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Heartbreak, pure heartbreak! Two-year-old Ioane’s mother is dying, and the little boy keeps waiting for the lullaby she promised to sing! Cursed cancer is devouring this young woman alive! She has three children…

calendar September 19, 2024

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Look at this photo! For a moment, it might seem as though someone opened a grave and photographed someone long deceased. But 43-year-old Indira is still alive. Her heart still beats. But this young woman is being consumed alive by stage four cancer. Two years ago, while pregnant with her third child, she was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. She was operated on fifteen times in just a month and a half. God, it’s hard to believe. Since June, she’s been unconscious in intensive care.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Heartbreak, pure heartbreak! Two-year-old Ioane’s mother is dying, and the little boy keeps waiting for the lullaby she promised to sing! Cursed cancer is devouring this young woman alive! She has three children… Lord, this family desperately needs help! The stopwatch of this poor woman’s life is ticking. With every beat of the clock’s hands, we have less and less time to show compassion! Hurry, people! We must do everything we can to make sure these little ones don’t end up orphaned.


Cancer is devouring this woman alive!

Look at this photo! For a moment, it might seem as though someone opened a grave and photographed someone long deceased. But 43-year-old Indira is still alive. Her heart still beats. But this young woman is being consumed alive by stage four cancer. Two years ago, while pregnant with her third child, she was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. She was operated on fifteen times in just a month and a half. God, it’s hard to believe. Since June, she’s been unconscious in intensive care.

Her legs are as thin as sticks.

She briefly opened her eyes when the Fund’s reporter came in. Although the poor woman is unconscious, but her eyes seem to cry out in agony. She can’t breathe without oxygen support.

Indira with her husband.

Indira was once a beautiful, happy woman, before this merciless disease ravaged her. It’s shocking to think that the smiling woman in one photo is the same as the frail figure in intensive care. Yet, tragically, that’s the reality. Years ago, she had surgery for a sinus issue at a clinic in Kutaisi. Little did anyone know that during the procedure, she sustained damage that eventually developed into cancer.
The cruelest part? The disease took hold just as she was carrying a new life within her – her third baby.

Despite her illness, Indira gave birth to little Ioane.

In the church little Ioane asks the Lord where his mom is.

The poor boy hardly had a chance to know his mother’s love, as her condition rapidly worsened after his birth. The tumor grew day by day. Fifteen surgeries – can you even imagine what that means?  The baby grows up without Mom. Since June, she has been unconscious in the Intensive Care Unit. Right know little Ioane desperately needs her. Ioane’s older sisters, 12-year-old Anano and 18-year-old Mariam, miss their mother deeply. They cry every day, but still try their best to be there for their little brother, stepping into their mother’s shoes far too soon. God, the tragedy that has befallen the Zarandia family sends chills down the spine.

Two-year-old Ioane cries because he wants his mom.

This is the father of the children. The poor man brought his dying wife from Poti to a clinic in Tbilisi and has stayed by her side day and night since June. He couldn’t even afford to rent an apartment in Tbilisi. Look at him, staring at a photo of his beloved wife on his phone, begging God not to leave their children motherless.

This life can be so cruel. No one knows what it holds in store. A young mother who should be cherishing time with her three children now lies unconscious, connected to machines within the sterile walls of a hospital. Her mind may have shut down, but her heart keeps beating. Do you know why? Because the love of a mother for her children is what keeps it going. There’s nothing stronger in this world than the love between a mother and her child. But cancer threatens to take that away. God, please don’t let these children become orphans.

After three months in the Intensive Care Unit, the doctors told Indira’s husband that it’s time to discharge her. “The funding has run out,” her husband told the Fund’s reporter. In despair, her husband turned to the Chernovetskyi Fund for help. If you had heard the man’s voice over the phone – it was something far more than just a call for help. The poor man was crying: “If I take Indira back to Poti, how can I rent an oxygen machine and a suction device when the children are hungry? God, we at the Fund can only imagine what it will be like when, after months of waiting, the children hear that their mother is coming home and scream with joy. But this joy will turn into a nightmare when they see their half-living mother brought home by an ambulance. The most pressing issue now is how to rent an oxygen machine for a woman in the final stages of cancer, especially with the house rent already overdue. Without help, this terminally ill mother of three could soon be left without a home. 

Ioane is waiting for his mother.

This is the “home” where they are supposed to bring the woman fighting for her life.

Look at this ceiling. This is the ceiling of the room where they will bring the dying woman. In autumn, when it rains almost every day, especially in Poti, can you imagine what it will be like for a woman fighting for her life to lie in this room? Rain will pour on her while she lies unconscious.

The windows are broken.

The children have drawn hearts on the walls for their mother. They know their mother will soon return home and want to make her happy. The poor children don’t know that their mother will come home half-dead.  It’s heartbreaking to think of these innocent children witnessing their mother in such a dire condition – something no child should ever have to endure.

Good people, it now depends on you whether these children will have their mother alive or if they will only be able to visit her grave. Let’s help the family cover the cost of renting the oxygen machine and the suction device. The woman also needs medication and special nutrition. The stopwatch of life is ticking. Three small children cannot fight death on their own and save their mother without our help. Now is the time for all of Georgia to unite and defeat death.  The mother has never sung a lullaby to two-year-old Ioane.  

If her life is saved, the first thing she will do is sing a lullaby to her exhausted little boy. The child will grow up, become strong, serve his country and God, and forever remember one thing – you saved his mother, and thanks to you, he felt the magical power of a lullaby.

If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address:  Poti, 14 Chkondideli Str, apartment 62.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Zarandia family).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini 

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