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How to explain to the kids that their father, a war hero, was killed not by the enemy’s bullet but by the doctor’s ignorance in the country which he used to defend?

calendar October 19, 2020

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“I want to be a soldier, like my daddy! – proudly declares Gabriel and drags me directly from the doorway to the portrait of his father. – You know, ma’am, my dad is a hero, he was at war, and, sure, I will become a hero too! – continues the little boy. – Now daddy is in the heaven. Not that he has left us – angels just took him there, because he was so kind, brave and good!”

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“I want to be a soldier, like my daddy! –
proudly declares Gabriel and drags me directly from the doorway to the portrait
of his father. – You know, ma’am, my dad is a hero, he was at war, and,
sure, I will become a hero too! – continues the little boy. – Now daddy is in
the heaven. Not that he has left us – angels just took him there, because he
was so kind, brave and good! “

the poor orphans, Gabriel
(5-year-old) and Ilya (9-year-old), have only a portrait in a black frame, as a
memory of their beloved and caring father. And their mother, Marekhi
Chkhvimiani (41-year-old), the unfortunate widow, is choking on grief and keeps
mourning her deceased husband.

“We became orphans, – the poor woman sobs. –
With the death of my husband, the earth seemed to have gone from under our feet
… He was our support and protector, and now, we are completely alone. I don’t
know how to raise my sons alone without him … “

Friends! Marekhi and her two wonderful kids,
Gabriel and Ilya, were left without a breadwinner, without a dear spouse and
dad, without support and protection. The disease took his life two years ago. He
was a veteran of the war in Abkhazia, a participant in hostilities in Ossetia
and many times exposed his life to danger for the welfare of our Motherland –
beautiful Georgia. Now his family needs our help.

The widow and the two little orphans live in terrible
conditions, even starving sometimes. The miserable woman driven to despair
addressed us with Faith in the Lord and with hope in good people. Their father
defended Georgia, and now we must protect them!

– Marekhi, tell me please
what misfortune brought you to our Fund? What is the main problem of your

Marekhi: Poverty and total despair. I can’t
stand looking into the hungry eyes of my children anymore and constantly refusing
them everything. We have never lived richly, but after my husband passed away
two years ago, our situation became just terrible. 

– It probably hurts you to
talk about it, but if possible, tell me how it happened?

Marekhi: My husband was a military
man, all his life he served our Motherland with faith and truth. He went
through the war in Abkhazia, the hostilities in Ossetia … It was there he
caught cold after lying in the snow. In Tbilisi, doctors misdiagnosed him,
pneumonia, and treated him incorrectly. It turned out that he had heart muscle
inflammation, and it was already impossible to do anything. Words cannot
describe what we had to go through in eight years. My husband was implanted a
pacemaker, he was constantly treated, he spent most of his time at hospital. He
died there 2 years ago … (Cries.) Do you know the worst thing? The fact that
throughout all these years the fear that he might fall asleep and never wake up
never left me … Several times his heart stopped, he fell right in front of
the children. Our eldest son Ilya cannot forget this until now, I feel how he
is going through … Perhaps that is why he is so withdrawn … Poor fellow, what
he had to pass through! 

 – Could you tell us how you met your love, how your
husband romanced you?

Marekhi: Me and Bachuki are both refugees from Abkhazia.
My mother and I managed to leave Gagra in time. In fact, I did not see all the
horrors of the war. But my husband fought there. He did not like to talk about
it and did not tell me anything. We met 15 years ago here, at Ushba hotel, at a
friend’s birthday party. We liked each other, met for some time, everything was
beautiful, like in a fairy tale … We dreamed about having a friendly family,
kids … But unfortunately, after the marriage we had no children for five years!
I was constantly being treated, all the funds were spent on it. I lost my
babies seven times in my third month of pregnancy. Seven times, you see! Seven
times I was preparing to become a mother, I was jubilant – and suddenly the babies
died! This is horrible… But the Lord is merciful, he saw that I was eager to
become a mother, and he gave me two wonderful sons! I am so grateful to the
Almighty for that!

– How did you see your future, what other plans did you

Marekhi: In order to save money for an apartment and have
our own roof over the head, Bachuki went to serve as a mercenary to Iraq. But
unfortunately, it was then that the war began in Ossetia and he was recalled to
be sent there. He returned from Ossetia a seriously ill, as I said. He needed
constant care, and the children were small, there was no one to leave them
with, so I could not work. For eight years I was a bystander of my dear
husband’s torment … His legs and arms were swollen, he was constantly short
of air … He felt very bad … You have no idea what a wonderful, loving and
caring husband and father he was … (Cries.)

