Luka: It is warm at kindergarten; they give us food there and there are blocks. I can play with even one block.
– Do you have nothing at home?
Luka: At home there are only my older brothers, who fight, and little Nino, who cries all the time. It is cold there. I don’t like staying at home.
– You mom says you can’t go to the kindergarten now. Why?
Luka: I have no foot. How can I go there? (Luka means “footwear” He not only has no footwear or clothes – he literally has nothing. Well, he has some hand-me-down clothes from his older brothers. But shoes get torn on the boys’ feet. – ed.)
– I promise you, you will have warm “foot”, blocks, and lots of candies. Do you want anything else?
Luka: I want! I want a car that moves by itself, and my brother won’t take it away from me.
Friends, this child needs absolutely everything! He just does not yet understand that he is a representative of a proud, great and ancient nation. He is Georgian!
He needs almost everything! Price does not matter, let it be cheap, but he needs everything he never has seen. It is not right for child to grow with sense of inferiority. First of all, he needs clothes and shoes! You will remember this day forever if you take such a baby to the toy store! Let yourself enjoy that! Let him go to kindergarten and let him not be considered a social outcast. Sometimes children are so cruel because they don’t know life.