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I died for the first time at the age of 9, and now I am dying again

calendar September 22, 2021

One call saves life!

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“How is this possible?” – you will probably ask. Mzia Dzamukashvili knows the answer to this question very well. She first died at the age of 9 when she went blind. Her world was gone. Her childhood ended and her life ended too. Mzia buried and mourned her dreams. And then she was resurrected for another life – in eternal darkness. She learned to live by touch – to walk, read, recognize other people. She learned not to dream about great joys. Her fate was like an evil stepmother, it was not going to give her love, the joy of motherhood, happiness.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“How is this possible?” – you will probably ask. Mzia Dzamukashvili knows the answer to this question very well. She first died at the age of 9 when she went blind. Her world was gone. Her childhood ended and her life ended too. Mzia buried and mourned her dreams. And then she was resurrected for another life – in eternal darkness. She learned to live by touch – to walk, read, recognize other people. She learned not to dream about great joys. Her fate was like an evil stepmother, it was not going to give her love, the joy of motherhood, happiness.

It seems that some people have to go through all the circles of hell during their earth life. Mzia is already old, but her torment continues. Now she is not just blind. She is lonely, she is starving. “Now I am dying a slow death,” – says Mzia, “because of hunger and because everyone forgot about me”

Can’t we give her whatever she deserves at least now?! Can’t we brighten her days with love, support, care?!

“I don’t know why so many trials befell me”

– Mzia, tell us about your life and problems, and we will be your mouthpiece and convey your story to a large audience of our readers so that they can help.

Mzia: I am all alone facing a hard reality… Blind, with a million of sores, lonely and poor. Recently I have been living from hand to mouth. After the death of my mother, I feel that nobody cared about me. She died one year ago after a long illness and three strokes. It felt that the ground had slipped out from under my feet. Mom was the whole world for me, I saw everything around with her eyes. She was never tired of telling me things, teaching me, surprising me. My poor mom, let her rest in peace. She suffered a lot with me. It was such a big blow for her when she found out that I went blind.

– How did it happen, Mzia? Was there any chance to retain your vision?

Mzia: If the doctors had discovered the reason in time, perhaps I would have seen you now. The problem was caused by a cyst in my head, which made my vision to deteriorate dramatically. My parents urgently took me to Moscow to the Burdenko hospital, where I was operated on. But we were too late. A terrible diagnosis that sounded like a verdict – optic nerve atrophy. At the age of 9, my childhood ended, and pitch darkness fell…

– Poor little Mzia. How can a 9-year-old child bear this? Yesterday, the whole world was yours, but suddenly your hopes and dreams were taken away from you and you were pushed into darkness…

Mzia: That little girl was very scared. I laid on the floor and cried for hours. And no one could calm me down and comfort me. Mom and Dad were heartbroken. I could not understand: why? Why has it happened to me? On October 5, 1965, I went to school for the last time while I was able to see. And a life that awaited me was completely different.

– What did you remember before that terrible day when you went blind?

Mzia: We were an ordinary family: my mom, my dad, my younger brother, and me. My parents worked hard – they did their best to keep the family. I grew up an inquisitive and a sociable child, I walked a lot, I read a lot. At some point, it became hard for me to study. I couldn’t write evenly, no matter how hard I tried. I quickly got tired of reading. My head began to ache, my eyes were watery and burning. My parents were very worried, and the doctors did not say anything specific. But this was the beginning of the end, a harbinger of imminent blindness.

All these years, my childhood memories are with me: all the faces that I saw, the places I have been to. The latest vivid pictures are my holidays in Kobuleti, where my grandmother took me. The sea at dawn – so quiet and transparent, colored pebbles on the shore, seagulls. Lots of sunburned people, umbrellas, sun loungers. Hot boiled corn sprinkled with salt on the beach. Ships that sailed to Batumi. And in the evening – beautifully dressed vacationers walking along the boulevard… I never saw the sea with adult eyes.

– It is still endless, as it used to be in your childhood, Mzia.

Mzia: It’s good that I remember this piece of happiness.

– How did your life go further?