– Does anybody help you? Parents or relatives?

Marekhi: My parents are already old, they live very far
away, in a village, in Svaneti. My father-in-law and mother-in-law died several
years ago. My husband has two sisters, but they also live in poverty. My
sisters and brother live in poverty too, they are refugees and socially

– We are so sorry! Did you address the local authorities
for help?

Marekhi: Yes, of course! When my husband passed away the
district administration and the city hall transferred to me 800 GEL for the
funeral. And we are also on a housing waiting list, but only God knows when
this miracle happens… You can see how we live… A tiny room in a rotten
hotel building, water coming from the ceiling, and it’s absolutely impossible
to enter the bathroom … Rot, stench and horror all around …

– What is your income? What’s it enough for?

Marekhi: We get the social
allowance, plus each of my orphans gets 100 GEL, plus 22 GEL veteran’s pension.
It’s about 400 total plus food coupons. What can it be enough for? Just not to
die of hunger. I cannot work for the children are still little and they need
attention all the time. That’s how we live. Believe it or not, sometimes a
water-based soup is our food for the whole day.

– Do you believe in the
kindness of strangers?

Marekhi: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact,
there are a lot of kind and softhearted people in our country. And your Fund is
a good example of that. I keep following your Facebook page, I see how many
unfortunate people you help, and most importantly, you give all people living
in Georgia the opportunity to lend a helping hand to their neighbors. When it
became completely unbearable for us, I decided to write to you, because there
is no one else I can ask for help …

– Do you believe in God? In
what do you see the salvation? 

Marekhi: Only Faith in God does not
let me lose heart. The Lord gives me strength to overcome the terrible pain I
felt after the loss of my dear husband. My children need me and I must be
strong for their sake. I have a confessor, I take my sons to church as often as
I can, for the communion and joining the church.

– Please tell me more about
your children. Do they go to school and kindergarten? What are their hobbies?

Marekhi: Ilia is 9 and he
goes to the 3rd form. He pleases me so much! He is good at Math. As socially
disadvantaged we are eligible to attend clubs for free. I used to take Ilia to
the swimming club, but then everything closed due to the coronavirus. Gabriel
is only five years old. Last year I took him to the kindergarten. By the way,
it helped a lot: when the kindergartens were closed during the pandemic, they
gave us food home. The boys loved their father so much that they took his death
very hard. Ilya became unsociable, as if he understood how painful it was for
me, keeping silence. And little Gabriel keeps talking wherever we go: “We have
been here with dad, he said so then or did so… He promised me this or that…”
And I hide my tears …

-Can I talk to the boys,
please? Hi, Ilia! Can you tell me about yourself? How do you study, which
subject do you like most?

Ilia (9-year-old): I study well and always get
“tens” to please my mommy. Daddy is no longer with us, and she is always sad,
but when I get “tens” she smiles. I love math most of all, I like solving math problems.

– Do you help your mother?

Ilia: Yes, of course! I
help her to tidy up the room and always obey her.

– What will you become when
you grow up?

Ilia: A policeman! I will
drive a car with a siren and police lights and keep order!

– What are you dreaming
about, Ilia?

Ilia: I really want a bike,
a neighbor boy lends me his bike sometimes, but I want to have mine so that we
could ride together! It’s a fun! I also want to have a computer to study. There
are so many interesting things on the Internet. You can find anything there,
and you can also watch cartoons or play.

–  What about you, Gabriel? What are you
dreaming about?

Gabriel: I want toys and a
rifle. Bang-bang! There are many toys in the kindergarten, but it is closed now
and I have to stay at home. It’s boring to be at home, but we play
hide-and-seek in the yard when the weather is good.

– And why the rifle?

Gabriel: I want to be a
soldier like daddy! I will be strong and brave!

– What is your favorite

Gabriel: Spiderman, it’s so
cool when he makes the spiderweb and jumps on the roofs. 

– Boys, what would you wish
to all children living in Georgia?

Ilia: I wish them health
and joy and their parents always to be healthy. 

– Marekhi, what is your biggest dream?

Marekhi: I only dream that my children would have a roof
over their heads. My heart aches when I look at them. They lost their dear
father, they suffered so much, and I am unable to please them, even to buy them
some extra candies. It hurts so much.

– What do you think, you
need most in your home?

