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“Betrothed to death”!

calendar August 19, 2019

Two and a half years have passed since then, but he can’t overcome fear in any way, it seems to him that again something terrible will happen.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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On February 23, 2017 Badri Yakobashvili celebrated the engagement with a
beautiful bride!
     In the restaurant his friends proposed toasts and wished a
lot of children…! And just two hours after that, on the way home, he, happy
and joyful, was hit by two cars: one after another…! The drivers were
scoundrels that leave the young man dying: all in blood with a nearly torn off
leg. And now the Georgian man is the most ungodly man on Earth! And instead of
his beloved woman, family and children, “murderers on the road”
“gave him” iron spokes in the leg and a bed from which he will never
get up!
   They fled the scene. They are not tormented by conscience… And
Badri has one leg 10 cm shorter than the other. He’s afraid to get out of bed.
And does not want to live!

This is how the villains who did not even suffer the deserved punishment turned
the Georgian breadwinner and the hope of the mother into a beggar and a burden
for the family!
Friends, take a good look at this photo. Badri Kobiashvili is only 45 years
old, although perhaps you would give him much more. This is because the evil
fate broke him and turned from a healthy person into a bedridden disabled
person. He is under a strong psychological stress, one leg is 10 centimeters
shorter than the other; there are spokes inside it; he can not overcome the
fear and walk at least on crutches. Every attempt to get to his feet, turns to
be a failure that deeply hurts the soul of the young man. And all these events
are on the background of depressing poverty, a catastrophic shortage of
medicines and a miserable existence.
On 23 Feb 2017 Badri Gabashvili was the victim of a terrible accident! Two days
before the engagement with the bride, being in anticipation of the future happy
family life, the young man celebrated the upcoming holiday with friends in the
restaurant: toasts of the friends, wishes to die on one pillow and to have
many, many children…! And just a couple of hours later, he’s crippled. And
now all toast will be about…
“It was too late when I went out on the highway to get a taxi. The
streetlights barely lit the road. And suddenly a deafening noise! The wave from
hitting the car threw me aside, I banged my head on the car, and then on the
asphalt. And then there was another blow. It was another car that hit me. I
felt something being torn from me, and then lost consciousness,” recalls
Badri Kobiashvili. 
He lay some time in a puddle of blood, the right foot was lying somewhere
nearby, the body almost did not breathe. A driver of a passing car, seeing this
nightmare, called the police and ambulance. Badri was taken to the hospital,
where doctors had to pick him up literally in pieces. Well, where are the
culprits? Were they punished?
“When I was told that my son was in a car accident, I cried and prayed to
God that he did not die, that he survived. Of course, at that time I did not
think about the drivers who ran over him, but a few days later, when I came to
myself, the police told me that “on the road there were no cameras
installed, and it is not possible to identify the perpetrators.” Let this
sin be on their conscience. I, as a Christian, forgave them, if only my son
remained alive. God heard my plea! He survived!”, – Margo Kobiashvili,
mother of the victim, tells.
– What is the condition of your son today, what worries him most at the moment?
     Margo Kobiashvili: Two and a half years have passed since
then, but he cannot overcome the fear, it seems to him that something terrible
will happen again. In dream he talks, cries and shouts. I wake him up and he
hugs my hand and falls asleep serenely. Badri is still under severe
psychological stress. Here, for example, we were given crutches, and the
doctors say he should be able to use them, but Badri is hysterically afraid of
them, afraid to fall and hit the floor. He needs a psychologist, but we have no
money for that. We’re barely making ends meet. I and my husband are retired,
absolutely poor people…
– Does anyone help you? In particular, do the authorities help?
Margo Kobiashvili: Look around our apartment and find out if they help us or
not! The house has known no repair for 20 years, we do not have a washing
machine, refrigerator, gas stove, normal bed linen, we have nothing. I sold my
apartment and used the money to treat my son. And now we are “on short
ration”. Sometimes we even have no money for bread… Oh no, please don’t
sit on that chair, it is falling apart, here, take this stool; recently the
neighbor fixed it…
– I know how hard it is to care for a sick son for retired parents? 
Margo Kobiashvili: I am 62 and I still hold on, and my husband is 75 years old,
recently his health started to get much worse. We dreamed of a happy old age,
and now we are in trouble. But, you know, in misfortune, fate always leaves an
open door. That’s why I pray the Lord about my son’s recovery. I pray to Him
that there will be people in our lives who are ready to encourage and give us
hope. For this purpose I also addressed to you. I know God won’t leave us
– Badri, where did you work before the car accident? 
Badri Kobiashvili: I worked as a laborer at a canteen. I didn’t earn much, but
I had enough to live on. Years passed and I had no family. With age, there was
a desire to start a family and raise children, so I decided to get
– Where did you meet your fiancée? 
Badri Kobiashvili:  I didn’t know her. It was supposed to be an arranged
marriage. My picture was sent to her and hers was sent to me. I fell in love
right away. She’s adorable. Then she was 36 and I was 43. Age is critical for
the creation of a family and we decided to hurry up, announcing the imminent
– And now where is your bride now? Did she not marry someone else? 
Badri Kobiashvili:  She lives in Kakheti, very far from here, but she
promised to remain faithful. My only dream is to get back on my feet so that
our hearts can finally be reunited. You know, when I was hit by a car, I
actually died, but God did not accept me, He said that I still have to live in
this world, and therefore I will live, I will live with your help, with the
help of good people who will help me get out of the web of bad luck and
misfortune! Help me, please!
     Friends, no matter how cruel fate may be to a man, no
matter how he may be abandoned and alone, there will always be a heart, though
unknown to him, but open to respond to the call of his heart. 
Badri Kobiashvili is in a depressing condition. However, as all of his family
is. They are doomed if they are not given a helping hand in time. Let’s turn
despair to hope, let us make a sad person smile, and turn the disease into
They need literally everything: food, medicines, refrigerator, washing machine,
bed linen, furniture… Help of any kind is life-saving for them. Call Badri,
listen about his needs, cheer him up. You can personally visit this family and
provide assistance, and God will help you in return. And be sure to repost our
publication. Let all your friends know about the grief of this person! It is
very important. Here is the address: the village of Vaziani of Gardabani
district, building 3, house No. 6, tel.: 557 599299. 
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Badri Kobiashvili). You can also transfer
money from our website.
     You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova
Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund
by following the link
If good things happen – bless God and the good will remain. If bad things
happen – bless God, and bad things will stop. Thank God for everything!

Sep 25, 2019
Oct 08, 2019
Nov 08, 2019
fund overhead
Dec 03, 2019
fund overhead

Total expenses:



საპანაძე გიგა
17.11.2019 20:00:00
ი/მ მარიამი ჭიპაშვილი
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97 Donors


They need your help urgently