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Birthday 13.05.2020
One call saves life!
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1 call - ₾2 GEL
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Bank of Georgia
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Anna-Maria (4 years old): I am the hungriest child, auntie! I have no food at home. Only stale bread and garlic. Do you like garlic? It is bitter, but when you have not eaten anything for a long time, it seems sweet. Will you bring me pasta, rice and eggs? I will thank you. My brother is luckier; he is still little and eats mom’s milk. Mom had an operation – her breast was cut off, and she only has one breast left. Now she feeds my brother with this one breast. I am ashamed to ask my mother for milk, I am already big. In addition, I would like to have new cool toys!
– What do you mean by “cool”?
Anna-Maria: Big and beautiful dolls, for example. I would comb their hair and dress them. True, I do not have any clothes myself. More precisely, I have clothes, but they are old and ugly. In addition, I want dresses like a princess.
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
Anna-Maria: Come here, let me hug you, my little doll! You’re so beautiful! You’ll be Anna-Maria, just like me! All the pretty girls are named Anna-Maria. I’m going to give you a ride on my new horse. Oh, did you bring all your friends too?
How adorable they’re – a teddy bear, a duckling, and a little dragon! You’ll all have your own names too. But wait, I need to open all the bags first!
Wow! Look at all these treats! So many yogurts! Look at this huge cheese! And such a big, plump chicken! Mom, mom, open the matsoni for me—I’m going to eat it right now!
And untie the bags with my clothes, mom! I have to try them on. Quick, help me button them up, mom!
Teona (smiling): Take the summer blouse, you’ll get too hot in the fall one.
Anna-Maria: I’m not too hot at all—look how beautiful I am!
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