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calendar February 15, 2022

“Mommy, when will you come? How can you feel good when I feel so bad without you? I must tell my mother that I cry a lot every day, and then she will buy a ticket and will certainly come…” Little Luka has many questions and many plans on how to get his mother back. Doesn’t she need such a good boy? He can draw, and write, and carry firewood. What else should I do to get mom back home?

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These eyes know everything about betrayal

“Mommy, when will you come? How can you feel good when I feel so bad without you? I must tell my mother that I cry a lot every day, and then she will buy a ticket and will certainly come…” Little Luka has many questions and many plans on how to get his mother back. Doesn’t she need such a good boy? He can draw, and write, and carry firewood. What else should I do to get mom back home?

But mom won’t come back. She won’t hug you, she won’t kiss you, she won’t regret, she won’t save you from the terrible cold and hunger. Fourteen-year-old Mariam knows this for sure. Parents left Mari, Nika and Luka. The children only have a grandmother Marina, who is mother, and father, and grandmother and grandfather for these little orphans. A grandmother who never saw a calm and happy life. She carries firewood on her back, plows the ground, harvests fruits at seasonal work, goes with a wheelbarrow into the forest to get something for lunch, asks for food on credit … Grandmother has a sick and torn back, but she can’t come back home empty-handed – three hungry children are waiting for her there.

“It’s a miracle that we have come to this day and survived, – says grandmother Marina. – I have seen many horrors. But if something happens to the children, I will not bear it. I beg you, please help!”

– Marina, how it happened so that you are alone, and you are raising your three grandchildren in such need?

Marina: Parents left these children. They have no one but me. It hurts me to say that, and it breaks my heart when I have to: It turned out that my daughter Pikria does not need her children.

Thanks God that the children did not freeze somewhere in the street, or they were not adopted by someone else. It was the most natural decision for me to take the children to my place.

These children were left without maternal warmth and love. (Sighs heavily). My daughter behaved so badly. She left to Abkhazia and got married there. She buried me alive. But I had no time to grieve. We had our own life. I had to live for my three children.

– Where did you take your grandchildren? Did you have your home? Is this house yours or rented?

Marina: I had nothing of my own. I was advised to move to this abandoned building. There used to be a canteen on the first floor, now there are warehouses. The basement of this building is full of mice. They even get into our house from the cracks. I keep poisoning them.

The house looks shabby from the outside. Nick met us at the entrance.

We settled here arbitrarily. You see, the floor is concrete here. This building is at its framing phase. You will freeze a hundred times while you stay here. Sorry, that I can’t light up the stove – it’s rusty, it smokes, I had to take it away. We almost suffocated two days ago. Our neighbor will give us her old stove.

And it looks just as depressing from the inside!

Waterfalls used to flow from the roof. It’s good that they patched up our roof in Saakashvili time. But that’s all. The entrance door is old, wooden and it blows strongly through it.

We’ll have to switch to dry food – our stove is completely rusted

– There are terrible wooden stairs between the floors. How do you even walk on them? God forbid you stumble.

Marina: We didn’t have even such stairs before. I asked the district administration, and they did nothing. Our neighbors helped us to build them. This space, one and a half rooms, is now registered in our name. At least they won’t kick us out.

“Are you afraid of our stairs, ma’am?”

The boys are used to playing on the bare cold floor

– You have no shower, no toilet, no running water here. How do you live in such conditions?

Marina: Oh, it’s so windy here – it’s impossible to bathe here. Even in a basin. You will immediately catch pneumonia. We all bathe at Mari’s classmate’s place once a week. I’m already embarrassed, I don’t want to annoy them. But there is no other way out yet. They are good people, good family. They leave the children at their place that night so that they do not have to go home in the cold after the bath. Our toilet is in the yard. We carry water from the yard – we collect it in plastic bottles, in a large pot. If it’s cold outside, the water in the tap freezes, and we need to use our supply of water by a little bit.

And now Marie has to carry the water upstairs, up the rickety stairs to the second floor.

