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When a beloved child screams, the heart of any mother breaks! And if four children are screaming?! And all of them are begging, pleading: ‘Mommy, why don’t you feed us?’ Can any heart endure that?

calendar June 16, 2022

One call saves life!

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“Quickly come in and press your ears tightly with your palms, because it will start now!” – Amiran, six years old, tells me. “It has already begun, that’s it! It’ll take a long time – get used to it,” – says Reziko, pinching his ears. Five-month-old Nino and three-year-old Luka cry in unison. Nino is hungry and Luka cries for company. “He just wants to cry,” – Amiran says, and leads his brother out of the room to calm him down and talk.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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When a beloved child screams, the heart of any mother breaks! And if four children are screaming?!  And all of them are begging, pleading: ‘Mommy, why don’t you feed us?’  Can any heart endure that?


“When another box of formula ends and Nino cries, I want to die, my heart breaks…”

“Quickly come in and press your ears tightly with your palms, because it will start now!” – Amiran, six years old, tells me. “It has already begun, that’s it! It’ll take a long time – get used to it,” – says Reziko, pinching his ears. Five-month-old Nino and three-year-old Luka cry in unison. Nino is hungry and Luka cries for company. “He just wants to cry,” – Amiran says, and leads his brother out of the room to calm him down and talk.
And eight-year-old Revaz is trying to calm his sister Nino. When she hungry and bitterly cries, only he can comfort her. While the elder brother explains to the baby that there is no food and their mother will bring it soon, the unfortunate mother rushes about like crazy trying to find, borrow, beg for money for another pack, which will last only three days. Or at least for yoghurt … The baby cannot yet have just a crust of bread, like her older brothers do.

While mom asks neighbors for money or begs for matsoni at the store, Nino stays with her older brother – only he can comfort her

– Natalia, how did you find yourself in such situation?
Natalia: That’s how we live. You saw everything! Children are crying from hunger. I never thought that I would have nothing to feed my children. I would endure everything, if only my children would not starve. Especially baby Nino, she’s just so young! Do you know what it feels like when she screams all day, and then gets tired and falls asleep?!
It’s terrible to know that your child cries from hunger, and you can’t help in him any way…
Natalia: I rush about, I borrow money from neighbors. God, this baby formula is so expensive, and the price for it keeps going up. I understand everything: there is crisis, everything has risen in price … But infant formula? How is that possible? What about mothers who do not have breast milk? Should they make their babies starve? What should I feed her? Bread soaked in water? Or the food I take from the social canteen? But she’s still young, she can’t eat that.

“I don’t like food from the canteen either, but I don’t cry!”

– How did it happen that you were left without a livelihood?
Natalia: I got married for great love and, you know, despite poverty, I never regretted it! Sergo is my second husband, he is the kindest, most caring father. He doesn’t have his own house, neither do I. We arbitrarily occupied this building and have been living here for nine years. My husband and I thought that over time we would refurbish everything, rebuild it, but alas. Sergo is a person with very poor health, they severely beat him when he was young. He barely survived. He does not have five ribs, and physical load is forbidden to him, he can’t even catch a cold. We live from payday to payday and pray every day that the children do not go hungry. I knew that he had health problems, I knew that we would live need, but we fell in love very much.

“As they say, the more the merrier. But children cannot eat that this idyll.”

– How you met your love?
Natalia: I worked in a shop – he saw me there! We started to communicate. I told him about my hard fate, he told me about his. We realized that it would be easier for the two of us to overcome all the difficulties, and we got married. So much time has passed, we have gone through so many difficulties together, but our relationship has not changed. And it is so important for every woman to feel loved.
– Does anybody help you? Do you have relatives?
Natalia: We have no one to ask for help. Everyone lives with their own problems. Our relationship with our family is not really good. To be honest, no one wanted us to start a family. That is how we live.

“Look, what a window we have right in the wall!”

– How do you live in this dilapidated house with your kids?
Natalia: We have nowhere to go. At least we have some roof over our head… But it’s quite scary to be here in windy days. It seems that the roof is about to collapse, the walls seem to be shaking. Windows and doors are good for nothing. Everything here is old and falling apart. We sleep on the ruins, there is not even a wardrobe to put clothes.

