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Heartbroken mother is afraid to lose her second son!

calendar February 26, 2017

Heartbroken woman – Lela Samakashvili from Chiatura applied Chernovetskyi Charity Fund.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Heartbroken woman – Lela Samakashvili from Chiatura
applied Chernovetskyi Charity Fund.

It is hard to put in words the tragedy of her family!

Leila and Teimuraz worked together at a factory, they
fell in love with each other and decided to make a family. After a year they
had their first child – Lasha. But during childbirth the boy got serious lesion
of central nervous system.

Soon the family of Samakashvili was born the second
long-awaited child – Giorgi. The parents were full of happiness, but the
diagnosis was terrible – congenital cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly of
the brain…

It was very hard for both parents to take care of both
sick children. Mother had to quit and to dedicate herself to taking care of her
boys. They did their best to help their children get well. But destiny had
other plans for them: in 2010 their oldest son Lasha died of pulmonary
apoplexy… This was a huge shock for the family! Leila and Teimuraz hardly
managed to overwhelm their grief and since then they still cannot recover from

The only that makes them strong and bear sufferings,
is their second son! There is nobody else to take care of helpless Giorgi…

Giorgi is now 27 years old. He is completely not
adapted to life. Hecannotwalk, cannotwalk.
Heisevenunabletoeathimself. But the greatest problem for the parents is that
Giorgi cannot sit quietly on one place, he climbs down the bed and creeps
around the room, leaning on one hand. And when he intends to get up, he falls
down. And in order not to fall and get hurt someone should be always near him.

It is especially difficult for the parents to get him
into the wheelchair; his mother and father have to carry their adult and heavy
son… For old people it is very difficult! Due to constant stress his father has
problems with his stomach, and his mother – with the spine. And they think with
horror of the day when they will not be able to move in order to take care of
their sick son!

Unhappy Leila cries every day, she doesn’t know what
to do, who she can ask for support, who she can apply for assistance… The
doctors say that special medical equipment can help to take care of Giorgi – a
lift for disabled people. But the poor family cannot afford it.

Leila and Teimuraz do not work all this time, because
they cannot leave their only son alone even for a minute. The only source for
existence is Giorgi’s tiny pension, which is not enough for medicines and even
for food. In order to save money they do not switch on the heating, that is why
it is as cold and wet in the rooms as outside.

In order to help these poor people we start an action
to raise funds for acquisition of special lift for people with cerebral palsy.

Imagine how hard it is for the poor young man and his
selfless parents and act as your kind heart tells you to act! If you have read
this article to the end, it means, you are not an indifferent person and endowed
with special gift to feel the pain of others as if it were yours!

If you
have an opportunity to provide financial assistance to these poor people, you
can deposit money on the bank account of the Fund
 GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Giorgi Samakashvili), or pay directly from the site of the

Please, help these disadvantaged people to alleviate
their sufferings!

May 17, 2017
Table, chairs, bed
May 17, 2017
blander, meat grinder
Jul 05, 2017
Aug 11, 2017

Total expenses:



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69 Donors

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69 Donors


They need your help urgently