– Marina, how do you solve other problems? Do you work anywhere? Do you get a pension or social allowance?

Marina: Entire Variani knows me and remembers me with a wheelbarrow –  I go to the forest with it. Wearing worn, torn shoes. Everything that I can collect in the forest, I bring home to my grandchildren. In the summer they call me for seasonal work – harvesting tomatoes, corn, apples. I’ll take on any work. I offer myself as a labor force. My back is not as good as it used to be, it fails, it hurts. But that’s okay, I don’t care. I don’t pay attention to it, no matter how much it hurts. It’s time for the kids to eat.

Marina is trying to cover up wrenching poverty with curtains…

… but she does not succeed

Most importantly, my children are healthy. I managed to save them from corona. The locals in Variani call me Mowgli, because I am both a woman and a man. Only God knows what I went through. I’m not yet entitled to a pension – I’m 54 years old. Although my suffering is enough for three human lives. My grandchildren and I are entitled to only social allowance from the state – 540 GEL. My children are supposed to have only buckwheat, lobio, watery soups, and yogurt. What child will come to terms with this? “Granny, when will we have kofte, chicken legs, yogurt?” – the younger ones – Nika and Luka – ask me. Damn it, so that your grandmother does not leave the place! Devil take me! Children dream of delicious food.

There is frost and wind everywhere

We owe 470 GEL in the store. They keep waiting, they don’t argue. They said: “Bring it in parts.” I don’t use gas for a year already, I cook on the stove. We owe 320 GEL for gas. I’m afraid to increase the debt, so I completely turned it off.

I have no profession – I have eight years of schooling. What good job should I hope for in my old age?

– But once you hoped, Marina? Did you dream of a good life when you were young?

Marina (looks in surprise and suddenly wipes her tears):
I wasn’t happy even as a child. No, my dear. You will never understand me.

– Why?

Marina: I have never seen anything good. There are people who are born for slaving. It’s true. I was never happy even when I was a child. When I was eleven, I used to go alone to the forest for firewood and dragged it home on my back. I had a bitter childhood. My mother drank, my father died early. I got married at 15 to escape this nightmare. My daughter Pikria held me, she prevented me from doing stupid things. But my husband’s family did not want me – they did not like my relatives, poverty, the fact that I was ownerless. They did not want to become my defenders. And I, like a homeless dog, left to survive alone. And I survived – I worked as a cleaner, a nanny.

– You are angry with your daughter because she did not live up to your expectations? Are you angry because she did this to her children, to you?

Marina: I have a big resentment in my heart for her, a very big one. And I will never understand her. But the mother’s heart is like this: even if you crush it with a stone, smash it, love will still remain in it. I am an unhappy mother.

My grandchildren called me “mom”, when they were just babies. And I corrected them: “I’m your grandmother”. (Wipes her eyes.) Luka cries in the morning when he wakes up: “I want mom.” And I hug him and comfort him. You see, he is an affectionate, warm child. Nika is impudent, mischievous. He experiences everything in himself

– Does anyone help you?

Marina: Our relatives live even worse than we do. At least we don’t need a hospital. My sister has a sore hand, her husband suffered a stroke. You know, here in Variani everyone is so poor – they have reached the end of their tether – that I have no one to ask for help.

Although, wait, there is one kind girl Maka. She is ready to take care of my Marie. She said that she would pay for a year of classes if Marie would attend English classes.

– What do you ask God for?

Marina: Only for one thing – so that I can raise my grandchildren in the time allotted to me. I don’t want anything else. Only the Lord can help unfortunate people like me. How else would I get to this day? Only God gave me the strength to endure what would break both a man and a woman. It would grind a person like a meat grinder. The most important for me are my grandchildren, so that they do not starve, do not freeze. Only they are grandmother’s happiness.

Luka (suddenly notices): God is good. He helps us. Grandma says He’s on our side.

– Where did you see him, Luka?

