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Leonardo DiCaprio – A Man Who Cares for Our Planet!
In September 2012, actor Leonardo DiCaprio became a UN Messenger of Peace. As part of this role, Leo promotes global efforts to preserve the planet’s climate. Experts believe human impact has significantly altered the climate, making global warming a reality that threatens natural disasters and catastrophes.
DiCaprio’s selection for this position was no coincidence: Leonardo is considered the foremost advocate for a “green” lifestyle among celebrities. The actor actively participates in animal rights campaigns. In 2010, at the Tiger Forum, he defended tigers, and a year later, Leo became a leader of the IFAW international campaign to protect elephants. Moreover, in 1998, Leo founded a foundation for wildlife conservation and building harmonious relationships between humans, animals, and the Earth’s flora. Leo dedicates not only his time and energy to his life’s work but also makes regular, substantial donations. For example, just a couple of weeks ago, the 40-year-old philanthropist donated $15 million to organizations protecting African wildlife and rainforests.