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Report on assistance for the family of Vekua

Dear friends, the story of the large family with many children of Vekua,
who are under care of our “Chernovetskyi Charity Fund” left nobody indifferent (
After death of his wife, Ruslan takes care of 7 underage children. He cannot
work because he spends the whole day with his kids.

A lot of people supported this family and provided them with products,
clothes, toys and hygienic means. 2160 GEL were deposited on the account of the
Fund for the family of Vekua. With this money we bought a washing machine, so
that little Like didn’t wash clothes of her brothers and sisters by hand any
more. We also bought kitchen equipment, school supplies and products and we
fulfilled their longtime dream and bought a cow for them! Now they will always
have milk, yoghurt and cheese!

Dear friends! You can hardly imagine how happy you made these children!
They couldn’t even dream about such presents!

If you have an opportunity to help this family one
more time, you may deposit money on the account of the Fund GE15TB7194336080100003
and GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: family of Vekua) or direct on the web site
of the Fund

Together we can help the people in need and change their lives for the