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“Mommy, love, buy me new sneakers …”

calendar July 15, 2019

One call saves life!

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At the age of 11 months, the child suffered measles, but then the disease did not cause any complications. Ill yes recovered, like all children!

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The 15-year-old Mate Harbediya has been struggling with death for three years. He is in the intensive care unit of the clinic, is attached to a respirator, does not see, does not hear, does not recognize anyone …
At the age of 11 months, the child suffered measles, but then the disease did not cause any complications. Ill yes recovered, like all children!
Mate grew up healthy boy, went to school, played with his peers, was fidget! Could not sit for one minute calmly. I wanted to help everyone. That, someone will bring firewood, then runs away for water for a neighbor … sometimes she even asked him to calm down, sit down and sleep.
Who would have thought that this fidget could not get out of bed? Who would have thought that he would be both alive and dead at the same time …
It was very difficult to talk about this tragedy with Mate’s mother. The unhappy woman simply could not hold back her tears … she said, recalled and cried. It’s just terrible to watch your child suffer and not be able to help him. God forbid not one mom to experience this …
Mate has not seen or heard for 3 years, he cannot even complain when he has something to hurt, he just lies and looks at one point.
– Nana, it is very difficult to ask you to remember this horror, but still, tell us how it happened with Mate?
Nana Meparishvili: When he was 12 years old, he began to tire. Once lost, I could not find my way home … they thought it was a transitional period. Then he began to forget the words, confused the sentences … and when he fell and could not get up, we sounded the alarm. At first, he was treated for rheumatism, then from heart disease, but every day it became difficult to move, and then he lost his hearing and sight … and now he only breathes, and then with the help of a life support apparatus.
“Do you remember what he said to you last time?”
Nana Meparishvili: of course I remember, how can I forget it? It remains in my memory. Mate was a very smart guy, he understood what was going on with him irreparable. When he could not walk, he asked me to give him my picture, looked and said, “Eh Mate, Mate, poor thing, how good you were a boy, what will happen to you now?” That’s all … after that we did not hear him.
– Tell us about your family, how are you still holding?
Nana Meparishvili: I have 3 other boys besides Mate. Kakha is 20 years old, Levan is 18, and the youngest John is 5 years old. I apologize to my eldest, they are already adults and will understand me, but the only thing that keeps me in this world is John!
Kakha and Levan, after what had happened to Mate, dropped out of their studies and began to make money in order to somehow provide their brother with the necessary medicines. The father of the child asked them only two times … and that’s all.
My parents helped me, supported me, but my mom developed a tumor on the basis of nerves, she categorically refused to take medicine and died 3 months later, as Mate came down. And my father died a few months ago. He suffered a heartbeat. He was put in the same hospital where Mate is lying and I ran from floor to floor … God, what is all this for me …
For 3 years, my Mate has been in intensive care, and they only launch me to him for a few minutes, and then not every day. Is it possible to survive?
   -What means you live on? What is your household income?
    Nana Meparishvili: Pension Mate and social benefits are our income. I give some of my medicines free of charge, we don’t pay for the treatment, but I have to buy hygiene items and some medicines myself. That’s the whole pension goes for it. The condition of my son is very complicated. I hope only for God and help from good people. We are doing everything possible, but have already exhausted all that was …
       -Nana, whatever it may sound like, but we always ask our beneficiaries what is your dream?
   Nana Meparishvili: I dream that Mate will come to his senses so that he will live longer. Now he is neither alive nor dead, how painful it is to realize.
Mom knows that the disease can destroy her son, but she believes that the beloved Mate will live through the prayers of good people and their help!
Friends, we do not have the moral right to read this story does not help these unfortunate people! Let us pray for Mate, ask the Lord all together so that Mate’s life will not be interrupted!
     Everything depends on God and our mercy. Currently, this family lives in Tbilisi. You can visit them and personally assist. Here is the address: Varketili 3, 2 m / r., 2 building, apt. 176, tel.: 555786176.
     The account of our foundation: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Mate Harbedia).
     You can also transfer money from our site.
     You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay, and ExpressPay. In the “charity” section, find our foundation (Additional rights and obligations of the Foundation can be found at
      This good works, and you will reap their fruits. Inaction in the cause of mercy is transformed into a deadly sin action!

Mommy, dear, buy me new sneakers please! (Kharbedia)

Report has been written and published on Facebook

It’s a merit of kind people that I can still hug and kiss my son!

“Mommy, dear, buy me new sneakers, please” – these were poor Mate last words just before an insidious disease confined him to bed. 

Sixteen-year-old Mate Harbedia has been clinging to life for four years. He has been on the breathing machine in the intensive care unit of a clinic; he does not see, does not hear, does not recognize anyone …

But God’s ways are past finding out. Only He decides who is destined to live and who is destined to die! It was important for us to support his loving mother. We did it together, friends!

Your help has become invigorating air for the unhappy family. They finally managed to buy drugs that they were unable to afford. A part of the donated amount was urgently spent on purchasing medicines, hygiene products and food for Mate.

Many thanks to you, dear friends! Thank you for always being by them. Thank you for your support and care, for listening to them and helping them in hard times! Visiting our page you can read more about the assistance we have been providing to Mate in his struggle against death. 

– Nana, what would you like to say to all those strangers who helped you for the New Year?

Nana: It’s impossible to hide the pain in one’s soul, and my heart keeps crying… But today, for the first time in many years, I’ve felt the true power of compassion. I have devoted my whole life to my son, there was no time for taking breaks in a constant struggle against death … Your kindness and attention can prolong my boy’s life. Thank you very much! I will pray Lord for your children so that they never see grief and illness in their lives! It’s a merit of kind people that I can still hug and kiss my son!

– Nana, do you remember the people who helped you in person? Or maybe there is someone who still keeps helping you?

Nana: I don’t know how to explain that … You wrote in the article that Mate needed diapers like air! The very next day after the publication, someone rang on my doorbell. I looked outside – there was nobody there! But there was a pack of diapers left on the doorstep! This repeated for several months! Diapers appear the day when we really need them!

If this Holy One, who does this good deed, reads our article, we would like to thank him – may the Lord repay him a hundredfold for it!

Meanwhile, Mate continues to struggle for his life, and, therefore, you can continue to provide him with all possible help!

We have done good things for the Lord and people in need many-many times! We believe that He will not leave this family alone, that there will appear more kind people like you. The Lord wants us to become guardian angels for those who cannot take care of themselves! For those who live in Georgia there are no someone else’s children and mothers.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, just see our posts! You will see what real pain and grief are! Seeing people with such problems, we understand that we should only thank the Lord for our daily bread and ask Him to give us strength so that we can help those in need.

Friends, thanks again to all!

The problems of this family do not end here and now, they just have started. Go on helping this family! Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(purpose: Mate Kharbedia) 

You can also transfer money from our website 

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

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