Poor, poor David… He is 46, yet like an infant – he cannot talk, cannot walk. He only crawls across the floor, dragging his unresponsive legs behind him. And he screams constantly from unbearable pain. He suffers terrifying epileptic seizures, several times a day. His brain is severely damaged. He no longer recognizes his own mother and father.
A stroke has left him completely helpless. His parents have become his hands and feet.
Avtandil (69 years old): “When my wife and I were younger, we carried him in our arms. But now we can barely walk ourselves and can’t lift heavy things. If something happens to us… who will take care of him?”
Avtandil is a grieving father, 69 years old, who has lost sight in one eye due to a damaged retina. His other eye is clouded by cataracts. His health deteriorates by the day. Yet he cannot even afford basic eye drops.
David urgently needs medication. Without it, he will not survive. But his elderly parents survive on a meager pension and cannot afford the life-saving treatment their son needs.
Avtandil: “Any help, no matter how small, would mean the world to us. We are grateful to anyone who hears our plea.”