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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!
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Low-income families
By helping the poor, the sick and the unfortunate, you lend a helping hand not to them – but TO THE SON OF GOD! “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:35-36, 40)
Large families
In our beloved Georgia, many people are not just below the poverty line – They are in tremendous need! And the worst part is – they have no one to rely on except for us. If we don’t help, some will become lifelong incurable cripples, others will die, and still others will perish from unbearable suffering! Schoolchildren won’t attend school – they have nothing to put on! They lack basic gadgets! They’re alone – like in a wild desert – alone with sorrow and suffering! Social allowance in Georgia are lower than in many African countries! The country is emptying: no jobs, no future… Without us, friends! And we just have to give them a chance at life, to give them pride in the country, in its good people, who for thousands of years have historically helped all who have come to us!
Ill adults
Lamara is 92 years old. Look at her swollen, tear-filled eyes. This unfortunate, bedridden, elderly woman cannot buy eye drops to avoid going blind, which cost only 7 GEL. Lamara: “I’m lying here hungry, in a freezing house, my dear. I’m utterly exhausted. Eating even once a day is a blessing for me. I can’t move around on my own. My son and daughter-in-law take care of me, but they both have health issues and can’t work. We survive on my pension and social assistance. My son has had two spinal surgeries – he needs help himself. We have only one hope left—you, kind people!”
Sofio, Mom (38-year-old): “My husband is currently in prison. I reported him to the police for domestic violence. He tormented me and constantly beat me in front of the children. Now, I can’t go to work because there’s no one to take care of the little ones. I have to save on groceries just to pay the rent. Right now, the most important thing for me is to make sure my little angels have a roof over their heads and that they don’t end up on the street.” Make any donation right now. Support this family through their hard times and give them a chance at a life with less pain and more happiness, light, and kindness. The future of these wonderful children depends on you!
Look at this photo! For a moment, it might seem as though someone opened a grave and photographed someone long deceased. But 43-year-old Indira is still alive. Her heart still beats. But this young woman is being consumed alive by stage four cancer. Two years ago, while pregnant with her third child, she was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. She was operated on fifteen times in just a month and a half. God, it’s hard to believe. Since June, she’s been unconscious in intensive care.
Nana has already undergone 12 grueling chemotherapy sessions in Turkey, clinging to hope. But in just a few days, she needs to start her next round. According to Nana, the Ministry of Health has refused to fund her treatment. Where can the poor woman get money for that? The distraught woman says that the Ministry of Health denied her funding. But she has no money for treatment—how can she possibly go? Thank God that in Georgia, the sick and those in need have us—ordinary citizens of our country. The Lord sees everything, and in due time, we’ll have the chance to talk about who the Minister favors and why. We wouldn’t wish this kind of hardship on anyone in the Ministry! The distraught woman says that the Ministry of Health denied her funding. But she has no money for treatment—how can she possibly go? Thank God that in Georgia, the sick and those in need have us—ordinary citizens of our country. The Lord sees everything, and in due time, we’ll have the chance to talk about who the Minister favors and why. We wouldn’t wish this kind of hardship on anyone in the Ministry!
Before going to bed, little Mariam prays that it doesn’t rain, so that she doesn’t wake up again in a wet bed. “Waking up in a wet bed when it’s cold, is not very pleasant… Don’t even try that,” she says.
“You know, I almost died, that’s what my mother says! – ten-year-old Mateo complains. – Mommy bought some expensive syrup for me. It was delicious! But the bad thing is that because of me we ate only bread for three days. Maybe she should not have spent so much money on me? What do you think?”
The unfortunate cancer patient in two parts of the body, the mother of three beautiful daughters, Tinatin Gachechiladze, went to hell with her husband, Ernest, to quarantine painful hellish pains. Selling all the little things. Somehow lived …
Ill children
At Petra Hydrocephalus, wolf mouth, Down’s syndrome and a lot of congenital diseases.
Last year, the mother died of children, and recently the insidious disease deprived them of their father!
Family-style foster homes
It is bitter to recall the horrible times which have gone through the foster children of our small family-type homes.