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Thank you, dear girls, for your kindness and charity!

you, dear girls, for your kindness and charity!

12th May is the International Nurses Day. On this day Florence
Nightingale was born, who founded the order of Sisters of Charity. It is such a
beautiful word, SISTER OF CHARITY… Just think of it. It perfectly well
explains the activity done every day by nurses of the Chernovetskyi Fund,
without holidays or days-off, for already five years! They take care of 600 patients
who live in unbearable conditions.

Our nurses are the kindest ones; they are communicative, noble and
kind-hearted. Certainly, high professionalism is obligatory for this
profession, but human factor is always on the first place!

As a sign of a profound gratitude and recognition, the Chernovetskyi
Fund arranged a holiday for our colleagues! They deserved it!

We are glad that you are our team! Thank you so much for taking the
pain of each patient close to your heart, thank you, dear girls, you are the only
hope and the meaning of life for our beneficiaries!

We would like to express profound gratitude to the companies which
helped to make this day unforgettable for them!

·  Kopala
Tskheti entertainment center provided us with a hall to arrange this festive

·  Yves Rocher presented its perfumed products
to our nurses.

·  Navne
network of shops presented hygiene products to the girls.

Tumanishvili Theater invited the Fund staff to watch a performance.

·  Digomi
2008 swimming pool gave its subscription certificates to the medical workers.

Edelweiss company cooked tasty snacks for the cocktail dinner.

·  Wine
Gallery company decorated the festive cocktail dinner with Kindzmarauli and
Tsinandali wines.

·  And
coffee and pastry shop Le Gato made this holiday especially festive and
distinctively tasty!