Luka: What do you mean “where”? In the church. And he’s in our hallway too.

“This is Dear God. I ask Him for a car and for my mother to come back.

– Mari, what is happiness to you?

Mari (14-year-old): It’s my family. My brothers and grandmother.

– And what about your mom?

Mari (sighs):It makes me sad to think about my mother. Why did she leave us? We would like to be with her, but she – I don’t know … I would like to be like my granny. She does everything for us and loves us very much. She is caring and hardworking. She will never leave us.

– What would you like to forget and never recall again?

Mari: It’s poverty. And the days when I cry because everything is bad with us. When we have no food, no firewood. But so far I can’t forget it, because it’s not over yet. And I wish it was over. So that we live good in a nice, renovated house.

– Do you know that you are very pretty? Everything in your life should be beautiful, everything should work out.

Mari: Thank you, but granny says that I should not hope for beauty, but for education. And she teaches me how to do everything at home.

Marina: Although we live in poverty, it should be clean here. Marie cleans the house, does the laundry, and cooks.

– What classes would you like to attend? We can help with that.

Mari: I really want to study history and Georgian dances. We have a dancing studio in Variani. I sometimes dance at home, for myself. Well, in the way I can.

Luka (8-year-old): I saw Mari dancing when she was alone. Well, she thought she was alone. (Smiles). This is how she raises her hands … (Smiles again.)

Luka’s drawing

– You were watching, right? Come on, come here, sit down. How are your things going?

Luka: I didn’t cry this morning. Today I drew and wrote Georgian letters. Then… (draws the word, thinks.) I brought two logs from the street. (Grandma says: “Chunks, not logs” Then, I wrote “mother” many times. But I didn’t cry. (Keeps silent, thinks.) Do you have a mother?

– Yes.

Luka: I also have – she’s far away.

Instead of a homework, Luka wrote the word “mother” many times

– What wish do you want us to fulfill? What to tell our readers – what does Luka want?

Luka: Say he wants to draw. A toy parrot, and candy. And put Nick to boxing classes. He has a nickname it’s Boeing, he fights with everyone.

Luka dreams of cars,  quad bikes, motorcycles

Nika (7-year-old): Hey, why are you so cheeky? (Runs up, gives him a slap.)Why are you talking instead of me? In any case, they will accept me in boxing classes. I need boxing gloves. You’re confusing everything. (Makes a face.)

– We certainly won’t confuse – boxing gloves.

Nika: I will train under Giorgi Kandelaki. He is the world champion. He has a school in Variani. I fight well. Look.

Luka, surrender! You’ve got no chance!

Marina: The children were so happy that you came to visit us. They need attention, warmth, “protection”. I can’t do everything alone, and the children feel confused. Thanks to everyone who takes care of us! I know that you will not leave us without help. People from the Fund are very kind. You have already helped us once – I will never forget that.

– Marina, what do the children need right now?

Marina: Food. It’s the hardest time for us now. The boys do not have winter shoes and warm clothes. We need a new stove and firewood. We are freezing. You’ve seen what our front door looks like. We also need doors between rooms. Our washing machine went out of order and the handyman says it can’t be repaired. I do not know what to do. I completely trust you and rely on you. Only you know how to help us.


Friends, Nika, Luka and Mari are deprived of parental warmth and affection. In addition to emotional anguish, hungry joyless days, extreme need, and cold fall to their lot. This family is very close to disaster. Everything is very fragile and shaky. Now everything depends on the grandmother, but she is weakening. Any new problem will immediately make them sink.

We must offer them our help, we must save them before that happens. Contact them today before it’s too late. Or visit them in person: Gori municipality, Variani village.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make them believe that miracles happen, that they can live in a warm and cozy home and have a lot of food! They believe in us. Don’t let them down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

We are sure that all together we will manage to give them unforgettable moments.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Tuloshvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Feb 16, 2022
Construction Materials
Mar 07, 2022
Mar 14, 2022
Apr 29, 2022
Apr 29, 2022
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently