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Ill adults
Friends, Murman needs long-term rehabilitation. But the family, now without their only breadwinner, has no money for this. They’re surviving on social allowance and disability payments, barely enough to cover his medications and essentials like adult diapers. Murman’s wife doesn’t even have the money for a taxi to take him to therapy. It may seem like someone who’s bedridden doesn’t need much, but in reality, the opposite is true. Every month, Murman needs medication, special care supplies, and an anti-bedsore mattress. His wife is at his side 24/7 and can’t work, so she’s unable to meet all these needs alone. Your support is crucial! Your prayers mean so much. Let’s wish Murman strength and his wife patience and love, because love can work miracles. May God bless you!
Large families
The worst part is that the children suffer here! They not only breathe air poisoned by mold but also endure the air of disdain among their peers and certain teachers at school! Shorena (the mother) How can I explain to the teacher that I can’t afford to buy a computer for my child? That I will never be able to save up for one in my lifetime? And she says, “Everyone managed to do it, so can you.” It’s so cruel! When you don’t have money, everyone looks down on you, doesn’t consider you a human being… Nino (13-year-old): Many children tease us, flaunting their new things and giggling. And we have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just recently, we all had a fever, and my mom couldn’t even afford to buy us medicine. – Shorena, from the moment I entered your house, I had only one thought: how do you live here? Shorena: If you can call it living… We’re just trying not to die here. Holding on as long as we can. But our strength is running out. Everything went haywire after my husband’s dea
Mariam miraculously survived a horrific car accident. It was a fateful taxi ride, and another car crashed into theirs at high speed. Two people died on the spot, and doctors can say they pieced the young woman back together. Most of her vital organs were damaged, and she had to have her spleen and gallbladder removed. Look at these horrific photos from the accident scene! Mariam says she is under God’s protection—how else could she have survived? But another blow awaited her: doctors discovered tumors in Mariam’s spleen. She endures excruciating pain that worsens every day, yet she holds back her tears. The family lives in extreme poverty, relying solely on social allowance. There is no money for medications or exams.
Ill children
If you want to curse a man, just tell him: “I wish your children were sick. And that’s it – he’ll be the most miserable person on the planet. “I don’t know how I find the strength to live, how I manage not to go crazy.” I think God gives strength to mothers who have sick children. I have two sons and both are sick. Gabriel, 5, and Lasha-Giorgi, 18-month-old. Gabriel has cerebral palsy – he can’t move or do anything on his own. Every month we lie in the hospital or in a rehabilitation center, and Lasha-Giorgi, a martyr, has been in an intensive care unit since birth, hooked up to machines. I haven’t even taken him in my arms, haven’t hugged him. He probably thinks he doesn’t have a mother.”
“I am dead, but there is only one difference between a dead man and me: I am not yet lying in a cold grave, I have not yet been covered with black earth. I’ve been chained to my bed for over 20 years, I can’t move my legs, I can hardly move my arms, but I still can’t get used to this state! I dream all the time that I walk, swim in the river, play football with my friends, but when I open my eyes, I try to move my leg and arm, but can’t do anything … It hurts me to realize that it was just a dream. I feel dreary – as if a big ball gets stuck in my throat and suffocates me. It feels like I had become a hostage of my body,” says 50-year-old Mamuka Solomnishvili. Tears come to the man’s eyes. He tries to hide them, but you still hear despair in his every word.
Low-income families
Примите боль этих несчастных всем сердцем! Ведь им не прожить без нашей заботы, без нашей помощи! Они тихо умрут, даже не понимая, отчего умерли! Чиновники, которые не считают их людьми и такими же гражданами Грузии, как остальных, сами не знают, что с ними случится завтра!Все деньги, что мы во имя Господа нашего соберём на их содержание, пойдут на помощь этим несчастным! Предлагайте, друзья, чем помочь этим несчастным? Можем распределить помощь на ближайший год и помогать им продуктами и медикаментами. Что ещё можем сделать? Но на все нужны деньги! И немалые! Мы будем раз в три месяца отчитываться перед вами, друзья, о положении семьи на текущее время! Бог всем в помощь!
Older people living alone
68-year-old Rose Marsawa had a heart failure due to constant heartache and miserable existence.
“Come to eat!” – these are the most terrible words in life for 8-year-old Gio and 3-year-old Gaby… The mouth starts to feel so disgusting that it immediately makes you sick… Oh, these damned noodles never end!
Little Mari cannot do without her mother for even a minute. Her mom is so cozy, why let her go? You can pinch her cheeks, bury your face in her chest, climb on her, and hug her. You can hold her by her housecoat while she does something incomprehensible. The little one does not know that her mother is thinking about suicide, she dreams of dying. And if it happens so that her mother’s dark thoughts win, she will no longer have anyone to hold. Marikuna with the face of Miss Universe and her sister of unprecedented beauty – the newborn Khatia, do not know how close they are to the edge of the abyss.
Adopt the parent!
Look at this wooden hut. Even cattle would be spared and would not be allowed to spend the night here. However, unfortunately, it is not cattle that live here, but these five angelic children. At the slightest breath of wind, the house rocks like a cradle. Before going to bed, the children ask God for the morning to come for them. At this age, children think about toys. In the Khachiperadze family, the only concern of the children is to save their own lives. These brick walls were built with the help of the local government for the Khachiperadze family (Baghdad Municipality, Obcha village). However, there are only walls here. No floor, no windows. The children’s mother, Inga Samadalashvili, who is raising five children all by herself, is embarrassed to ask kind people for help, although she has a great desire to do so. Before leaving, the five little angels, with tears in their eyes, addressed the Fund’s correspondent – “Auntie, Mom has no money to finish building this house. If kind people help us, to make at least just the ceiling and the floor, we promise that when we grow up and work, we will repay these people with kindness.”
There are five little children in the Bagalishvili family. The sixth is about to be born. Four children are sick. Not helplessly yet. But they’ll become soon. When there is no money to buy them food or clothes, it is in no way possible to carve out funds for a doctor, for tests, for the trip to the hospital, for medications. The monthly social allowance is enough either for flour and cheap food, or for the treatment of one child. Mom Nunu (35 years old) told me about these terrible things. And I try to imagine what a choice she faces every day. “It feels like they gave me a gun and said: “Choose who to kill.” If you want to treat Tamara and Tengo – Temuri, Tika and Tornike will starve to death. And if you want your children to be well-fed (actually “well-fed” – this is too strong word), then it will be impossible to treat them. Something like that”. Have you ever faced such a choice? What would you choose? Please advise!