When a mother loses her child, her heart dies with them. Her life comes to an end, and only prayers to the Almighty keep her on this Earth—prayers filled with the desperate hope that the Lord will return her beloved child and let her hold them close once again. And this time—forever!
For millennia, humanity has failed to invent a word that could fully capture the pain of a mother whose child has passed away.
73-year-old Mzia, a kind and warm-hearted woman, lost her son and then both of her grandsons. The stress and grief took a cruel toll on her body – colon cancer crept up on the poor elderly woman. Tragedy never comes alone!
This is 73-year-old grandmother Mzia. She has been diagnosed with rectal cancer. Her intestines are exposed, protruding painfully from her body.
The elderly woman suffers from excruciating pain every day. With her own hands, she treats her wound, wiping away the fluids that constantly seep from it. She doesn’t even have a single extra tetri to buy special wound-cleaning solution or medical dressings. She has almost given up hope, fearing that without proper bandages and medication, she will inevitably die from a severe infection and sepsis.