Dear friends – meet Grandma Butsa – a 90-year-old Georgian woman, kind-hearted and proud as ever! She is so sweet! She has spent her long life caring for countless people in Georgia, giving her warmth and kindness without ever asking for anything in return. But now, as the sun sets on her life, she wonders if it will rise for her tomorrow… And today, she dreams of a bowl of meat soup—it even came to her in a dream last night.
She was born before the Second World War. Despite the hardships, she had a happy childhood. In 1935, there were no phones, no tablets, no fancy clothes. People read books by candlelight, knitted, and gathered in the evenings to cook and share meals together. Life was difficult, but love, warmth, and kindness filled every home. This is the world in which Butsa grew up.
As a young girl, she dreamed of having a big family. Do you know how she imagined her old age? Sitting by the fireplace, with her grandchildren climbing onto her lap, running her fingers through their tangled hair after playing outside. She would tell them Georgian fairy tales – her voice getting softer and softer as their little eyes started to close. And one by one, she would carry them to bed, tuck them under a warm blanket, and kiss them goodnight.
But nearly a century has passed, and that dream never came true. Grandma Butsa has no children, no grandchildren.