Regular payments function is available

Blind Nora “saw” warmth of your hearts.

Dear friends, you might remember,
that we started an action for blind, bed-ridden woman Nora Abutidze. Her story
and unbearable living conditions left no one indifferent. Kind people
transferred 1703 GEL on the account of our Fund for Nora Abutidze! With this
sum of money we could buy for her the things, she could hardly dream of and which
will make her life easier: a new comfortable armchair, a special chair –
toilet, a washing machine, a cooker, a heater, two sets of linens, a warn
blanket, pillows and food products.

Mrs. Nora was very happy for the
attention of strange people and when our employees visited her she couldn’t
help crying. She asked us not to make photos of her, because she didn’t want
that somebody saw her eyes full of tears.

Grandma Nora is thankful to all
strange people who took to heart her problems, showed their attention and consideration!

If you can help other beneficiaries
of our Fund, you may read their stories on the web-site, for support you can transfer the
money on the account of the Fund

GE15TB7194336080100003 (Destination: help for old people)

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