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Life has its rules.

Dear friends, unfortunately, not everything happens as we plan. Life has its rules.
Some time ago we started to assist Nadezhda Raznarovich ( Her health and living conditions were very poor. 157 GEL were transferred on her name on the account of our Fund.

She asked us to insert a glass into the window and a warm blanket. The masters did it free of charge and one of our readers gifted a warm blanket to her! 
Nadezhed was very happy – “You gave me warmth I need so badly, I have no children, that I why give the collected money to the large families with many children to buy some food products” – she asked us. She was very happy that strangers took care of her!
In several days Nadezhda’s health condition worsened, she was delivered into the hospital, where she died in two days in the unit of intensive care…
We fulfilled her last wish and bought some food products for the socially unprotected family of Melkadze with many children.

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