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People are rich in money. But the happiest are rich in souls!

calendar March 19, 2020

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This beautiful woman – Nona Topuria – replaced the native mother of the sick and suffering Sofia

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There are so many poor people in Georgia, but our Lord is always with them!
   This beautiful woman – Nona Topuria – replaced the native mother of the sick and suffering Sofia, the daughter of her husband, whose first wife refused her and literally “threw” him into the street.
My main problem today is hunger! – Nona told our correspondent. – My husband and I can live on water and bread, but how to explain to the sick daughter that there is nothing to feed her? She doesn’t understand anything. And so it suffers that I cry all the time.
We don’t have money for food, for diapers. We live in an uninhabitable room, on an earthen floor. There is no normal bed and all pillows and blankets are torn … Even there is no bathroom, and we bathe Sofia right in the room in a broken basin.
Khvichi (husband) and I are from Samtredia and we met there. I have no parents alive, the kingdom to them is heaven, and the house where they lived fell apart a long time ago.
   The husband has a mother and 11 brothers and sisters. They live far in the village, but live in poverty even worse! They themselves really need help.
Corr. And how did you get Sofia?
 – This is the Khvichi child from his first marriage. He loved her so much, but her husband’s first wife abandoned him and got married a second time, and Sofia “threw her into a shelter”. Here Khvichi ran and took his baby from there.
– You are working? If not, why?
Nona: What a job, when a sick girl is in her arms. She cannot be left alone for a second. Will die. And her husband loves her so much. When looking at her, you saw his eyes foreheads. And I love. After all, if you love a husband, then his children are no less … He is my handyman. Not sitting idle. It plows in the field, then drags in heaviness, at a construction site, or in a store as a loader … But our income is barely enough for Sofia to buy diapers and pasta … bread … tea.
So the three of us live. I am already 55, my husband is 52 years old, and my daughter Sofia is 17 years old. My husband and I are healthy, and Sofia is ill with cerebral palsy, epilepsy. She is incapacitated. Itself can not eat, nor drink, nor sit …
– Is your family socially vulnerable?
– What help does the state provide to you, and who exactly?
Nona: Yes, but we are in poverty! The allowance for us with Sofia is only 400 GEL per month. And grief happened in November – my daughter almost died and we took a loan (at the expense of my pension) and now we receive from pension only 35 GEL per month.
Corr. Lord, what conscience do the bankers of that bank have to have in order to take interest from you too ?! How cruel people are!
Nona: they probably have a job like that. May God ask …
You are so kind to me … I will tell you how my misfortunes began …
In 1985, on December 18 at 22:00, my son died in my arms. Baby … he was a month and a half … after that I never had children. The first husband left me. And I already thought that life was over, but 15 years later I met Khvichi, who was also divorced and we fell in love. They created a family. I so wanted to make him happy! And then God gave us Sophia. We got a call from the police at night and told Khvichi that his first wife had abandoned his sick child. Sofia was 7 years old. For the first time I saw tears in Khvichi’s eyes and, of course, we immediately went and took his favorite to us. Then we lived well.
Corr. Would you take it today?
Nona: – Well, why did you ask this? You yourself do not see. – And did not answer.
Sophie cried, didn’t let anyone near her … I honestly didn’t know what to do, and then I went to the bawed child and pressed her to my heart. She immediately calmed down … It was such an unimaginable feeling … to feel the baby’s breath on her chest … Thank God for such a gift! Being a mother of a sick child is not hard! Being a mom is blessed! I do not suffer, raising a sick child, and let no one dare call me a stepmother! I am a mother! And Sofia is my beloved daughter. She is everything to me! I am ready to give my life for her. And no, it’s not difficult for me with her. I feel good with her. Let us be poor, but our princess lives in our house, our treasure is Sofia! When I imagine that they could have sent her to an orphanage, I feel uneasy. Of course, my husband was very happy that his daughter would be with him. He kissed my hands, thanked … said that he would do everything possible to ease my fate. He still does not understand how happy I am that I am raising his daughter … my daughter!
– And you tried to treat Sofia, where you turned and what answers you received:
Nona: I drove my daughter to a kindergarten for special children, and a teacher worked with her there. She learned to say two words – MOTHER and NONA … when Sofia tells me this, I am the happiest woman.
– What, in your opinion, do you need in the house first of all?
Nona: Oh, I would ask for diapers, products … I’m embarrassed to ask for more … You see for yourself, we have nothing. There’s not even a chair. The beds are old and falling apart … It would be great if Sofia had a bed and a pillow with a blanket … I also dream of a refrigerator and a washing machine … but I’ll get along if my girl is comfortable lying down.
Corr. Do you want a TV, fridge, washing machine?
Nona: And then do not buy diapers? I’m not such a dreamer. I do not want miracles … I know that everything is possible for the Lord can!
You are so kind!
Corr. Not me – people, Georgians, Nona. And the Fund will not leave you in trouble. Soon you will have many, many friends!
– Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?
Nona: I have no right not to believe … I see how you help people, therefore I turned to you. I see how many good friends the Foundation has … I think they will take our story to heart … I love everyone. May God give everyone health and happiness, and my daughter will recover. Miracles happen. The main thing is to believe God!
     Friends, as you can see, the family of Grigolia is in dire need. They need food, hygiene products, household appliances, furniture!
     Let us support them, show mercy, give them a chance to live a normal life. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. Believe us, it’s impossible to convey all the squalor and inhuman living conditions in words! Call Nona, find out about the needs of the family, cheer and support, say that she is not alone and that we will not leave them alone in trouble! It is very important!
Here is their address: Samtredia, st. Queen Tamara No. 46 Tel: 555 68 57 08
Friends, the Chernovetsky Charitable Foundation begins an action: to help the family of Grigolia. As you know, the Fund does not stop with one-time assistance. Without children, the country and the people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! “Write” them to your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord Himself will bless you.
And be sure to CEREAL our post. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important!
God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is kind, as we are with you. Do not pass by someone else’s misfortune! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!
Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or acquaintance, do a charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:
Our fund account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000, GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Sofia Grigolia). You can also transfer money from our site.
You can transfer money also from the OPRA, TBCpay, ExpressPay terminals. In the charity section, find our foundation. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at

