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Christmas buffet for the homeless

Julebord is the name of a traditional Swedish Christmas fest, where sausages, meatballs, boiled potatoes, herring salad, smoked salmon are served.

Kavian Firdousi, who spend several years in the street himself, decided to invite the homeless to a restaurant at the Stockholm railway station:

“There is no way for the homeless to celebrate Christmas the way other members of society do. We thus give them a human attitude, hope, love, and the opportunity to live on.”

According to the organizers and participants, the main thing here is not even the food itself, but live communication and a sense of unity, the feeling that you are not alone and that you are not forgotten.

“Julebord gives people hope. This is one of the most important Swedish Christmas traditions, in my opinion. It is very important to gather at the table, because Julebord allows you to meet each other, talk, chat. This is especially important for the homeless because they often feel lonely.”

“There are things you do every day, every week, every year. It is very important to have such a schedule in life. So, if you came to Julebord, it means that the new year will come soon – so, the life goes on, and everything is okay.”

The Christmas table, organized by Kavian Ferdowsi, lasts for an entire month. Among the volunteers helping him, there are also many former homeless people.