“I’m afraid to let my children out alone. By the time you get home, you can die ten times.”

Reziko (8 years old): And I’m not afraid! You need to stand close to the wall and walk like that. It’s not even scary to jump from here!
– You are so cool! Perhaps you go to sports? 
Reziko: No, I only go to school. All my shoes are full of holes. They won’t accept me to sports clubs. But I like school. I like all subjects because of my beautiful teacher! And I like the Georgian language the most. I also love drawing. I have no “drawing” devices at home, and I only draw at school. I can’t even show you my drawings.

“I dream of living like other children live”

– What are you dreaming about? What kind of life would you like to have?
Reziko: I want a life like other children have, but I want mom and dad and Nino to be there. And I’ll think about my brothers.
– Why? Do they offend you?
Reziko: Amiran does not, but Luka really does! He doesn’t play by the rules, and then he starts crying. Then mom says: “He’s little, give in to him.” It happens all the time.

“They don’t want to play with me. So what if I’m crying?”

What do other kids have that you don’t have?
Reziko: They have a beautiful house, they have toys. They have shoes that are not torn. They also bring yummies to school and eat them during breaks.
– Luka, why are you looking at us and frowning?
Luka (3-year-old): I do not want to talk to you! I only talk to my mom!

“I won’t play with you, and I won’t even talk to you”

Reziko: He’ s such a meanie! He’s always like that!
Amiran (6 years old): He doesn’t even let me play with my brother. He gets offended and cries all the time.
– And who is the most obedient?
Amiran: Me, of course! They tell me in kindergarten that I am a very good boy. All the children scatter toys there, and I tidy up everything!

“It’s good in the kindergarten, we have toys there”

– And where do you like to be more – in the kindergarten or at home?
Amiran: Both there and here! There are bricks and a lot of toys, and here are Reziko, mom and Nino. Well, and Luca too.
– Natalia, you have just wonderful children! Obviously, it is they who help you cope with your hard fate! What are you dreaming about?
Natalia: What can a mother dream of? The only thing I want is that my children do not lack the most basic things, that they have food, warmth, and comfort. I dream that they could find their way in life and be happy.
 What, in your opinion, do you need the most at your home?
Natalia: My biggest problem now is baby formula. The formulas cost a lot of money, and the boxes are enough for three days at most. We need diapers too – they are also very expensive. As for the rest – just look how we live. We need beds, clothes and shoes for the children, food, and a small gas bottle. I am very embarrassed to ask, but maybe it will be possible to lay something on the floor? I don’t even know what exactly.
– What about children?
Reziko: We don’t need anything. But our TV does not work well. Can you fix it?

“We put it at the most beautiful place, but it still shows ugly”

The family of Natalia Lagadzishvili is in a terrible situation. What could be worse than seeing your children suffer from hunger? When you baby cries, but you have nothing to feed him? Their father is sick and unable to work. The building, that was built in the last century, is about to collapse on their heads. Four children grow in terrible conditions and are deprived of absolutely everything.
Most of all they need baby formula and diapers right now. Besides that, they don’t have the most basic things for life: good beds, a wardrobe, basic home appliances. Children dream of TV. This family is in a dire need and really needs our support!
You are their only hope! We need to save the children! Look, how good they are!
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Sagarejo, 32 Erekle II Street.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: Natalia Lagadzishvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901 200 270! God bless you!

Do birds sing in your stomach too when you feel good?
Seven-year-old Amiran says that “so many gifts” made birds sing in his stomach. These kids always come up with something! But no matter what they say, no matter how they explain in words the joy they experience when receiving gifts, everything becomes clear when you look into their eyes.


“Who said that people in Georgia became cold and no longer help each other? Don’t believe that! People living here are the kindest,” – says Natalia Lagadzishvili. She had not seen her children so happy for a long time, she even forgot the last time they were happy about something.

