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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

On behalf of all the staff at the Chernovetskyi Charity Fund, we want to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. Your kind hearts and generous donations have been a source of hope and support for those in need. Thanks to you, our friends, many lives have been saved, and numerous hearts have been touched by the light and warmth of your kindness.

On this sacred day, as we rejoice in the triumph of life over death, let us join together in giving thanks to each and every one of you. Your good deeds have brought us closer to each other and to God. May the brightness of the holiday fill your hearts with joy, peace, and blessings, and empower you for new accomplishments.

We love you, and we appreciate every effort you make to bring us closer to God and to a brighter future for our beloved Georgia!

Happy Easter!

With love and gratitude,

The Chernovetskyi Fund