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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

They need your help and very, very urgently!

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Large families


Tragedy!!! Two-year-old Nikoloz survived the fire, but his little legs were badly burned. The Kvinikadze family lost everything—their home was completely destroyed. Five little angels miraculously escaped death. The state has temporarily placed the family of seven—who lost everything—in a tiny two-and-a-half-room apartment. This is not just one family’s tragedy. This is a tragedy for all of Georgia!

Friends, tragedy has struck a Georgian family—the Kvinikadzes. A sudden fire engulfed their home. The desperate cries of the children— “Help us!” —seemed to reach the heavens. Maybe they truly did. Because somehow, miraculously, the children were saved from being consumed by the flames. But little Nikoloz, just two years old, still bears the scars of the fire on his legs. Local authorities promised to help rebuild the hous next to the ruins, but the family has lost all hope. And you might be wondering—why? Why have they lost faith that the state will keep its word? Because after losing everything, the family turned to local authorities for urgent aid – just 1,500 GEL to help them get by. They were promised this amount, but they are still waiting. And so, they have no reason to believe that help will come. Their only hope now is you. To be fair, the Gori local government has been covering the rent for the seven-member family, who are temporarily living in a cramped two-room apartment. But for how long? And how can these children continue  living in such conditions? Even if you donate just one lari, it will bring these little angels one step closer to having a home again – no matter how small.
Georgia must come together! If each of us contributes enough for just one brick, these children will no longer be homeless. And this kindness it will come back to you, to your children, to your grandchildren, in ways only God can know.





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Low-income families

“My father passed away, and it feels like the whole world is against me,” says 12-year-old Natia. The lives of Natia and her 10-year-old brother Gabriel changed drastically when they became orphans.  These little angels now live in extreme poverty.  Let’s extend a helping hand to these orphans, and may the Lord never forget your kindness.

Freezing orphans spotted a pile of damp firewood and hurried to carry it home to light their stove. While their father was alive, he would bring firewood every morning to warm the house before the children left for school. After his death, everything in the Gulishvili family changed. Their happy childhood vanished in an instant, and these little angels were thrown into the harsh reality of survival. Kind people, you’ve surely seen for yourselves that these noble children will one day keep their promise and stand by those in need. But for now, these little angels need our help. The children live in a crumbling home and dream of having a gas heater.  They sleep on broken beds that might collapse if they try to turn over. Their shoes are soaked through, and instead of a warm dinner, they drink tea with steal bread. They can’t even escape the freezing winter winds because broken windows and an old wooden door let the cold air rush in. It’s as if the whole world has turned against these orphans. Who knows, perhaps their father is looking down in sorrow, unable to rest in peace knowing his children are in such misery. But we cannot let this continue! These little angels, left without a father, have only one hope—you, kind-hearted people!





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Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

Check out the stories of those you’ve already helped! But let’s not forget for a moment, friends, that the lives of these unfortunate children and elderly continue!

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