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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

They need your help and very, very urgently!

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Ill children


Such a tragedy would never happen to a child in any civilized country – but in Georgia, it seems as though no one cares about the struggles children face. Little Liliana was born completely healthy, but at the age of four, a nearly fatal virus struck her. A nightmare! Now, six-year-old Liliana has the mental and physical development of a four-year-old. She weighs only 14 kilograms. A perfectly healthy child was struck by a terrible virus, and this nightmare turned her life upside down. Her only chance for recovery is treatment abroad. But her mother, a single parent battling a malignant tumor, has no means to help her child. She can only hope for the kindness of compassionate people like you!

This is six-year-old Liliana. She was born completely healthy, and her single mother adored her.  Even though they struggled financially, their home was filled with joy because Liliana was healthy. Health is the greatest wealth in life.

On her fourth birthday, despite their hardships, her mother managed to buy ingredients for a homemade cake.  That evening, a happy Liliana blew out her candles. She welcomed her fourth year with excitement, never knowing that it would also bring devastation to her family.

One morning, Liliana woke up with a high fever. She was shaking, her throat hurt, and she was so weak she couldn’t even get out of bed. “Oh, it must be that awful virus,” her mother thought, and rushed to the pharmacy with the few coins she had. But who could have imagined that this “awful virus” would turn Liliana’s life into a living nightmare? The angelic little girl developed uncontrollable epilepsy.





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Ill children


Living through hell on earth!  A deadly case of scoliosis is about to take the life of young Mariam – it’s crushing her, suffocating her! During severe seizures, she struggles to breathe, and every single day could be her last. The only way to save her is an urgent surgery abroad!

Mariam’s scoliosis is pressing harder and harder on her lungs each day – sometimes completely cutting off her oxygen supply. The pain she endures is unbearable. She can’t sleep, she can’t stand up, she can’t even turn over in bed. 

Her ribcage is becoming more deformed with each passing day, and no painkillers can ease her suffering anymore. Her parents are praying on their knees for just one thing: to get her abroad for the surgery that could save her life. But where can a nearly destitute family find such a huge amount of money? If we waste any time, it will be too late. 

Lika, mother (37 years old): “I’ve been carrying my daughter in my arms for 18 years, and I will carry her for as long as I live… but I’m running out of strength.

She is 18 now – the best years of a girl’s life. Sometimes dark thoughts creep into my mind, making me wonder if God has forgotten some of us. But I immediately pray, because I know thinking that way is a terrible sin. I believe that in moments like these, God gives us all a chance – to defeat the devil through kindness and compassion!

Mariam was born with microcephaly—her skull developed abnormally, leaving no room for her brain to grow. 





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Older people living alone


Ninety-year-old Grandma Butsa shared her final wish with the Fund’s reporter: “My dear, I just want to have a bowl of meat soup.” Sigh… The sun is setting slowly… How could we ever forgive ourselves if 90-year-old Grandma Butsa leaves this world without fulfilling her last wish?  One day, we will grow old too…

Dear friends – meet Grandma Butsa – a 90-year-old Georgian woman, kind-hearted and proud as ever! She is so sweet! She has spent her long life caring for countless people in Georgia, giving her warmth and kindness without ever asking for anything in return. But now, as the sun sets on her life, she wonders if it will rise for her tomorrow… And today, she dreams of a bowl of meat soup—it even came to her in a dream last night. 

She was born before the Second World War. Despite the hardships, she had a happy childhood. In 1935, there were no phones, no tablets, no fancy clothes. People read books by candlelight, knitted, and gathered in the evenings to cook and share meals together. Life was difficult, but love, warmth, and kindness filled every home. This is the world in which Butsa grew up.

As a young girl, she dreamed of having a big family. Do you know how she imagined her old age? Sitting by the fireplace, with her grandchildren climbing onto her lap, running her fingers through their tangled hair after playing outside. She would tell them Georgian fairy tales – her voice getting softer and softer as their little eyes started to close. And one by one, she would carry them to bed, tuck them under a warm blanket, and kiss them goodnight.

But nearly a century has passed, and that dream never came true. Grandma Butsa has no children, no grandchildren. 





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Ill adults


Elza (41 years old): “Please tell all the friends of the Fund in Georgia that I can’t bear this terrible pain any longer. With each passing day, it gets harder to breathe, and on top of that, diabetes is taking its toll on me. Our family has no money, but I need to follow a strict diet prescribed by my doctor.”

Elza’s life is nothing but suffering.  She was born with a severe form of scoliosis. Her spine is so badly twisted that the constant pain makes her vision go dark, crushes her lungs, and leaves her gasping for air.

A massive hump on her back makes it difficult to sleep, breathe, or walk.

Elza (41 years old): “I can’t take this pain anymore. I didn’t sleep a single minute last night! What did I do to deserve this suffering since birth? Why is God punishing me like this?”

Despite her condition, Elza sleeps on an old, collapsing couch. All night long, she moans in agony. Painkillers don’t help, and she can’t afford to see a doctor.  Her only income is a disability allowance and her mother’s small pension. But it’s nowhere near enough for treatment.

Elza: “If I don’t take my medication on time, I could die. But at this point, I’m not even afraid of hell after death—because I’m already living in it!”

As if her spinal disease weren’t enough, Elza also has diabetes. She’s run out of test strips to monitor her blood sugar, and she has no money for medicine. Just a few days ago, she collapsed and was unconscious for a long time. You know what that means. Her biggest fear is slipping into a coma and never waking up again.





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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

Check out the stories of those you’ve already helped! But let’s not forget for a moment, friends, that the lives of these unfortunate children and elderly continue!

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Ill adults

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A Heroine of the Abkhazian War, who carried dozens of mortally wounded soldiers off the battlefield under fire and shrapnel, now receives just 45 lari from the state and lives like a stray dog!  Shame, shame, shame!

The War in Abkhazia More than 10,000 Georgian civilians lost their lives. Approximately 10,000 were wounded or maimed, and over 300,000 Georgians were forcibly expelled from their homes in Abkhazia by separatists. At just 20 years old, Lika bandaged wounds and stopped the bleeding of soldiers during the Abkhazian War. She never left the bodies of fallen soldiers on the battlefield.  Risking her own life, she carried them out so their parents could at least have a grave to bury their sons. This brave young woman is now a widow. She has no home, no food, and no money for medicine. She lives in the same conditions as a stray dog. This horrifying building, once a tuberculosis clinic, is now her home.  There’s no electricity, no heating, no windows. The walls are rotting from dampness.  Lika, a hero who saved so many lives and fought for the unity of her homeland, now resides in this terrible place. Even in the homeland she fought to protect, there wasn’t a single decent room for Lika. Left without shelter, she was forced to seek refuge in an abandoned building still infested with tuberculosis bacteria known to science for centuries. These rooms, once occupied by tuberculosis patients battling for their lives, are now the only place this heroic woman can call home. Oh, God, it is so terrible!
Even worse, Lika is seriously ill. She underwent heart surgery, but her condition remains critical, requiring ongoing treatment. She has no money for bread, let alone medication. She also has a large uterine cyst that needs urgent removal, or it will develop into a tumor.





Smile, friend, and be happy!
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