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Our children at the contests

The children at our family type orphanage
the children lead active and healthy lifestyle. As you already know the Fund
pays special attention to education and correct development, so that they grow good
children of their worthy country, so that they are able to show their
potentials and to take the right path. That is why the Fund gives them
additional lessons in different subjects, take them to sports and give them
opportunity to develop their skills.

Our volunteer teacher, Meri Adamadze,
takes care of the children and gives them intensive lessons in Georgian
Language and four of them: Mziko, Elio, Gvantsa and Giorgi had success at the
contest of Georgian and got diplomas.

The Fund thanks the volunteer
teacher who gives the children an opportunity to show their talents. We also
thank all those people and the company who participate in formation of the children’s
better future.