Mzia: My parents had to transfer me from secondary school # 3 in Telavi to a specialized school for the blind in Tbilisi, in Avlabar. Of course, it was difficult for my family to rearrange their life, but there was no other way out. It was hard for me to get used to it as well: my friends, former teachers – everyone were left in Telavi. I started again from scratch, like a first grader. I learned Braille, listened to sounds, moved by touch. Oh, how stubborn I was at first and then for a very, very long time. Children who were blind from birth studied with me, and it seemed to me that I was different – different from them. My story was special, because I just recently was able to see. I know what my mother looks like, what waves on the sea look like, what a sunset is… And they didn’t know that! They won’t understand me. But after a while, I realized that I was as blind as all my classmates and there was no difference between us. That I had to get used to the fact that now it will always be like this.

At the age of 9, Mzia had to learn Braille to be able to read again

I really wanted to continue my studies after school.  I entered the Faculty of Philology at the Ivane Javakhishvili State University. I graduated with honors. Later I worked in the Union of the Blind, at the local radio Kwanji as editor-in-chief. Years later, when the radio was closed, and I led a literary society at the Culture Center. I quit my job when my mother got sick. I wanted to spend a longer time with her. After the death of my brother and father, she remained my only family. My only soul mate.

– Mzia, are there any of your relatives left?

Mzia: One can say so. (Sighs.) Formally, they are. But they don’t communicate with me. They don’t need me. They will call me once a year for show. There is no support or help from them – actually, I don’t even expect it. I don’t blame anyone. I know that everyone has their own life, and no one needs any extra problems with an old blind woman. But it feels so bitter that my beloved niece, my brother’s only daughter, has forgotten me. She does not come, does not call, does not want to communicate with me. That’s how I was left alone. I couldn’t build my own family. I live out my days all alone, unwanted, forgotten, hungry and cold. Why does a man need such a lonely and bitter old age? To suffer?

No one calls the old home phone for a long now

– Mzia, it hurts me so much to hear such bitter words!
How desperate our people are! It’s true that relatives are not doing the best but taking care of the weak and those in need is the direct responsibility of the state. Do you get any help from them?

Mzia: I get something, but how can I live on it?! My pension is 250 GEL, plus annually I get 100 GEL from the mayor’s office for medications. Just try to survive with that. You should distribute 250 GEL between food, utilities and medications. Could I ever guess that I would have to live in debt in my old age? To beg for groceries at the store. I’m afraid that something bad can happen to me. It is dangerous for me to starve because of diabetes but I am often hungry. I also suffer from joint pains; my blood pressure jumps up and down. I need to visit a doctor, but I can’t afford that. I addressed you and I really hope that kind people will help me…

  Bread, tomatoes, cucumbers – that’s her entire day menu

– Mzia, do you believe in human kindness?

Mzia: I believe in it, but not all people are equally kind. (Sighs.) In recent years, I have become disappointed with my loved ones. It hurts me that they left me to the mercy of fate. But I am grateful to God that my best neighbors are next to me. They substituted my relatives for me! Even though Maka, Seda and Laura have their families and many worries, they always find time for me too. One will come to tidy up, the other will throw out the trash, the third will take me out for a walk. Thank them for their care and love!

Once it happened so that I did not have enough money to buy the medication in the pharmacy, and a stranger bought it for me. I addressed you in the hope that kind people will help. You have so many responsive readers. I’m alone all the time, like a lost one. I don’t know where to go, where to seek for help. But I think that I can hope for you. You will help me, right?

– Of course, our readers will help you! You will see! They will cure all your troubles with their attention and love.

Mzia: I wish so! How much can one person withstand? I got a bitter lot.

– Mzia, what helped you not to lose hope and is holding you now? Are you religious?

Mzia: If not for faith, would I have lived to this day? When such a misfortune happens to you, your despair is huge. In faith, I found peace, humility, I became able to accept myself and be grateful for everything that I have in my life. Of course, I dreamed of a different life. My disease crushed all my dreams, put an end to everything. I found myself in a different reality, but I found the strength to live on. God blessed me by giving me the best parents – so empathetic and caring. They illuminated my dark path with their love. In the most difficult days, I felt that God was with me!

“I live my days alone, forgotten by everyone”

– What do you need the most right now? What would you like to ask our readers for?

Mzia: As you can see, I live very modestly. Money is barely enough for food, there is absolutely no money left for medications and treatment… I am worried and nervous about how to cope in winter. Payment for utilities will double, and there will be nothing left for food.

I dream about TV. Don’t get surprised. Although I do not see the image, I really want to at least listen to programs, TV shows, films, and concerts. I am devoid of any joy. I am very sad and lonely, the TV would distract me from heavy thoughts. I have no water heater (storage water heater). I wash dishes in ice-cold water with my aching hands. My neighbor Seda lent me the refrigerator. That’s how I live. I will be grateful for any support! My neighbor Maka could not stand looking at my suffering anymore and advised me to ask you for help. I now have all my hopes for you. Help me, please, I beg you! Don’t pass by.


Friends, do you hear that?! How much sadness, anxiety, tiredness, pain is there in this timid call for help. Mzia has endured so much, she has suffered too much! Now lonely and sick Mzia Dzamukashvili lives from hand to mouth, forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Every day it becomes more difficult for her to take care of herself, her physical condition is getting worse, there is not enough money even for food! We can give her things that she urgently needs right now: food, medications, home appliances. And things that she was deprived of for so long: joy, love, attention.

Let’s give her that hope right now!

You can personally get acquainted with Mzia, provide her with all possible help. Her address is: Kvemo Ponichala, 12 A Rustavi Highway.

Please repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of Mzia Dzamukashvili! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Mzia Dzamukashvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. TBCpay , ExpressPay. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Mzia Dzamukashvili too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news! Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:

and Telegram:

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

I am blind but I see your kindness very well!!!

Now I won’t feel lonely
They say that the blind feel and experience everything doubly. Mzia is that woman who has been living in darkness since the age of nine. She feels the world only by the touch and by ear. Despite this, Mziya’s special skill, which is called imagination, gave her the opportunity to hug, feel your kindness, which left an unforgettable, emotional trace in her memory.
Now a ray of light has appeared in her life, which, according to her, she named after our Fund.  She does not feel lonely anymore. Do you know why? Because your kindness filled her house. She already has a radio, which she dreamed about for so long, so that she does not feel lonely as much.
Now there is hot water in her house, and, as she herself says, every day she strokes the water heater with her hand, blessing each of you. What could be more beautiful than lending a helping hand and making everyday life better for a person who has given up on life?
– Mzia, how did your life change after we have published an article about you?
Mzia: You know, this question touches me like a small child, because I have to remember what my life was like before you appeared. In general, for a blind person there is neither yesterday nor tomorrow, there is only darkness, which is always the same. Besides that, I’ve been living alone for years. 
For the first time in so many years I felt that I was not alone, when you appeared – someone was interested in me and expressed this interest with kindness and love. I was brought to life, felt the essence of my existence in this world. You gave me an inspiration for tomorrow. If you only knew, how much joy you gave me. It made sense to start a new day. Now I know that I can turn on the radio and listen to it until the evening, finding out what is happening in the world. I can’t see the world. But the radio is an inseparable part of me, I have it constantly on so as not to pay attention to this darkness. It really does help me a lot. 
And warm water is a real relief for me. In winter, it is as cold in my house as it is outside and putting hands in cold water at this time really hurts. Maybe someone else will be surprised at my great joy and say: “How could radio and hot water make her that happy?” But for people like me, this is a great joy. Even some small thing can make us happy… The rest is up to you… 
I bless you day and night!!! Day and night, people!!! I always pray for you because you showed me so much kindness and love.
– Mzia, I am sure that you will make our readers happy with these words. Have you made new friends?
Mzia: You know, today everything happens on the Internet, times have changed – the way they ask about you, the way they help, and all the rest… I don’t have a mobile phone, and they couldn’t contact me. But my old friend said that when you published a post about me, people wrote me comments and a lot of kind words. When I learned this, I was so happy that I couldn’t sit still for the whole day!
I would like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. It is your merit that now I feel like a living person. I would also like to mention the employee of your Fund, whose name is Nana, her surname is Chigladze, if I remember correctly. She is such an attentive, warm, and good person that I can not help but note this. Since I spoke to her in person, let me confidently thank her and express my love.

“This is how I touch and stroke it”

– Was there any feedback from the local authorities to our post? Did they react in any manner?
Mzia: As usual, they send us one-time help from time to time. For example, they give me a voucher in the amount of 100 GEL for medications (once every four months). But the price of only one drug that I take – “Treparin” – is 110 GEL. What else to say… They even disqualified me from getting social allowance I used to get. Ever since my mom died, they gave me more points, so I’m no longer entitled to get allowance. Can you imagine when this is done to a blind person who does not have the means and conditions? 

“Blood pressure monitor with voice has become an inseparable part of me”

– Mzia, I hope everything will change soon. In the meantime, I want to ask you, what does this help and support mean to you personally?
Mzia: This help? It’s a reason for me to stay in this world. You probably know what I mean. Why do you need such a life where you have no one, you see nothing, no one remembers you, no one asks about you?
Loneliness is terrible. But when you are also blind life turns into hell. Here I want to recall one sad story that concerns my late brother and his former family. My brother was separated from his family for 15 years. He was very angry with his ex-wife and warned me before he died that he was not going to leave her anything. My brother did not have many things, he only had house in Telavi. But when my brother passed away, I thought about his wife and child, and it hurt me very much that he left them with nothing at all. Despite the fact that his family collapsed 15 years ago, my heart ached, and I decided to give them this house. Do you know why I am telling you that? 
So many years have passed, but they do not show up, do not ask how I am, do not visit me … I begged them to come and take me to the grave, but they did not, always finding some reasons. That’s what they did to me, leaving me, forgetting how I put all my heart into their well-being.
So, this help became for me the awakening of those forgotten feelings that are called love and care. Also, your help reminded me of the care of my mother and brother when they were by me… This is help when kindness reaches your heart, touches it, calms it down and takes it out of the dark room for a while. Not one-time help, but long-term and even eternal… I will always remember how you supported me – complete strangers. How can I forget it? Indeed, we need to appreciate and be proud that there still are people in our country on whom Georgia stands.
– Maybe you have some other problem the friends of our Fund can help you with?
Mzia: Problems, problems… They will never end. Even if I was healthy and had millions, there would still be some problems, something would come out. I told you about my problems. Basically, I am mentally exhausted, and I really need attention. As for everyday problems, of course I have them. How can I lie to you that I don’t have them? For instance, my gas stove is old and dangerous. Specialists came several times and warned me that gas can possibly leak from somewhere. They demanded to get rid of this stove. But if I get rid of it, where to get a new one? In fact, it is a matter of life and death. But what can I do?
I also really need a refrigerator to keep safely at least those foodstuffs that I don’t have very often. Summer has come, it has become hot, and everything goes bad soon. I could not even dream of solving these two problems, but since you asked, I tried to be completely frank and allowed myself to dream a little.

“Now I’m not afraid of anything, since I have hot water”

Friends! You have given this sweet, warm, and noble woman a reason to continue living with a different motivation. You will probably agree with me that blind people can see much more than many healthy people with beautiful eyes. Mzia is really happy with a radio, but we will try to do more for her. She says she dreams about a gas stove and fridge, so let’s fulfill her dream! This will make her happier. She really deserves that. You can make Mzia happier if you visit her, call and ask her how she is, encourage her and show your attention. Kindness never disappears for good. It remains in our memory forever.
You can get to know Mzia personally and help at: Kvemo Ponichala, 12a Rustavi highway.
Please repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of Mzia Dzamukashvili!! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: Mzia Dzamukashvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s lend a helping hand to this woman as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help ?
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Oct 22, 2021
Gas water heater
Nov 04, 2021
Nov 19, 2021
Nov 30, 2021
fund overhead
Dec 23, 2021
Faucet for kitchen and bath
Feb 17, 2022
pressure apparatus
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Oct 24, 2022
Oct 25, 2023
Oct 25, 2023

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
25.12.2023 13:45:13
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არჩილ ჭანტურია
13.10.2023 20:00:00
Kind Heart
23.02.2023 10:32:49
Kind Heart
18.12.2022 17:27:34
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23.10.2022 20:00:00
'მარინე მამულია
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'უჩა ყაულაშვილი
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'გიორგი ციციშვილი
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'შორენა მენაბდე
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'გიორგი სანოძე
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'თათია ქარჩხაძე
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Kind Heart
17.08.2022 09:58:39



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