“Bring it faster! Let’s turn it on and watch it and laugh”

You heard the prayers of a mother of many children with your heart and could not pass by. A TV and a washing machine are necessary and good gifts, but they cannot be compared with the attention and warmth that you showed this family by warming them.
For children who live in extreme need, who have no home, even a small act of kindness is a miracle!
Natalia, did you like the gifts?
Revazi (9-year-old): Ask me! I will answer! My brother, my other brother and I were very happy with a TV! It is so huge!
– Who is bigger – you or the TV? 
Revazi: The TV. Two of us hardly carried it. But our house and our TV mismatch. I don’t know how to make this ugly house better… I thought the place where we had our broken TV was the most beautiful, but now the most beautiful is our new TV.
– What do you usually watch on your new cool TV? 
Amirani (7-year-old): Cartoons, of course, and some funny stuff. I like Tom and Jerry the most. Revaz likes some cartoons, and Luka likes others, but the most important thing is that he doesn’t cry as much as he used to.

“Don’t worry, we will sort out who will watch what and when.

Natalia (39-year-old): You probably know how busy a mother of many children is? When they sit quiet and watch TV, they play up less. At this time, I can do all the housework and take care of little Nini.
Amirani: Not at all! We are still playing up. Revaz makes us angry. He says he is big, and we must obey him.
– Revaz, why do you make your brothers angry?
Revazi: I make everyone angry. (Smiles)
– Your teachers too?
Revazi: No, I rarely make teachers angry.
Amirani: This year I also entered school, I behave well, I don’t annoy anyone, and I get “well done!” marks. (They don’t get marks in the first form. Teachers just write “well done!” – ed.)
Natalia: I should mention that we were very happy with the school bags you brought for the boys. I had no idea how to purchase them. Getting two children prepared for school is very hard. As you know, the income we get is not enough even for food.

“Come on, read please… Something is written here in English. I have such a good bag… Yours is beautiful too!”

I am very grateful to all the good-hearted people who got concerned about me and my children’s situation. Your support is a huge incentive for me to continue living with more hope. I was really happy with a washing machine. I could never afford it. I am a mother of many children, my children are young, here is my youngest daughter Nini – she is only ten months old – she wants to be in my arms all the time. And you see in what conditions we live. It is impossible to get rid of dirt and dust here. It is very hard for me to wash with hands.

“Be careful, mommy, don’t cut off anything by mistake…

– So, you are happy!
Natalia: I am really happy! Authorities finally noticed us! Now they do more for us. The article you posted in the summer was shared by so many people…
– But unfortunately, we all know that the TV and the washing machine will not solve all your problems. What else do you need to survive winter?
Natalia: Well, what to say…any help and any gift are important to me. When we have nothing, when children are starving for food, when we don’t even sleep on normal beds, I don’t know which one problem to single out and what to worry about the most… I can’t take Luka to kindergarten in torn clothes – I am embarrassed. The most important thing is that the authorities somehow provide us with descent housing.  How can we survive the winter in this room without windows otherwise? I can’t even imagine.
Luka (3-year-old): I was happy with cookies. I ate it all. They were so delicious! Will you bring me more? And don’t forget abouts toys, because watching TV becomes boring soon.

“Do you want us to play my new ball together?

“I’m the oldest! And I will share everything!

“You will burst if you eat all this! Do you understand?”

Children should not starve! They shouldn’t dream of bagels! Georgia is not Africa!

We will not forget, dear! We will do our best to make your tomorrow better than today. With the help of faithful friends of our Fund we will manage to do everything. We will cope with your troubles. We hope so. I will repeat the words of Natalia and add: everything will be fine. As long as the Lord helps man with the hands of man, we will be saved!
Dear friends, long and cold winter is coming. Children do not have warm clothes and shoes. They have no food. In the building where they live there are not even windows. Let us unite once again for the sake of these infinitely warm and sweet boys and help them. They need to be brought up as strong, worthy Georgian men for the future of our country. Don’t forget about little Nini, she needs delicious cereals.
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose:  The Lagadzishvili family).
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270 Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!


Jul 28, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 12, 2022
washing machine
Mar 28, 2023
Nov 30, 2023
fund overhead
May 15, 2024

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently