the Georgian language and literature; they successfully passed the first
round, the second round and moved to the third round. Only few children could
pass the second round successfully and the best of them received diplomas, among
them were our children who are the members of the best schoolchildren of

In Kobuleti orphanage there are successful children as well; Sopho received
a diploma for performing her work in the best way.