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Thank you for sympathy and support!

Friends, we are immensely pleased that the activities of our Foundation are supported by hundreds and even thousands of people and the number of good-hearted, those who are not indifferent to the fate of the disadvantaged, is growing every day! Every contribution, even the smallest – is a pledge of salvation for dozens of beneficiaries! We appreciate the support of each of you!
It is gratifying to see that all new companies and organizations join the noble cause of helping one’s neighbor every day. Of course, they have the opportunity to provide major financial assistance to help solve most of the problems of the beneficiaries overnight. And there are already dozens of such benefactors – partners of the Foundation! Companies help with things, medicines, hygienic means, acquire household appliances, and, very importantly, in most cases, organizations undertake the monthly provision of seriously ill beneficiaries with everything they need!
We want to thank our partners:
– The Together for the Neighborhood Foundation, the organization constantly purchases medicines, hygiene products and diapers for the hundred beneficiaries of the Home Care program!
– The Kron Palace Hotel has taken care of the purchase of medicines, hygiene products and diapers for the 15 beneficiaries of the Home Care Program!
– The Ardza Foundation also joined the Home Care program. The fund pays for the purchase of expensive medicines, hygiene products, diapers, essential things!
Dozens of letters come to the address of our Foundation with gratitude for the assistance provided, for a chance to save! It is impossible to list them all, but we would like to quote excerpts from some letters.
“Mrs. Ketevan!
I want to express to you my gratitude and respect for the noble cause that you and, in your person, the Kron Palace Hotel, are carried out together with the Chernovetsky Foundation, for the way you help seriously ill, unhappy and rejected people! Thanks for the sympathy and support! You helped me and my daughter, who is in a difficult, unconscious state! You eased our position, gave hope! It is a great happiness that there are such kind people as you!
Regards, Nelli Hermesashvili “
“Mr. Ayeti,
My psychological and economic condition and my son Gimsher Mchedlishvili are immensely heavy. Your sympathy, attention and help do not measure anything! With great respect, I want to thank you and the Ardza Foundation headed by you for your support during the most difficult moments of our life with my son!
Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you all the best! May God protect you!
Sincerely, Natela Mchedlishvili. ”
These letters reflect the real fate, the real stories of people who find themselves in the most difficult, unbearable conditions!
They need our help, without this they cannot survive, they cannot cope with problems!
Thanks to you, the support and the opportunity to live fully have already received dozens of beneficiaries! And it is in our power to make the number of people you save grow!
The transfer can be made to the account of the Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (Assignment: Home care) or pay directly from the Foundation’s website
You can donate money from the fast payment terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Go to the “charity” section and select our foundation.