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I can hear “Mommy” only in my sweet dreams…

calendar September 28, 2020

One call saves life!

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It’s is a peak of my dreams! – sobs Natia (40-year-old), a miserable mother, because her only son Saba (10-year-old) cannot say even a word. He is chained to the wheelchair and can’t do anything by himself, neither eat, nor drink nor talk.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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         It’s is a peak of my dreams! – sobs Natia (40-year-old), a miserable mother, because her only son Saba (10-year-old) cannot say even a word. He is chained to the wheelchair and can’t do anything by himself, neither eat, nor drink nor talk. 

 “Gee-gee-gee” – greets us wonderful Saba (10-year-old) with a joyful hooting, as if he understood that we came to help him! 

 Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, profound intellectual disability – that was the diagnosis given by doctors 10 years ago. But Natia does not give up, she is ready to struggle for her son’s life till her last breath. Together with her husband Irakli (41-year-old) they spare no efforts and struggle for their son, still hoping that he will stand on his feet and utter some words.

 God, save all the children! Every child deserves a happy childhood and better future! Friends, we will do our best together not to let children suffer! Because Georgians, like nobody else, can empathize and help their neighbors. 

 – Natia, what is the matter with your son? 

Natia: My poor boy. I still cannot tolerate the fact that he will be never able to live a normal life. He can do absolutely nothing by himself. Neither eat nor drink, let alone walk or talk! I haven’t heard a single word from him during these 10 years, except those “gee-gee-gee”. With these sounds he addresses everybody with whom he wants to communicate. This is the way he expresses his emotions. Saba was diagnosed cerebral palsy when he was 1 year and 1 month old.

– So, Saba hasn’t been sick since birth? 

Natia: My husband and me expected to have a healthy baby. But something went wrong. When my son was born, he could not cry, and the next morning he had an epilepsy attack, so the doctors suspected meningitis. They pumped out the liquid from his spine and after that he developed palsy. I can’t find words to describe what I was feeling. I wanted to die and not to listen and see all that!

 We visited so many doctors. Saba had tendons surgery, since he could only stand on tiptoe. That brought some results, but he still cannot walk. We have been attending sessions of various specialists at the rehabilitation center, but we do it three times a week instead of five we have to. They provide us with transportation only three times a week and we can’t afford a taxi to go there.

– What do the doctors say? How much can his condition be improved?

Natia: We don’t even dream about full recovery… But! There is always a reason to keep on fighting! At the rehabilitation center he has sessions with a speech therapist, psychologist, occupational therapists. Any therapist will tell you that each case is unique, and it is always possible to achieve a certain result. I constantly work with him at home too, we play, he particularly likes when I sing to him – it makes a blissful smile appear on his face.

– Natia, what is the most difficult thing in raising a sick child?

Natia: Everything is difficult, especially when you are permanently short of money. Your hands are tied. I’d like to bring specialists home, but it costs a fortune. And I just have no money to take my son to the center every day.

I dream that he would speak at least a little, say at least a few words, to call us mom and dad! I want him to learn how to draw, at least lines… That he would eat, chew and swallow food by himself. I even see it in my dreams that he calls me: “Mama” (sobs)

– What would you advise mothers in the same dire situation as yours?

Natia: I want to wish all of them patience! And a lot of willpower! Every mother always tries to do her best for her baby’s well-being. Since the Lord wanted us to carry this cross, he will also give us the strength, sure!

– Natia, how does your husband take this situation? Is he as patient as you are? How did you meet each other, how did you start the family?

Natia: Oh, he supports me so much! I don’t know how I would cope without his help. When he is not at work, he spends his time with our son, plays with him and entertains him. We met with him by chance and got married soon. It felt like I knew him for ages. Irakli is a very kind, empathetic, caring and attentive person. The day when we got married is the best day of my life! We could not even imagine then what we would have to go through!

One year and two months later Saba was born.

How did you imagine your future at that time?

Natia: When we got married, I was 26 and Irakli was 28. We both, from the very beginning saw only an optimistic pictures. Irakli surrounded me with the love and care, and I knew for sure that he would be a wonderful father. At that time, I had no idea what trials I was going to face.

– Does anybody help you? Parents or relatives?

Natia: Our parents are at the age when they need help themselves. My mom and dad used to send us fruits, vegetables and flour from the village. But now they can’t do even that. My mom has a sick heart, she permanently needs medications and she spend all her pension on it.

My sisters live in the village too, together with their families and little children. You know, life in the village is hard, there is unemployment there. They are trying to keep their families somehow.

– Did you address anybody else for help? The local government, for instance?

Natia: The state financed Saba’s treatment in the rehabilitation center and pays us allowance as we are socially disadvantaged. I can’t ask for more. But we have to live somehow. We can barely make ends meet. The town hall provided us with this wheelchair. But it will get small for him soon. Once in four month I appeal to the Ministry of Health and they give us 100 GEL for medications.

– What is your family income? What’s it enough for?

