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At the age of 89 she found herself in utter darkness and terrible loneliness!Lord, let Your angels into our souls so that we do not remain indifferent to this great human misfortune!

calendar April 6, 2023

One call saves life!

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It’s total darkness around her. 89-year-old, lonely Clara cannot open her eyes. She sits by the table and waits for someone to come in and carry her to her bed. She cannot navigate in the darkness without help. She can’t find her bed, which is quite close by, but she doesn’t understand how to get to it. She is lost. She sits and waits.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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At the age of 89 she found herself in utter darkness and terrible loneliness!Lord, let Your angels into our souls so that we do not remain indifferent to this great human misfortune! 


It’s total darkness around her. 89-year-old, lonely Clara cannot open her eyes. She sits by the table and waits for someone to come in and carry her to her bed. She cannot navigate in the darkness without help. She can’t find her bed, which is quite close by, but she doesn’t understand how to get to it. She is lost. She sits and waits. 

Clara: If someone had told me when I was young that I couldn’t do something on my own, I would have laughed. Everyone who knew me made fun of me, saying that I would die at work. I graduated from school with a gold medal. I went to the University and got two higher educations. Economics and Law. I also graduated by correspondence from the Moscow Institute of Forestry Engineering and Technology. I was in high demand at work. I grew from an accountant to chief economist. I loved my job so much – I could work all the time. That’s why people used to make fun of me, saying that I would die at work.

“Sometimes I think I’m already dead”

– Is that why you didn’t start a family?

Clara: I had a family. I met my husband at work, too. He was a hard worker like me. The other one wouldn’t have lived with me.

– So, you had an affair at work?

Clara: Oh, yes. He was ten years older than me. I was 27 and he was 37. We were friends, and then we realized that we wanted to be together after work. We went to the opera together, went out, and then we decided to get married. I thought I would stay at home when I had children.  I worked hard enough. But I was not destined to become a mother…

– It’s sad when so much love doesn’t bear fruit…

Clara: Yes, it ruined us. I stayed pregnant 15 times. But my body saw the fetus as a foreign body. I fainted, I had miscarriages and abortions.  It ruined me. I lost a baby 15 times. You’re a woman and you know what it’s like. That’s how we ended up without children. I went back to work. My husband died 25 years ago. I’ve been alone ever since. 

“I can’t see what’s there in this photo, but I can feel the warmth and happiness it radiates”

– Do you have anyone left?

Clara: There were five of us friends, since we were kids. We used to see each other often, but now they’re gone. I am the only one left. Sometimes I think that maybe I’m gone too… When I can’t see anything around me, I think I’m dead too.

– When and how did you lose your sight? Did you have any problems when you were young?

Clara: In 2016 my eyesight got worse. I was diagnosed with glaucoma. They told me it was not dangerous, and it could be fixed. But after the surgery, my vision got worse, and I became completely blind. I was very worried, all I could think about was death. I ask God to take me without torment… But, as you can see, I am alive. I have experienced terrible moments. Until you get used to the blindness, you don’t know if it’s a dream or reality. I had hallucinations, I was crying, screaming, calling out for someone… but now I’m used to it. I’m 89 years old, I hope I don’t have long to live.” 

“I wasn’t always this scary, even artists painted my portraits”

– Does anyone help you?

Clara: Nuns from the church come – Caritas caregivers. In the morning they help me get up, go to the bathroom, they put all the necessary medications and food on my table. They comb my hair beautifully, put nail polish on my nails… When I was young, I was so careful about my looks! Even the painters painted me.  Then they sit me at the table and leave. And that’s how I sit until the evening. God forbid I wanted to go to the toilet – I could hardly know where to go. I might bump my head or hit something with my foot – I go through all the circles of hell. So, I sit here all day. My only friend is the radio. On Mondays and Wednesdays there’s an “opera hour” show I wait for. I love opera. 

– Would you like us to take you to the opera to hear your favorite arias?

Clara: Oh, no! Even before I went blind, I didn’t go outside. My feet have been hurting since 2011. It’s hard for me to walk. Because of this problem over time, I even became unable to walk to work. I guess I could walk with a cane, but I was embarrassed. I thought someone would see me and feel sorry for me, and now I think if I knew I would go blind, I would walk with a cane or crutches. Well, and who would recognize me? Everyone I knew is long gone… that’s the kind of stupid things we do sometimes. 

“My only friend is the radio. I listen to music and opera”

– If you were to live your life anew, what mistakes would you not make?

Clara: I would work less and go to all the opera performances. I would take more walks, because my joint and spine problems started because of my sedentary lifestyle. I would have adopted a child, even two or three children. I would take care of them and give them the best and I would not be alone now. I would babysit my grandchildren and told them fairy tales… Eh… But I would have made some mistakes! But I will not tell you about them now. I remember those “mistakes” all the time, and it makes me feel good. If it were not for them, I would have to think only about work. 

“Never put things off and make small mistakes, so that in your old age you’ll have something to talk about”

-It’s like a piece of advice…

Clara: Right! Don’t devote yourself only to work, do things you like, walk and travel a lot – you don’t even have to leave Georgia for that, and make mistakes, to have something to remember in your old age.

– Clara you are a wonderful person, I am happy we found you, I am happy that you addressed us. What can we do for you?

Clara: I dream of a comfortable sofa. My bed is very old and falls apart. I can’t get up from it on my own. I want a sofa that I can lie on and sit on. Because it’s very uncomfortable for me to sit at the table. And I need a refrigerator. I now live only on my pension, I spent all the savings I had, I sold everything of value. My mother was sick for 6 years and she needed expensive medications. And my checkups and surgeries weren’t cheap either. 

“My big dream is a comfortable sofa – getting up from the chair and out of the bed, which is almost falling apart, is very hard for me”

– Maybe there are some small joys that would make you happy?

Clara: I love fish very much. Is there good fish in Tbilisi now? Do they bake delicious cakes again? I’d love to try some! You offered to take me to the opera… but I can’t go. I can’t walk, and I have nothing to put on. Let that dream remain a dream!

* * *

What does God want us to do? To be the eyes of the blind, to warm those who are cold, to help those whom we do not know and from whom we expect nothing in return. Clara is a revelation to me! This is an example of how a strong spirit and faith in the Lord can work miracles. After all she has been through, she has not fallen in spirit, but has become stronger. We should listen to what she says.

She doesn’t ask for much. She needs a sofa and a refrigerator, and she also dreams of a good meal. 

You can visit and see this wonderful woman yourself. She will charge you with optimism and open your eyes! You can’t see the most important things with your eyes – you only see them with your heart.

If anyone is willing to visit and help her in person, here is her address: Tbilisi, 7 Lagidze Str. 

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Clara Zurabishvili)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal. 

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and  PayBox (OPPA). Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 



Even if you dial once this special number  0901200270 it might save someone’s life!

 God bless you! 

Apr 26, 2023
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Jun 30, 2023
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Jul 04, 2023
Jul 10, 2023
Jul 10, 2023
Aug 02, 2023
Aug 09, 2023
Sep 30, 2023
fund overhead
Oct 14, 2023
Nov 25, 2023

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