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Duta Skhirtladze in the family type home

The children of the family type homes of the Charity Fund “Social Partnership” showed their knowledge in October. All of them received the highest notes in school subjects. At the Olympiad of Georgian Language and Literature 5 children out of 6 were transferred to the next tour with the highest score. They made their teachers very happy and proud of them, that is why the teachers organized a surprise and they invited Duta Skhirtladze to the dinner. When the children learned that Duta was going to visit them, they were very happy. They dressed themselves well, repeated poems and songs. Duta brought a cake, they spent a great time together, and they played much, made a lot of photos. The children were so happy that they did not want to let Duta go, and Duta wanted to leave them either. He promised them, that as soon as he had some free time, he would visit them again.
Thank you, Duta! His visit will be unforgettable for the children!

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