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The little beneficiaries of the Fund found themselves in a wonderland

The little beneficiaries of the Fund found themselves in a wonderland

If up until now, the little beneficiaries of the Fund thought that the kind heroes of fairy tales existed only in books and cartoons, they now know that these heroes exist in real life. The entertainment center for children and adults, “Penguins,” is a place where one can embark on a magical journey, meet favorite fairy tale characters, play a lot with them, and most importantly, see, that good triumphs over evil not only in stories but also in real life.

The “Penguins” entertainment center made the dreams of more than 20 children-beneficiaries of the Chernovetskyi Fund come true. Look, this is a magical world! The kind characters of the fairy tale befriended our little ones, and now they are traveling together through the wonderland. The sad eyes of the children now shine with happiness. It’s as if all the stars lit up in them at once.

Look at the shining eyes of this little angel.

“I met the hero of my dream fairy tale. I can’t believe it.”

“Penguins” did not forget about Taso’s birthday.

“I have never felt so good!  This is a true magical world!”

Mariam (13 years old):  “I heard about ‘Penguins.’ My peers sometimes celebrate birthdays and other holidays here. From them, I learned that this is a magical world, and I dreamed that one day I would find myself here. And now my dream has come true. I will never forget this day. I don’t remember the last time I was so happy.”

The children cannot hide their emotions. From today, “Penguins” will be associated with a magical world for them. The warmth and care of the entertainment center staff did not go unnoticed by our smart children. They need this more than anything. These angels did not forget to thank the entertainment center staff. A drawing made by the small hands and big hearts of the Fund’s little beneficiaries will now decorate the magical space of “Penguins.”

A painting made by the young beneficiaries of the Fund as a gift for “Penguins.”

The students of the Georgian-German School “Skhivi” made this day even more special. The young philanthropists of the school actively care for the beneficiaries of the Chernovetskyi Fund and, most importantly, extend a hand of friendship to them.

The Chernovetskyi Fund awarded the young benefactors of the Georgian-German School “Skhivi.”

Ayshe (16 years old): “In my opinion, what these children need most is warmth and love. The children at my school want us to be their friends. Our teachers support us too.”

The Fund’s beneficiaries and the students of the “Skhivi” School.

Our children also received gifts.

At “Penguins,” they also enjoyed some treats.

The children from low-income families will remember this day for the rest of their lives. In addition to taking them on a journey to a magical world, “Penguins” also discovered that the young beneficiaries of the Fund possess special talents. Some have a talent for singing, others for dancing, and some even have acting talents. Who knows, perhaps in the future we will see one of these children on the big screen.


Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia #GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank #GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank #GE42LB0115113036665000.

(Purpose: Holiday event for children)

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

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We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life:  0901200270!  God bless you!

Corr.: Nini