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Regular payments function is available

“March is a month of goodness and charity”

Friends, how are we? We are glad that in our country there are kind people who stand next to the kids who are deprived of parental care, people who help sick and lonely old people. Our Foundation never gets tired of thanking them! It is to you that we report on every lari spent! We show by our deeds that we can be trusted! This is the most important thing for us! Each of us at least once in our life committed good. This is a small word, and a great deed that saves lives. Yes, let’s not be shy, this word – we save the lives of all forgotten people, and you, good people, friends, support us in this and help!
Friends, if you want to help our most miserable and disadvantaged countrymen, you can transfer funds to the account of our Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: day center). You can also donate an amount directly from our website
You can also transfer money from NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. In the “charity” section, find our foundation.
Do not miss the chance to do good!