And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! 

“I could not breathe of grief. Do you know what it is like to hear a phone call in complete silence and despair, for the first time in many, many years, and a kind voice saying: “Can we visit you? We want to make friends with Sofia!” “My God, yes! Of course you can!” – Nona Topuria cried with happiness.
 My poor girl Sofia, my powerless sufferer, who can neither talk, nor walk, whom illness brought only grief and despair, has met friends for the first time in her life! Lord, I think they have been calling me from all over Georgia, from everywhere – it’s all thanks to you!
 You breathed LIFE into us! For the first time in 17 years, we felt we have a family! All Georgia is our big friendly family! Than you, my dear!  

  Dear family, dear Georgia, sick Sofia needs a bed! It is my only dream – I do not dare ask for more. May God hear your prayers, as you have heard our pain.  

“Let me hug you! I’ve been waiting so long! You are the messengers of the Lord! All who helped me! Consider that I am embracing and blessing them all! “ -sais Nona Topuria, the mother of Sofia Grigolia, who is seriously ill. 
Friends, you have probably read the touching story of Sofia in our recent post “People are rich in money. But the happiest are rich in souls!”
When the girl’s desperate mother, Nona, addressed our Fund for help, the unfortunate family was on the edge of despair. Every day they struggled for the life of their only daughter! They tried to cope with the challenges: how to make Sofia’s life decent, how to feed her, where to get money for diapers. They prayed to the Lord for help! He heard them! God, the Almighty sent all the friends of the Fund to help the family! You did not let the family die, you became the lifeline they needed so much!

You can’t even imagine how much your support means to these lonely, abandoned people! You give them hope and faith for a better future! When we published the post about this family, they did not expect anyone to help them. But, once again, you have proved that the Good exists! You became their support, hope and faith. Nona’s face shines with happiness: she knows Sofia will not starve, and there is a whole lot of diapers at home! The powerless girl even began to smile – Sofia gives her wonderful smile to you, friends! 