Natia: My husband works as security officer at the Technical University, his salary is 150 GEL, the child’s disability pension is 220 GEL, social allowance is 100 GEL, so it’s 470 GEL total. How can this amount be enough when you have a disabled child? He needs diapers, medications, and besides, good nutrition. My husband would be glad to earn some money, but where? It was possible to find some side work before the pandemic but now even those who had a stable income are left unemployed.

Saba, as a disabled person, gets 400 GEL from the state twice a year. This amount completely goes on his medications and other needs. 

– What do you give Saba to eat? What does he like?

Natia: Since he cannot chew, I have to grind everything by hand. Porridge, yogurt, fruits, borscht, soup. It would be good to include meat to his diet, more dairy products, variety of fruits, but we have no opportunity. He likes apples and does not like pears. He has not tasted any other fruits because they are expensive.

– What does he like doing most?

Natia: He likes singing very much, I often sing to him before he goes to sleep, and during the day too. When Saba was crying, I used to calm him with songs. He likes to watch music shows and cartoons. We are always together, at home, at the rehabilitation center, while shopping. I often read to him fairy tales and poems. For instance, when I read poems to him, he always listens carefully and tries to repeat the sounds. Usually, Saba expresses his emotions with certain sounds, so that you can immediately understand whether he is happy, or something hurts him. We have very few toys. We have color blocks, he can’t play with them, but he likes when I put them in front of him, he just looks at them and smiles. 

– What do you believe in? In what do you see the salvation? 

Natia: My husband and me are both very religious. Actually, I spend the whole day with the child and cannot often go to church, but I always pray at home. Irakli goes to church more often, to light a candle and to pray for our son’s health.

– Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Natia: Yes, there are compassionate people, who take someone else’s trouble close to heart, but now it’s a very hard time, everybody experiences difficulties. Who can we address for help? I cannot, I feel awkward. Now every family has its problems and difficulties. 

For instance, in winter our neighbor noticed that we had no TV, so he gave us his TV. It’s old, black-and-white, but still it’s better than nothing. Unfortunately, it went out of order soon. It was an entertainment for Saba. 

– Natia, does this house belong to your family? 

Natia: If we can call it a house, then yes. It’s a low ground floor. It’s dump and it smells musty here. But we have no other way, it’s better than renting. When my son needed an operation and help of various specialists, we had to sell our apartment to cover the debts. And that’s what we have managed to buy with the remaining money.

– What is your biggest dream?

Natia: I only dream about the health of my son. At least a better health. I hope that specialists will manage to improve his condition and adapt him to some extent to an independent life. If he only would learn to say some words, to hold the spoon and to relocate somehow! He has only the two of us – my husband and me – while he permanently needs care. We are not eternal, and I don’t want to think what happens to him when we go.

-What do you think, you need most in your home?

Natia: God, I feel so awkward to ask. But we really need help. Our meager income goes to the medications and food. And our sick boy needs so many things! Diapers, medications, adequate food. He needs a special chair where his spine could be fixed, but we cannot afford it.

I can’t leave him even for a while, that’s why I have to do all the housework at night. We don’t even have a fridge! I have to cook and grind the food for my child several times a day, so I would be happy to have a blender, as well as a TV or a tablet for Saba to watch cartoons or musical programs. It will not only entertain him but also help for his development.

– Why did you decide to address us? 

Natia: My neighbor told me that you really help people. That’s why I dared to call you. All around they are saying that Chernovetskyi Fund has many good friends. My only hope is their mercy! You made so many people feel happy! So, I hope there will be someone who will be compassionate with my poor boy! The God will bless you for your good deeds! 


 Friends, this wonderful family really needs our support! It is not easy to be parents of a ”special” child, and the burden becomes unbearable, when financial problems and unsettled life conditions are added to this.

 Poor parents, Natia and Irakli, are doing their best, but they are unable to put their son on his feet alone. True Christians cannot leave them facing their troubles alone.

 Little Saba (10-year-old) suffers so much and he is not adapted to life at all. He needs permanent medical care, medications, diapers, adequate food to survive. And his poor mother, besides son’s illness, has to deal with all the housework by hand, they have even no room to store the food. The family urgently needs a fridge, a TV, a blender, and little Saba will be happy to have a tablet.

 You can call Natia and support her with kind words. She will be very happy! Her phone is: 597 – 09 – 63 -79.

You can also visit the Mamulashvili family at the following address: Tbilisi, Chughureti district, 1 1 Crimea Street, 1st floor.

 Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

 Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(Purpose: Mamulashvili family). 

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support the Mamulashvili family, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270

You brought us a holiday! At such moments one starts to believe in miracles!

“Only thanks to you our whole life has changed. Now my family is happy! A real miracle happened to us. And I don’t know how to thank you! ” – Natia keeps repeating.

When we visited the Mamulashvili family four months ago, despair reigned there. The spouses Natia and Irakli did their best not to give up and confront the problems. The pandemic that gripped the whole world had a strong impact on their family. Their income has decreased, while their problems have not gone anywhere, they have only increased. Ten-year-old Saba is growing up in this family, and the boy is seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed him with three diseases at once: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, profound mental retardation. A child with such diagnoses needs constant care, medications and special food.

We told you the story of this family in our earlier post: .

