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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL
Anna-Maria is crying from the cold. Can you imagine what a mother feels when she sees her children freezing every single day from cold and hunger? It’s nearly impossible to stay warm in their crumbling home. Instead of window glass, they have plastic sheeting. And this while a blizzard has been raging for days in the Gori district. Friends, let’s remind you that the Chernovetskyi Fund continues to collect essential items for those in need. You can share your warmth with those who truly need it, and may God bless you for your kindness! Among those waiting for your help are our new wards: one-year-old Anna-Maria, 7-year-old Barbare, 12-year-old Gio, and 15-year-old Mariam. This winter, they have no warm clothing. Let’s come together to care for these wonderful children!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Four Georgian children are on the brink of being crushed by the roof of their own home! Let’s hurry, friends, and save this family from tragedy and injury!
Anna-Maria is crying from the cold. Can you imagine what a mother feels when she sees her children freezing every single day from cold and hunger? It’s nearly impossible to stay warm in their crumbling home. Instead of window glass, they have plastic sheeting. And this while a blizzard has been raging for days in the Gori district.
Snow falls directly into the house. The cold wind seeps in through the windows and under the doors.
Gio (12 years old): “It’s freezing cold. We can’t take it anymore. My little sister’s hands and feet are always cold. I feel so sorry for her. We desperately need warm shoes. By the time I walk to school through the snow, my feet are soaking wet because I don’t have winter boots.”
Barbare (7 years old): “It’s impossible to fall asleep at night. The wind blows through the broken windows, and even if I cover myself with two blankets, I can’t get warm. It’s warmer outside than in our room! We’re even scared to bathe at home because every time we do, we get sick.”
The roof isn’t just leaking—it almost does not exist. Rotten, damp beams are falling into the room. It’s dangerous! These four small children could be crushed by the collapsing roof at any moment.
Look at their ceiling— if you can even call it that. It’s just a sheet of plastic stretched under the roof, and it could tear at any time. See how much snow has piled up? It’s a ticking time bomb.
What unbearable poverty this little Georgian beauty lives in!
The only food the children could show our correspondent was stale bread. The hardest thing for any parent is to watch their child cry from hunger. Their mother has to buy groceries on credit and pay back the debt when they get their social allowance. She can’t go to work because she’s raising four children alone. She’s divorced, and while her ex-husband lives nearby, he doesn’t help them at all.
– Nino, how can we help you?
Nino, the mother (31-year-old): “First and foremost, the roof needs to be repaired before it falls on our heads. We need beds. We don’t even have a refrigerator, so food spoils quickly. Imagine having to throw out food when there’s already so little of it.”
At just 12 years old, Gio has had to grow up fast. As the only male in the family, he’s taken on the role of the eldest and protector. The boy doesn’t own a single toy. He doesn’t even think about playing but dreams of a set of tools and building materials so he can start repairing the house himself.
Nino: “The kids get sick so often. Each winter, they have pneumonia multiple times. God, how can I treat them? I don’t even have money for fever medicine. That’s why I turned to the Chernovetskyi Fund. I’m not asking for anything extravagant. I just want the basics—to have warmth in our home.”
And now, look at the beds the children sleep on! No comments!
Friends, let’s remind you that the Chernovetskyi Fund continues to collect essential items for those in need. You can share your warmth with those who truly need it, and may God bless you for your kindness!
Among those waiting for your help are our new wards: one-year-old Anna-Maria, 7-year-old Barbare, 12-year-old Gio, and 15-year-old Mariam. This winter, they have no warm clothing. Let’s come together to care for these wonderful children!
If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Gori Municipality, village Kvemokhviti.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000(Purpose: The Gvaramidze family).
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).
You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100. Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
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