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“Let’s appreciate each other’s life and feelings!”

One of the most important activities of our Foundation is “Home care”. Home care for those who are unable to survive without outside help – these are the people we help! These are lonely weak old people, children with congenital pathologies and young people, to whom fate was unfavorable and by chance they were bedridden.
The Administrator of the Home Care Program, Dali Zandukeli, has been with the Foundation for the sixth year. And before that, she worked as a doctor in medical institutions; Dali sought to help people all her life, but with the arrival at the Foundation, as our colleague noted in an interview, her life changed dramatically.
– Dali, why did you come to the Foundation? What is charity for you?
– It’s hard to say for sure. Charity is, above all, with nothing, in its significance, an incomparable good deed. And you begin to understand this from the first days of work in the Fund. Giving back in the form of words and even tears of gratitude is so powerful that it gives strength to all who work here. Work in the Foundation turned my worldview. Truly the main values ​​of life, in daily haste, we remain invaluable. And most importantly – it is the life, health, love and care of loved ones.
– Dali, how do you help the beneficiaries of the Home Care program?
– Today, our employees provide home care for more than 500 beneficiaries. These are those who are bedridden or unable to leave the house. They are visited by our doctors and nurses. The duties of our medical staff include assistance, carrying out various procedures at home. What kind of care the beneficiary needs is prescribed by the Foundation doctor. Social workers work in our profile with our wards. For these frail people left without the support of people, our specialists often become the only connection with the outside world.
– Dali, what do you think, why do people start doing charity work?
– Working in the Fund, you understand that only a good heart can move a person to an act of charity. Judge for yourself how many rich people in Georgia, and many of you know, who donates to those who need help? Of course, there are a lot of people who want to remain incognito, but there are a lot of deaf people too. Leonid Chernovetsky is an example of rare kindness and compassion. It is difficult for me to choose words to describe the meaning of what he does for our beneficiaries.
– What would you like to say to our readers?
– I can only say one thing – let’s do good, appreciate the lives and feelings of each other, and then believe me, a lot will fall into place.
Charity is the inner need of everyone to help their neighbor! The founder of our foundation, Leonid Chernovetsky, annually allocates 6 million lari to support various programs implemented by the Foundation!
Friends, the doors of our Foundation are open to all who want to lend a helping hand to our beneficiaries, support them in word and deed!
You can make a contribution to our account: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Home care). You can also transfer funds through our website
You can transfer money from the terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the “charity” section, find our Foundation.
True mercy is the desire to benefit other people!