– Nona, how has your life change after we published the article about you?

Nona: Thank God, he directed me to you. You know, my husband and I had almost no hope, fretting all the time. There was no money even for food, needless to say about diapers. You are our gift from heaven! I have no words to express how grateful I am. Probably, it’s impossible to express it by words. In our time, it is difficult to believe that there are good people around. But look at or wonderful fridge, washing machine, TV! All this shows the opposite! Even little Sofia feels happy to see all these things. 

– Which present did you like most? 

Nona: I liked everything! Look what a fridge they brought, it’s huge! It’s beautiful, sparkling and brand new! I have only saw such one in my dreams! And the washing machine? My hands will at last have a rest! And the TV is like a dream! Sofia is so happy, my poor girl! She likes it so much! Thank you, it’s so nice to know that someone thinks about you, and cares about you. I have never felt it for a very long time. 

What do you think Sofia would tell us if she could?

Nona: We appealed for your help for the sake of our girl, she is so helpless, she cannot talk, and it may seem she understands nothing. But I saw her smile! It’s true! When they brought the TV and switched it on, she stared at it with interest and then smiled. Lord, let me keep this moment in my memory. I had never felt so happy before this moment. My little girl was so joyful for the first time in her life. Now she watches TV all the time. She likes it: the pictures change, music plays, human voices are heard. She hums happily when she sees it. If Sofia could, she would hug you as I did. And she would tell you that she loves you. Because Sofia is like that. She’s a pure angel!

– We all love her! Did anybody help you besides our Fund? Maybe you remember their names? 

Nona: Yes, we’ve got so many new friends! People just come bringing food and diapers for Sofia. I could not to remember all their names. I’m sorry – it’s because of the overwhelming emotions! Nobody used to help, and suddenly there appeared so many people responding. I was excited! The priest of the nearby church came to our place, and brought us a lot of food! He kissed Sofia and blessed her! 
I am so grateful to everybody! To those who came in person and to those who called me. It is so important for me! I was convinced once again that Georgians are a united and strong nation. We are few, but one can envy our unity. We are ready to give the last piece of bread to those in need. We would never leave our compatriot in trouble. 
– Nona, did the local government react to our post? Did they ask about your condition and did they somehow help you?

 Nona: Unfortunately, not. They did not react at all. Our people – this is my state since now! 
– What does their support and help mean to you?

Nona: It means a lot! You brought me to life! Many people called and said, that they are praying for our girl. They managed to revive me, a desperate woman, and did not let me give up. Lots of kind people support us, so that I feel I can handle everything! 

 But most importantly, I believe now. I believe in good people. You know, I always used to hope people are good, but now this belief is firmly entrenched in my soul. II don’t just hope, now I know it! There are good people and they made Sofia smile for the first time in her life.

– Tell me about your emotions.

Nona: I do not think there are any words that can describe my emotions. When they brought the gifts and began to unload them in the house, I suddenly felt strong. I had been so exhausted. No matter how hard a person tries to hold on, one day he will start losing ground. Then someone should appear in his life who would not let him drown. Now I am up again, I live again. All thanks to you! Now with new strength, thoughts and, most importantly, new belief!
– Nona, maybe you have some more issues that our readers can help you with?
Nona: We are so thankful to those who helped us! Believe me! We respect and love everyone! All these people are our friends from now. And friends are very important to us! I feel embarrassed to ask for anything more. But Sofia needs diapers all the time, she needs at least three packs per month. They are so expensive, we cannot afford many. I have them right now, but they will finish sooner or later. If anybody could help us with it I would be very grateful! Thank you once more for all! We love you all! We also believe in miracles now. 

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction look just see our posts on FB And better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life. 
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all! 
Our Fund’s accounts are: 
(Purpose: Sofia Grigolia ) 
You can also transfer money from our website 
It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )
One call saves life – 0901 200 270

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we experience for others!
Jun 01, 2020
fund overhead
Jun 26, 2020
household appliances

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