Regular payments function is available

Learning process in family type home is in progress

learning process started at family type home and the private tutors resumed their
visits and give intensive lessons of English, Russian and Mathematics to the
children. As a result the children study very well at public school and get
good education. The Fund takes care that our pupils get education as well as food,
clothes and medical service of proper quality. For healthy lifestyle and
physical development the children go to gymnastics and dance classes.

to our ideology the role of a parent in a child’s upbringing is very important.
The goal of the Fund is to ensure happy childhood and a better future for
children. We do our best to give the children and their parents an opportunity to
communicate with each other and for that reason we invite the parents

Fund organizes joint excursions and picnics to improve relationship between the
children and their parent. It is significant for us that the children and their
parents maintain relations and to improve them as much as possible.