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Ill children
Karina: “These are the exercises I do with my daughter every day. It’s our entire treatment! Sometimes, we don’t even have enough money for food! And I’m walking around in torn shoes myself!” “The problem is, I often suffer from terrible headaches too! But going for a consultation – there’s no money for that! And then I’m helpless… And my heart aches for my child!” How far is a mother willing to go for the health of her child? What sacrifices is she ready to make? How many days can she go without food, and how many years can she wear the same torn shoes, just to ensure her only joy isn’t deprived? And how long can she ignore her excruciating headaches that are killing her? “My daughter is my whole world. I have no one but her and we’re alone in this entire world! How we manage to survive – I don’t know. But perhaps God loves my Juliette and won’t leave us.”
Natalia, a true Georgian, faces all procedures with remarkable resilience! She’s so beloved by all the doctors at the Turkish oncology clinic that they pray for her recovery! The beauty of Georgian children is irresistible! Back off, you cursed cancer, leave the little one alone! She’s still far too young to endure such suffering! Natalia is only 1 year and 8 months old. But the entire staff at the renowned Turkish oncology clinic has already fallen in love with her. Poor thing, they found a tumor in her body that had clenched onto her spinal vertebrae like a relentless predator. Kiss your healthy children more often, friends! And remember, you’re the luckiest people in the world! Thank God, your child is healthy and doesn’t plead with you with beautiful eyes and tears to save them from terrible pain!
Large families
Thank you countless times for deploying large-scale help! Thanks to more than two thousands of your active responses to this story, much has been accomplished for the Kantelashvili family. The support has been amazing! Thank you very much, friends, from the whole team of the Chernovetskyi Fund! Among the unresolved issues is the fact that the family does not have a bathroom. Also they do not have a heater for winter. None of us wants Alexi to go back to scrap collecting. We can avoid this by continuing to help the family. Join the ranks of the project’s regular helpers! And if you’re feeling down about household problems or unresolved issues, take a second to look at our Facebook posts. Or better yet, call any of our beneficiaries and all your problems will seem unimportant compared to the problems of the person you came to help in the most difficult moment of his life.
Strands of her light hair were soaked with tears as the girl, tired from battling illness, lay on the hospital bed. Her name is Iamze. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, are now filled only with fear. “I have one last surgery ahead of me! The last one in my life!” sadly says 15-year-old Iamze. She so wants to live, to be friends, and to communicate with her peers! “Right now, I can’t go outside. I can’t go to school because if I even catch a simple virus, I’ll die! That’s why I’m sticking hearts on the wall of my house. What if God sees them?” Iamze: “The doctors promise that everything will be fine!” We so want to believe them, friends! But we think, it’s better to pray one more time! Because without God, no important task can be accomplished! And here it’s not just any task, but the matter of life and death of a good and kind girl!!!
Ill adults
Thirty-five-year-old Georgy had to undergo six surgeries in a year. Outsmarting death became his main occupation. Neither he nor the doctors understand how he is still alive. According to all medical rules and common sense, with cancer, severe internal bleeding, blood loss, and failure of vital organs, he should have been gone long ago. But his two little daughters, Nitsa and Anita, outsmarted both death and all the laws of science, and wrote a “new law” for their beloved father, under which he simply has no right to die. Even after everything he has been through! “Giorgi has been cheating death for a year now… the score is now 6:0 in Giorgi’s favor.”
I have always dreamed of becoming a military man, of defending the Motherland! God gave me this opportunity! But today the machine gun falls out of my hands! Bring me back to life! I must be on my feet and with my loving family! Only the thoughts of surgery in Turkey and a complete cure keep me in this world! And my wife Sofiko and my beautiful daughter give me strength to fight and live until the trip to Turkey. But when there’s no money for medication, I start having seizures, and I beg God to relieve me from this torment and take me to Himself! Forgive me for my weakness! But without medication while awaiting surgery, I feel nothing but excruciating pain!