Marekhi: We will be happy to get any help. We
have nothing. At the moment we need a new bed, because this one is about to
collapse. It would be great to have a washing machine, because my back aches
when I wash by hand, it kills me. And a gas stove – I would bake at home then,
it will result significant saving opportunities. Besides, my children often ask
me for yummies. It’s much easier when you have an oven, with bread dough and
potatoes you can easily make patties.

Ilia’s school notebook went out of order, so
he has to go to the neighbor’s in order not to miss the on-line lessons. If
schools are closed again, I have no idea what we will do …

I will be extremely grateful to everyone who
will take our problems to heart and understand our pain to everyone who wants
to support us just with a kind word, because it is so important to know that
someone is not indifferent to your grief!


Friends, our compatriot, Marekhi Chkhvimiani, and her two
young sons, Ilya (9-year-old) and Gabriel (5-year-old), are in distress. They
need our help and support. After going through so much sorrow and suffering,
the family lost the breadwinner. Widowed Marekhi can hardly make ends meet, and
she often has nothing to feed her little sons on.

Ilya and Gabriel lost their loving and caring father.
This was a hardest blow for the kids. The boys are deprived of absolutely everything
– normal food, clothes, toys … They are deprived of a happy childhood and the
opportunity to develop normally! But children are the future of our country!

The family needs any help – beds, a washing machine, a gas
stove, a computer and clothes for children.

You can visit the Chkhvimiani family yourself and provide
them with all possible help. Their address is: Tbilisi, Aghmashenebeli
alley, hotel “Ushba”. 

Or you can call Marekhi and cheer her up with kind words!
Her phone: 597 10 85 81.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know
about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable
to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor
people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in
deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the
misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s
accounts are: 




(Purpose: Chkhvimiani

You can
also transfer money from our website.

It is also
possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay
terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund
following the link ).

We have
already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support the
Chkhvimiani family, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of

One call
saves life – 0901 200 270.

You don’t just change people’s lives for the better – you change the people themselves!


“Well-done! You are so smart!” – 5-year-old Gabi greets us with these words. – “Whose idea was it to give us two tablets? We don’t argue at all whose turn is it, we just stay peaceful and amicable.” The boy cannot hide his emotions! He doesn’t stop! “An entire football team came to visit us! Can you imagine? And they gave us a real soccer ball! And the uniforms! I decided to become a football player, well, or a military man, like my dad. What do you think?”

The older one – Ilia – interrupts a youngster: “Oh, what a chatterbox you are! Let the lady come in and sit down. Would you like us to make sandwiches for you in the microwave? It’s so delicious!”

Just six months ago, the children did not even want to communicate with us. They were so sad after the death of their father; they did not believe in anything. You can compare yourself: the difference is just six months!

The difference between these photos is six months. Friends, isn’t it magic?

  No one can bring us back our loved ones who have left this world. But everyone can show his concern and alleviate the pain of those who lost their loved ones. And the most importantly – to give them a faith in goodness, in human mercy.

  – Mareki, how did your life change after our publication?

  Marekhi: Many thanks to all of you for your help, for your responses, for your support! I could not even imagine that people would treat my story with such empathy and understanding, despite such a difficult situation in Georgia and in the world as a whole. I will never tire of thanking you, you have instilled new life in my family! Children are all I have! Seeing them happy and joyful is the greatest happiness for me! I am thankful to every person who has transferred even one lari to us! May you always have peace and harmony in your soul and in your families! Let pain and loss pass you by!

‘If only daddy could see what cool things we have, he would be so happy!”

  I could not imagine how easy it was to wash clothes in the washing machine. I can’t get enough of the microwave. And the boys do not lose sight of their tablets! It’s a real miracle, and we are so grateful to all of you! You have brought unforgettable joy into our lives – God bless you all!

“I think I enjoy the microwave oven as much as my boys enjoy their tablets.”

  – Marekhi, what did you remember the most? Do you remember the names of people who helped you?

  Marekhi: I remember one girl – her name is Diana Tsurtsumia. She read your post about us and called me immediately. I am grateful to every person who responded to our post, but Diana somehow sunk into my heart. A few days after calling me, she came to visit us and brought us a gas stove. As it turned out, she told our story to her colleagues, and they decided to make us such a gift – they raised money and bought us a gas stove. An old one I had was already good for nothing. But I could not imagine that a complete stranger – not a relative or friend – could make you that happy!

  – Did the local authorities somehow react to our post? Did they provide any help to your family?

