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Memorandum between the Ministry of Health Care of Georgia and the Charitable Fund Social Partnership

The Ministry of Health care of Georgia and the Charitable Fund Social Partnership signed two memorandums on May 21, 2013.

Memorandum on Large Family Allowance

According to the memorandum, Charitable Fund Social Partnership will pay a monthly allowance equivalent to 100 USD to each large family with 7 or more children.

The memorandum enters into the force on the date of signing. Families are chosen by our social partners. 

Memorandum on Home Care Project

According to the memorandum Charitable Fund Social Partnership undertakes obligation to continue and extend implementation of its project on home care, which assists bedridden citizens of Georgia who are not able to move independently.  Within the frameworks of the project on a daily basis, 270 patients receive  free medical service, medicines and necessary care products.