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“Is that really life? This is hell! ”

calendar September 12, 2019

One call saves life!

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In 2003, she simply collapsed to the floor and could not stand up on her own. The woman’s legs were taken away.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Is this life? This is hell!”

She has been bedridden for 16 years. It is even
hard to imagine: seriously ill 78-year-old Nino Targamadze lives in this
nightmare every day. In 2003 she simply collapsed onto the floor and did not
manage to stand up. The woman’s legs went numb.

Moreover, over time, the right side of her body
became paralyzed. Just imagine, she cannot eat, wash or dress by herself…
Diabetes and heart problems are the reason.

“All the troubles began with the death of
my husband, I lost him, lost support, lost hope… He took away half of my
soul, my entire life. But we had a daughter and I had no right to be depressed.
First, I took care of her, and now, for 16 years already she’s been taking care
of me. Poor thing, she graduated from the pedagogical Institute, but due to our
problems she could not work in the profession” – recalls the miserable
woman, wiping her tears. She calls her life a hell. She says that she even
could not get to her sister’s funeral!

– You have lived a long life, what do you want
most of all now?

Nino Targamadze: I cannot call my life
unforgettable, but when I had a full family, I was happy then. Now I’m lying on
this bed that I can’t stand anymore! I want to go to my village, sit in the
yard, listen to the birds and admire the scenery. Just once, just to get a peek
at what’s going on. My sister died, and I couldn’t even go to the funeral… Is
this life? This is hell!

– What is your condition today? What is your
main problem?

Nino Targamadze: Oh, I’m so nervous about Natiya…
I can’t even eat independently, the right side has completely stopped moving.
My daughter feeds, washes and dresses me. And then she goes to work. She works
as a courier, she is paid very little. Yes, I am very ill, but my time is past,
and I want my child to live well, and she, taking care of me, and working, will
drive herself to the grave (cries).

They are barely making ends meet. They had
forgotten the taste of meat. Ashamed, they admit that they cannot even buy the
necessary hygiene products.
– What is your income, is it enough for you to live?

Nino Targamadze: I have a pension of 200 lari,
and my girl has even less. I need a lot of medicines. We do not know how to
distribute our income on utilities, food and drugs. I am very ashamed to admit it,
(crying) but I need the diapers… Oh how embarrassing… do not write about

– Do you have the status of socially
unprotected family and do you receive some allowance? Does the state help you?

Nino Targamadze: Far from it! Yes, we have
status, we used to receive allowances. But last year social service agents came
– these murderers, and our rating points were raised from 1000 to 150 000
points, so they cancelled the 120 lari that we received. They said that the
pension and meager salary of my girl sould suffice to live. Is it a country?
They eat, drink, put money into their pockets, and take vital allowances from
the poor, leaving us to the mercy of fate to die. Have a look at our living
conditions, everything is old here: old decoration, old equipment… why they
considered correct to increase the points, I don’t know. Life becomes more
expensive every year, and the poor lose their allowances.

– Did any individuals help you knowing about
your serious condition?

Nino Targamadze: The only one who helps us is
the Chernovetskyi Fund. Your employees come and bring me diapers, so I cannot
find words to express the gratitude that I feel. A few years ago, a kind person
gave us a wheelchair, which I use at home. No one else helps us, and by the
decree of the State we must content ourselves with the income that we have.
Although all my pension is spent on utilities. Sometimes we have no money for
bread, and we have forgotten the taste of meat long ago…

“Please tell us how you lived before your
Nino Targamadze: I graduated from Tbilisi Medical College and worked at a
neuropsychiatric hospital for 13 years. I married an extraordinary man named
Bondo and we lived in peace, we had a lovely daughter. I had no idea that old
age would be so cruel. I guess now you don’t think about your old age. And it
will come, and God grant you that it will be much easier.

Friends, sooner or later all of us learn what
old age is! Let us not be indifferent to the grief of others. The poor retired
woman asks us for help. She needs many things, but most of all medicines and
hygiene products.
If you can’t help financially, you can still do a good deed by sharing this
story on your social media pages. Let all your friends know about the grief of
this old lady!

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Nino Targamadze). You can also transfer money
from our website.
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay
and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn
about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link
God sees our good deeds and will take them into account!

Oct 17, 2019
Oct 17, 2019
Oct 17, 2019
Nov 04, 2019

Total expenses:



ნინო ყარანაშვილი
01.10.2019 20:00:00
ლევანი ჩარბაძე
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Kind Heart
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ლევანი ჩარბაძე
17.09.2019 20:00:00
სახვაძე ვლადიმერ
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Kind Heart
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They need your help urgently