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The children made a real snowman in Kobuleti boarding school

Everyone is happy about New Year and Santa Clause,
especially children. Though the holidays this winter were without snow in
Tbilisi but Kobuleti has enough of it.

The children in Kobuleti boarding school were filled with
joy because of snow and they played in the yard where they made a very nice
snow man and decorated him with various accessories, finally they made some
photos with him.

There are all conditions for the children’s education and development.
The highly qualified teachers spare no effort to make comfortable environment for
the children. The parents who often visit their children actively participate
and play a big role in upbringing of them. All children have their corners
arranged, all necessary inventories and appliances that the children need for
their education and development are purchased. Laptops were purchased for each
child and they will make learning process more effective and efficient.