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“I found God in the found”

Irina Terashvili 52-year-old cheerful employee of the Chernovetsky Fund. She is a happy mother and a young grandmother, but in her life two years ago a grief happened that practically broke her. She became a widow. Her words, she “went through hell.”
Irina is the chief cook in the kitchen of the Foundation, she loves to cook and loves when someone eats her dish and every time with awe in her heart waiting for her to like it or not. She came to the foundation recently, but immediately became part of our large family and the favorite of the beneficiaries. Her smile is probably the most honest and sincere, and in order to make her smile there is no need for a drop of effort. She will give it to you just like that.
After the death of her husband, she was deeply depressed; her relatives and friends helped her survive this grief. It seemed impossible to cope with such a test, but she found strength in herself only after she realized that she could help others, as well as help and support her, bring good into this world and continue to live by the grace of the Lord. Irina feels in seventh heaven with happiness when she sees those in need who are full of the food she cooks for them, when she knows what she is doing the great God pleasing thing – feeding the hungry! Jokingly, she mentioned that she is not quite sure for whom she does it more, for herself or for others. But after all, this is the essence of charity, doing good to find happiness.
“My job. This was my second breath. I am a Christian and I believe that God is good and to do good means to approach the Most High.
– in my life, probably nothing has changed – even the pain that I suffered. It sounds strange, but after all, all the will of God and it means it was destined to happen. Maybe, without this test, I would never have come here, I do not know. The ways of the Lord are mysterious … I do not want to change anything, I have no right. “
To do good is not difficult at all. All that is needed for this is to be sincere and in fact benevolent towards each person.
Friends, if you want to help the beneficiaries of our charity canteen, you can transfer funds to the account of our Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Free Dining) or pay from our foundation website /? utm_source = facebook & utm_medium = post & utm_campaign = infopost
You can also transfer money from NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. In the “Charity” section, find our foundation.
“When you make a feast, call the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed that they cannot return to you, for you will be rewarded at the resurrection of the righteous” (Luke’s Gospel).