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Such a small object – yet it holds an entire world within it!



One call saves life!

Phone number:


Price (Keep in mind):

1 call - ₾2 GEL

Mobile providers

Mobile provider
Mobile provider
Mobile provider

Help! Send SMS


You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL


Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Me, my mother, and sister need mobile phones so much! It does not matter if the phones are ugly. We stay with our brothers, and if we don’t call our mother, they may die! So that my mother could call me at any time! They can’t die! We will cure them!

Temuri: When my brothers David and Deme cry, I have only one dream – so that they get well. I would like to ask for toys for them, but they do not need them. I’m sad, but I have to ask for medications and treatment for them. Help them to make my family happier. When I grow up, I will become a policeman, and I will take care of them myself, and do everything.

– Won’t you ask anything for yourself?

Temuri: Only after the kids. Can you find a doctor for them?

– We will certainly do it.

Temuri: Mom often needs help with the kids, and sometimes I’m not at home. If I had my mobile, she would have called me, and I would have come back immediately. Don’t worry, I won’t be on my phone for hours. I don’t have that much time.We have a different situation at home due to illness of children. But, if Dato and Demi are fine, I will talk to my classmates on the mobile phone, listen to music, watch interesting videos. Maybe I’ll make a video.

– What else do you dream about?

Temuri: I want to see the sea someday and breathe in the sea air; run along the shore and see live seagulls.

In case I don’t see the sea, I want a computer to at least look at the sea in my computer! And it would be also nice to have a bike. But most importantly, I want you to take care of my sister. She’s a girl. She needs to be beautiful – she needs a lot of things. I’m so sorry I can’t take care of her yet.

And I really want to go to karate. I’m a future cop. But you need so much money for that! I don’t ask my mother for anything. And I don’t like to ask. If you hadn’t asked me, I wouldn’t have said anything.

Take care of my sister! She needs so many things! She’s a girl!

Such a small object – yet it holds an entire world within it!

Smile, friends! Because it’s you who brought happiness to Temuri! His smile is directed personally to you!

Temuri: I always felt happy for other kids who had phones. And I was happy for them, but deep down, I felt a pang because I didn’t have such a magical device. I have no words to describe what’s happening in my heart right now! I thank everyone, everyone who considered me worthy of having such a phone! I’m grateful! I want to say a million thanks to everyone!

May 22, 2023
Mobile phone
Aug 31, 2023
fund overhead

Total expenses:



09.08.2023 00:00
08.08.2023 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
05.08.2023 20:00:00
Kind Heart
03.07.2023 12:48:54
'ირაკლი აფხაიძე
15.06.2023 20:00:00
'რევაზ ქამაშიძე
01.06.2023 20:00:00
'რევაზ ფუტკარაძე
01.06.2023 20:00:00
'საბა ფირცხალაიშვილი
01.06.2023 20:00:00
'დავითი მოსიაშვილი
01.06.2023 20:00:00
'თამარი ჭაბუკიანი
24.05.2023 20:00:00
'გიორგი წურწუმია
24.05.2023 20:00:00
'ქეთევან ინასარიძე
24.05.2023 20:00:00
'მაღლაკელიძე ნინი
24.05.2023 20:00:00
'ჭოლარია სესილი
24.05.2023 20:00:00
'ჯალაღონია პროკოფი
24.05.2023 20:00:00
ქველაძე ბექა
23.05.2023 20:00:00
ყაზიშვილი მიხეილ
23.05.2023 20:00:00
ყაზიშვილი მიხეილ
23.05.2023 20:00:00
'ფოფხაძე ბადრი
23.05.2023 20:00:00
'მალხაზ ჩაგუნავა
20.05.2023 20:00:00
'გიგა ჯაფიაშვილი
20.05.2023 20:00:00
'ნიკოლოზი ბლიაძე
20.05.2023 20:00:00
'ლევანი სახოკია
20.05.2023 20:00:00
'ნიკოლოზ გომელაური
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'ბიჭიკო ჟორჟოლიანი
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'ნიკოლოზ გომელაური
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'ხატია ხაჭაპურიძე
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'ჯონდო ქიტიაშვილი
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'ვასილ ჟღენტი
19.05.2023 20:00:00
'გიორგი ტყაბლაძე
18.05.2023 20:00:00
'უჩა ფუხაშვილი
18.05.2023 20:00:00
'მარიამ ალექსიძე
18.05.2023 20:00:00
'ხატია ედილაშვილი
18.05.2023 20:00:00
'ზაზა ელიზბარაშვილი
18.05.2023 20:00:00
'ელენე ნაწიფაშვილი
17.05.2023 20:00:00
'ანრი არეშიძე
17.05.2023 20:00:00
'სერაპიონ ლობჯანიძე
17.05.2023 20:00:00
'რატი ლაბაძე
17.05.2023 20:00:00
'ლევან ცხადაია
17.05.2023 20:00:00
'ნათია მიქაძე
17.05.2023 20:00:00
მირინაშვილი ირინა
20.12.2022 20:00:00
რევაზ კატუკია,
20.12.2022 20:00:00
'მრ. ანუჩა კაევკონგ
12.11.2022 20:00:00
'ჯუბა ბოლქვაძე
12.11.2022 20:00:00
Vera Chlaidze
11.11.2022 22:15:30
'მარიამ გაბუნია
11.11.2022 20:00:00
Kind Heart
10.11.2022 23:27:21
'მუჩიაური ხატია
10.11.2022 20:00:00
'თინათინ ცენტერაძე
10.11.2022 20:00:00
'ლელა ნადირაძე
10.11.2022 20:00:00
'მრ. ანუჩა კაევკონგ
10.11.2022 20:00:00
Kind Heart
04.11.2022 18:52:24
Elena Totladze
04.11.2022 16:22:50
ქებურია კახაბერ
02.11.2022 20:00:00



53 Donors

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53 Donors


They need your help urgently