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Freezing orphans spotted a pile of damp firewood and hurried to carry it home to light their stove. While their father was alive, he would bring firewood every morning to warm the house before the children left for school. After his death, everything in the Gulishvili family changed. Their happy childhood vanished in an instant, and these little angels were thrown into the harsh reality of survival. Kind people, you’ve surely seen for yourselves that these noble children will one day keep their promise and stand by those in need. But for now, these little angels need our help. The children live in a crumbling home and dream of having a gas heater. They sleep on broken beds that might collapse if they try to turn over. Their shoes are soaked through, and instead of a warm dinner, they drink tea with steal bread. They can’t even escape the freezing winter winds because broken windows and an old wooden door let the cold air rush in. It’s as if the whole world has turned against these orphans. Who knows, perhaps their father is looking down in sorrow, unable to rest in peace knowing his children are in such misery. But we cannot let this continue! These little angels, left without a father, have only one hope—you, kind-hearted people!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270“My father passed away, and it feels like the whole world is against me,” says 12-year-old Natia. The lives of Natia and her 10-year-old brother Gabriel changed drastically when they became orphans. These little angels now live in extreme poverty. Let’s extend a helping hand to these orphans, and may the Lord never forget your kindness.
Freezing orphans spotted a pile of damp firewood and hurried to carry it home to light their stove. While their father was alive, he would bring firewood every morning to warm the house before the children left for school. After his death, everything in the Gulishvili family changed. Their happy childhood vanished in an instant, and these little angels were thrown into the harsh reality of survival.
Look into the eyes of the orphaned girl—so full of fear, loneliness, and despair
Here’s how happy Natia was with her beloved father. Look at the countless stars shining in her eyes.
This is the place where she took her last photo hugging her father. Now, this orphaned girl sits alone in that same spot. She no longer waits for her father, knowing he will never, ever return.
In the icy winter, Natia washes clothes in freezing water. Her small hands are so cold she can no longer feel her fingers
While Natia washes, Gabriel works in the garden. This wise boy knows that, after their father’s passing, he is the only “man” in the family. The 10-year-old tries to help his sister and his widowed mother, who is still in deep shock and unable to recover.
Look into Gabriel’s eyes, and you’ll see his soul is in pain. At an age when he most needed his father’s care, life cruelly took him away forever. Since that day, Gabriel’s smile has disappeared.
Here’s Gabriel with his father—so happy, so full of life. What an injustice to tear a father and son apart. Why? Why? Why is life sometimes so unfair to little angels? Just as they begin to “spread their wings” and need their father’s guidance to fly, life clips their wings.
The child still sits in the spot where he once waited for his father’s return every evening. Now, even though his father is gone, Gabriel still goes there and sits for hours. But his eyes no longer look toward the road, and he no longer runs to the gate at the sound of footsteps, hoping to hear his father’s approach. His gaze is now lowered, knowing he’ll never again see his father’s face. God, this is heartbreaking.
These little angels live in a house so dilapidated it can barely be called a home
The windows are over a century old, rotting and infested with worms. The glass is broken. How will these “windows” stop the icy winter winds? God, how will these children survive the winter when they’ve already run out of firewood?
In the Gulishvili home, clothes and belongings lie scattered on the floor because the family has no wardrobe or chest of drawers.
These ruins are the “home” of the children
The poor girl has neatly laid out her and her brother’s clothes on a bench. These are all the clothes they own. It’s already very cold, yet Natia has no coat, boots, or warm sweaters. On her way to school, her feet get soaked in puddles, and she sits in class all day with wet socks. God, it’s unimaginable!
Despite her frozen heart, Natia’s kindness shines through. This freezing child cares for stray puppies and has made them a little shelter in an old wooden “cabinet.”
Even the puppies seem to understand they owe their lives to her. The way they gaze at her with gratitude says it all. Yet, gratitude is a quality that humans often lack.
In the Gulishvili home, there are only three pieces of stale bread. Gabriel takes the least stale piece but cannot bring himself to eat it alone—he gives it to his beloved sister instead.
At the end of the day, this little angel, weakened by hunger, drinks hot tea with bread—no cheese, no butter. Her stomach aches from hunger, but she says nothing to her mother.
Natia (12 years old): “I love sweets and tasty food, but we haven’t had any since my father died. Mom can’t work because she can’t leave us alone, but she works hard in the garden so we don’t starve. But the hail destroyed our harvest. All my mother’s and brother’s hard work was ruined. It feels like nature itself knows I no longer have a father and wants to crush me even more.”
Gabriel is also hungry, and the poor boy eats a piece of dry bread as though it were roast chicken. God, no child in the world deserves to go to bed hungry and cold.
The poor girl wears the same clothes to school and when working in the garden.
The last pieces of firewood have burned away. What will happen to these children tomorrow, in this freezing cold?
This is what a child living in poverty looks like. God, how much pain is in her eyes. Emotional pain… indescribable pain…
A widow with children. Motherhood is sacred. Mothers can move mountains for their children. But at the same time, they feel utterly powerless when they see their children’s lifeless eyes and cannot help them.
The orphaned siblings, holding hands tightly, promised each other they would never abandon one another in times of need. They swore to honor their father’s memory, to always carry his name with pride, to defend their homeland, and to help those in need.
Kind people, you’ve surely seen for yourselves that these noble children will one day keep their promise and stand by those in need. But for now, these little angels need our help. The children live in a crumbling home and dream of having a gas heater. They sleep on broken beds that might collapse if they try to turn over. Their shoes are soaked through, and instead of a warm dinner, they drink tea with steal bread. They can’t even escape the freezing winter winds because broken windows and an old wooden door let the cold air rush in. It’s as if the whole world has turned against these orphans. Who knows, perhaps their father is looking down in sorrow, unable to rest in peace knowing his children are in such misery. But we cannot let this continue! These little angels, left without a father, have only one hope—you, kind-hearted people!
If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Gori Municipality, village Kitsnisi.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Friends, we have one more request: if you know of a neighbor or friend facing misfortune, please show compassion and drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000(Purpose: The Gulishvili family).
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable! No one knows what it holds in store.
You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
Corr: Nini
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