Older people living alone
Blind, sick, and lonely, but very, very kind and good-hearted, 82-year-old grandmother Shura needs compassion and help! If we don’t lend a helping hand, friends, one day she will quietly pass away, and no one will know! Will we really leave her without assistance? Shura wouldn’t treat us this way! And after all, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. Shura: I sit here and think about how to get up and reach my bed… (Tears stream down the face of the blind old lady.) Give me your hand, help me get up. It’s good that you came, sometimes a whole day goes by, and there’s no one to talk to. I constantly need medications, dear, to stay alive. Nutritional supplements for my heart and brain, blood pressure medication, eye drops. I think I won’t even be able to stoke the stove anymore. I’ve become very weak. I’ll probably freeze this winter if the stove goes out, and no one comes to check on me in time. It would be good if I had a gas heater.
Teimuraz seemed to be tortured: they cut off his fingers one by one, then his entire foot, and then both legs… They don’t even torture like that in American horror films! Even the most dangerous prisoners. Teimuraz’s fingers were cut off first, then his foot, then one leg up to the knee, and finally his entire leg. Nine times he lay under the knife, and nine times a man with a heart condition had to say goodbye to his family, since each operation could have been his last! Natela (wife): We went through hell. For two years they tormented my husband, cutting off pieces of him. He has a bad heart and diabetes. And because of these damned anesthesia, his nerves deteriorated. I want to calm him down, but he gets even angrier. He was a healthy man, he always worked, and suddenly he found himself in a wheelchair. How can you not worry? Poverty and disease! Lord, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! And most importantly, medicine so much, but there is no money!
You won’t believe it, but I didn’t utter a single request, yet one day, a miracle happened! I stood by the pharmacy, gazing at medications that I couldn’t afford in a million years. Out of the blue, a striking young man noticed me, worn down by life, and it was as though he could sense my thoughts, the pain in my eyes! Without uttering a word, he took my hand, led me into the pharmacy, and purchased medicines worth 300 lari! I fervently pray that the Lord will forever remember his kindness! She thought her body was made of stone and her heart of ice, but even people like her can break! When the first stroke failed to break her, a second one happened to her and took away her power of speech and then the third one confined her to the bed. But being helpless for a lonely person is the same as being dead. Tina survived, stood up, and learned to speak again. ‘I won’t let this illness turn me into a rotting piece of flesh!’ she repeated every day.
Life for Eka is pain, suffering, and a constant trial for her soul. “The pain is getting worse with each passing day… It feels like thousands of nails being driven into my back simultaneously. Breathing is painful. My spine is so twisted that all my internal organs are deformed. I wonder how they are still functioning. To keep living and not die prematurely, I urgently need to undergo surgery. It will be like my second birth.” But with our income, I could never save up such an amount in three lifetimes. That’s why I addressed you. I know that God will send me the right people through you.’Eka has the most severe form of scoliosis, and her entire body is deformed. While this condition used to bring her only discomfort, now it slowly kills the girl. “This disease spared no one, and Eka is not an exception. People don’t die from scoliosis, but from the complications that accompany this disease. Eka finds it hard to breathe right now, and later, she won’t be able to eat… and what then?
I beg you! I don’t want to die of hunger and cold! Take care of me before a torturous death does its vile deed! “Will you help me? Will you bring me some food? I am so hungry! Won’t I freeze this winter? But maybe I won’t live until winter? I am very ill! What if something happens to me somewhere? Or if the dogs bite me? Or if I fall with my sick leg and breathe my last breath after so much suffering? Who will find me? Probably only crows will touch my lifeless body.” – Grandma Nana looks at us with fear and sobs like a child. Cunning epilepsy and brain diseases have forever kept her in a childlike state… If you only knew how tough it is for her and in what dreadful conditions this poor, sick child has to live. She needs our help the most right now.
Low-income families
In this so-called house, if you step on the ‘wrong’ spot, you might lose your leg. Only ruins remain from the former school. The building was in such a horrendous condition that authorities, fearing for the students’ lives, had to close the school. What a ‘touching’ concern for the students, right? But for one family, in the eyes of the local authorities, living in this building with two children is not a problem. One more or one less family in Georgia – is it such a big deal? They think it’s not a problem! But this is how they think – those without warm Georgian hearts! But not us, and not the 94,000 subscribers of the website. Friends, please subscribe, or we might lose not just this family – there are so few of us already!)