Thanks to you, dear friends, we managed to help the Mamulashvili family and raised funds to buy medications, medical supplies and household appliances that little Saba needs so much. You, our good friends and helpers, have once again shown your generosity and magnanimity. Thanks to your participation, Natia smiles today, a ray of hope has lit up in her eyes again.

Our Fund heartily thanks everyone who did not remain indifferent to the trouble of the Mamulashvili family, who at least once called them, lent them a helping hand! Thank you all very much!

– Natia, can you tell me how your life has changed after our publication?

Natia: It feels like I’ve got wings now! Life became bright and colorful. All this – thanks to your Fund and all those kind people who did not leave us alone. You made us gorgeous gifts! You brought us a refrigerator, a blender, a TV, diapers … Sometimes it seems to be a wonderful dream. Saba has a large supply of diapers now. We have only seen so many diapers in stores. Now we don’t have to worry about buying diapers for a couple of months.

And the blender! You’ve made my life much easier! My son cannot chew, and I used to grind food manually. Sometimes it took a lot of time to prepare the food for him. But now, using a blender, I can prepare a meal for the child very quickly.

Special thanks for the refrigerator! Ours went out of order and we had no place to store food. Each time I had to cook anew for Saba. It was hard, I had to cope somehow. But now we have this refrigerator! Thank you and the friends of the Fund for it!

– Earlier, you told us about Saba’s love of music. But you didn’t have a TV, so the boy was bored. How did Saba react to the new TV?

Natia: My boy feels so happy! He watches music programs, cartoons all the time.

They gave us a TV set before the New Year. It has become a real holiday miracle! The thing is, that the day before, I had been just worried that we would celebrate the New Year without a TV. I was upset that my boy would not be able to watch the holiday concerts – it’s at least some entertainment for him. But a couple of days before the New Year, a representative of your Fund arrived and brought us a TV set. You brought us a holiday! At such moments you start to believe in miracles!

– Did anybody call you personally after our publication?

Natia: Yes, absolute strangers called me with their words of support. To be honest, I didn’t ask them their names, I was a little bit confused. I was just pleased that people did not remain indifferent to our problems. The names do not matter, I think. The main thing is that my family felt support and attention. After all those calls, we realized that we were not alone.

– Natia, we are happy that you have new friends now. Who did you remember the most? Maybe you remember the name?

Natia: Yes, a girl named Gvantsa. I don’t know her surname. All I know is that she lives in Varketili. Gvantsa first called, and the next day she came to visit us. You can’t imagine, how many things she brought to us! Dairy products, fruits, vegetables … Saba even made friends with Gvantsa. She stayed with us for over an hour, playing with my son.

And someone else anonymously donated money to us. This person sent me a message from an unknown number, saying that he wants to help us. And a little bit later, 30 GEL amount was transferred to our card. One might say that this is small money. Maybe it is small for someone, but for us this amount means a lot.

– Was there any response from the authorities to our publication?

Natia: Unfortunately, no. At least I don’t remember anything like that. Maybe the authorities don’t read such posts … I don’t know what to tell you …

– Natia, what does this support and help mean to you?

Natia: Now I feel a support and I know that I am not alone. When you see so many people who want to help your family, you feel a surge of strength and energy. Could we acquire all these by our own? Not of course! Our family has no means to buy either a refrigerator, or a blender, a TV, or stocks of diapers … You helped us so much! I cannot even describe in words how much your support means to me and to my family!

– How are you doing now? Maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you with?

Natia: Good people have done so much for us! I feel very embarrassed to ask my compatriots for anything else. But we still have not enough funds for medications, diapers, and basic food, because our family’s income has reduced due to the pandemic. We used to count every penny. And now … you know. Besides that, both my spouse and I have some health issues. But we cannot afford to spend money on the medications we need. How can I think about myself when there is a child next to me who needs much more help than me or my husband do?

– Natia, what would you like to tell those people who helped to raise funds?

Natia: My dear, I want to express my boundless gratitude to everyone! I hope you will read this post and find out how each of you is dear to my heart! Thank you for your kindness, attention and empathy! I want to hug you all tightly, so that you can feel the power of my gratitude! Thank you all for giving our family so much joy! Unfortunately, I don’t know your names. But God knows everything and He sees your kindness!


Dear friends, our Fund also joins the words of gratitude from Natia! Many thanks to everyone who did not leave the Mamulashvili family in trouble!

Each of us has their own problems. But remember that our troubles are sometimes not as terrible as the problems of others. In this difficult time for all of us, we should not remain indifferent. If you can support the Mamulashvili family, lend them a helping hand, take a step – call them, ask if they need anything. Maybe your call will become that lifeline. Remember this and let’s go on helping the Mamulashvili family!

Take the phone right now, dear reader, and call these kind and sweet people. Give them words of support, make them feel that you are by them. Today you are helping those in need, tomorrow someone else will help you!
Their phone is: 597 09 63 79 (Natia). Address: Tbilisi, Chughureti, #11 Crimea Str, 1st floor.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important! Friends, thanks again to all!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: the Mamulashvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

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They need your help urgently