  Marekhi: We do not exist for them! We just don’t exist! No one called us, no one reacted, no one provided us help. We still live in the old hotel “Ushba” along with other refugees from Abkhazia. My children and I used to live in a tiny room, but fortunately my neighbor switched her room with us. Now there is a little bit more space. But this entire hotel is damp. Summer is gone, cold autumn comes ahead, and then winter is coming… I don’t know for how long we will live like this. And what is the most annoying – we do not know the timeframe when we will finally get our own housing. Doesn’t the family of my late husband – a veteran of Abkhazian war and a participant in the hostilities in Ossetia, deserve at least some attention from the authorities? He fought for his Motherland, and gave his life for it…

  – And what do the authorities say about providing you and all other families with your own housing?

  Marekhi: Nobody knows that – they don’t tell us when it would happen. Their only answer is that everything is on hold now due to the pandemic. Suspended for unspecified time…

  – It is very difficult, indeed, to live in uncertainty, but let’s hope for the best. Let’s get back to the positive things. Tell us about your emotions, which gift you liked the most?

  Marekhi: Ilove everything! (Laughs.) I use each of the presents you gave me with pleasure! It is difficult for me to single out anything, each of them has its own purpose. The washing machine has become my kind helper, it saves me so much time and effort. Cooking, heating food in the microwave is a pleasure! Even if you warm a simple bread in it, it gets tastier.

“The washing machine has become a good helper for me”

  When I washed clothes with hands, my lower back used to hurt, it was difficult for me to cope with it. Ilya and Gabi are so happy with your gifts – their tablets, they rarely part with them. We are so grateful to you for everything!

“We’re cool dudes! And we can play the coolest games “

– We are so happy that you and your boys liked our gifts! Could I talk to the boys, please? I’d like to know what they will tell us themselves. Let’s start with the elder one. Ilya, which gift did you like the most?

Ilia (9-year-old): Hello! I like the tablet very much! I can watch cartoons on it, play games, learn a lot of interesting things. Gabi has his own tablet, and he is also very happy! There is no need for us to argue: “Give it to me, now it’s my turn to play”.

  – You probably have your favorite cartoon that you don’t get tired of watching?

  Ilia: My favorite cartoon is “Shrek”. It’s so funny and interesting that I can watch it hundreds of times. School will start soon, and I will be able to join the online lessons through my tablet without any problems. It’s so cool!

“School will start soon, and I will be able to join the lessons without any problems”

  – You are very smart and kind boy! We wish you all the best in your life! Let’s talk to Gabriel now. Gabi, what do you remember the most?

  Gabriel (5-year-old): I love the tablet too! I watch football on it! I want to play football as a real football player. But I also want to become a soldier like my dad, he was very brave! When I become a soldier, I will guard and defend my homeland. You know, ma’am, very kind people live in Georgia. Once real football players came to visit us and brought soccer balls and uniforms to Ilya and me! It was very interesting and cool.

  – You will certainly become whoever you decide, and you will be happy and fair, Gabi! And now, with your permission, I’d like to ask your mother some questions. Marekhi, what football team is Gabi talking about?

  Marekhi: How could I forgot about that! But he remembers everything! After your post was published, the coach of the Zekari football team called us. He asked permission to come to visit us together with his entire team and the parents of little players. They came and brought the boys balls, uniforms.

“When I grow up I will learn to play football very well. I also want to become a soldier like my dad.”

  They had a lot of fun – their eyes were shining with joy! My boys will remember this day forever! This influenced Gabi a lot, after that he became interested in football games, which he enjoys watching on his tablet. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the surname of Zekari’s coach, but his name is Giorgi, I remember that. Thanks again for everything!

  – Maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you to solve?

Marekhi: I am so immensely grateful! You have done so much for us! I’d like to believe that one day we’ll have our own home, but I’d like to know when. It is so hard to live in the old hotel, everything is so damp and moldy here.  It will get cold soon, but we have no idea when we will have our own housing. It is very hard, indeed, to live in uncertainty…


  Dear readers, once again we thank each of you for helping this amazing family! Maybe there are people among us who can solve the above problem with their housing? These two boys, likewise all children, deserve a happy childhood spent in a cozy home!

  Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Chkhvimiani family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

  It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link:

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:

and Telegram:

  Even if you dial once 0901 200 270, it might save someone’s life. God bless you!

  Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Nov 05, 2020
washing machine
Jan 04, 2021
fund overhead
Jan 14, 2021
Feb 08, 2021
Nov 01, 2021

Total expenses:



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ნათია ჯახია
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ხვთისო ტაბლიაშვილი
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113 Donors


They need your help urgently