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We didn’t burn down, but we’ll freeze soon!

calendar May 6, 2022

Before going to bed, little Mariam prays that it doesn’t rain, so that she doesn’t wake up again in a wet bed. “Waking up in a wet bed when it’s cold, is not very pleasant… Don’t even try that,” she says.

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We didn’t burn down, but we’ll freeze soon!


  Before going to bed, little Mariam prays that it doesn’t rain, so that she doesn’t wake up again in a wet bed. “Waking up in a wet bed when it’s cold, is not very pleasant… Don’t even try that,” she says.

“When it’s cold, it’s almost impossible to warm up in a damp bed, no matter how hard your mother hugs you”

  One rusty bed, an old damp blanket, a pillow that smells terrible of mold, and a mattress that cannot be dried – that’s all the wealth of Lela and Mariam. Everything else just burned down…

I don’t even know where to start telling their story from. What they experienced five years ago is a nightmare, and what they experience now is hell!

Only the bare walls are left of the once hospitable house, of the old and beautiful life.

Everyone knew the Dochia family in the village of Darcheli, Zugdidi region. They lived well. Lela’s father worked as an accountant, her mother was a teacher. By their own efforts, they built a large house so that they could receive many guests. The house had three bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, large bathroom. Everyone liked to visit the Dochia family. Lela had a wonderful childhood, a magical youth, but on April 5, 2017, the fairy tale ended. Everything burned down! The tragedy is that Lela’s father burned down in the house too.

– Can you remember how it all happened?

Lela: I went out on some business. My daughter, Mariam, my nephew, and my father stayed at home. Mariam was on the second floor when the fire started. My dad took my nephew out of the house and went into the fire to find and save Mariam. At that time, Mari was on the second floor, she could not leave the room, but the neighbors pulled her out of the window. And my dad was on the first floor, walking in a burning house, looking for his granddaughter. He thought she was on fire in one of the rooms. He walked around the house and shouted her name. The neighbors wanted to take him out, but he refused to leave without Mari. He burned down, never knowing that his beloved granddaughter was saved…

“Who would have thought that this could happen to our family? No one is immune to such fate. God bless everyone”

– How did you manage to cope with that?

  Lela: Mariam was my only clue for life. If it wasn’t for her, I’d probably burn myself too.

  Mariam (10-year-old): Mom, don’t say stupid things. I’ll buy you a beautiful house, I promise you!

  – Do you remember the day of the fire?

  Mariam: I remember it very well. I even remember my grandfather shouting my name. Do you know how good he was? It is so bad that not a single photo of him is left.

  – Who do you miss the most?

  Mariam: I miss my grandfather, of course. But once my mother said that if he had survived and seen how we live now, he would have died for a second time. I don’t know how you can die twice, but since mom said it, it’s probably possible.

“If grandfather saw how we live, he would die for a second time”

  Why do you think your mom said that?

  Mariam: The way we live now is worse than a fire. But we will not always live like this, will we? I remember that in this room we used to have all sorts of jams, compotes, a lot of jars with delicious food. Now my mom and I live here. Someday we will not have such a big house, but at least one warm room. And a dry bedding, and two beds. And a table and two chairs. And white walls!

“There used to be a pantry for jars, and now we live here. But the jars felt better, the rain did not drip on them. It was dry here!

Lela: See how she is? If not for her nature, I would either go crazy or lay hands on myself. It is impossible to be in these gray rotten walls every day and not go crazy. And to be half-starved on top of this…

  – What do you live on?

  Lela: We get 200 GEL allowance, and that’s it. I can’t rent an apartment with this money. And I can’t put this place in order. What’s left to do? Our neighbors lend us clothes. Now Mariam has one pair of shoes, and she puts them on both at home and at school. They are two sizes bigger and sometimes fall off her feet …

  Mariam: But I have good friends in my class, they don’t laugh at me, they say that the main thing is not what I wear, but how I study. And I study very well, tell them, mom!

“We must have time to read all the lessons before dark, otherwise there is no light”

  Lela: It’s true, teachers always praise Mariam. We don’t even have a table and a chair so that she can sit down and do the homework, but she still manages to do it. A former student of my mother (my mother was a teacher at school) now teaches English to Marie for free. This is how the world works – good is not lost! At first, we helped others, now they are trying to help us!

“I love learning, I love going to classes. It’s warm at the teacher’s home and there is enough light at the table.”

“The main thing is not to get dirty until I get to them, and not to lose my boots in the mud”

– How can we help you?

  Mariam: Excuse me for interfering in your conversation, but can we somehow make at least one warm room and a dry bed for us? I have no more wishes! Well, how to say no, of course I have, but I want this in the first place.

“Even in such terrible dampness, Lela tries to create comfort”

  – And what do you want in the second place?

  Mariam: Table and chair for study. Well, we can also have lunch at the table. Phone, or tablet, or laptop for studying. Pens, notebooks, and an album for drawing. Do you know how beautifully I draw? But I can’t draw – there are no pencils, and the paper becomes all damp here. I can’t even draw on the walls. Look how dirty, gray, and wet they are! After the rain, mom sweeps the water out of here with a broom. And I also really want to have beautiful clothes. And a bicycle. And let my mother tell the rest, and I will prompt her.

The conditions in the punishment cell for prisoners are even better than those of these unfortunate mother and daughter

  – Lela, not every adult can talk about their problems like that. Mariam is just amazing!

  Lela: She is my sunshine. Everyone loves her. I was very worried that they might call her names, insult her because of our situation, because she always wears damp, torn clothes. But it is impossible to offend her, she evokes positive feelings in everyone, everyone loves her.

“My friends don’t laugh at me or call me names because my clothes are torn and damp.”

  – Yes, I’m sure our readers will also want to get to know her personally.

  Mariam: Oh, you know how much I love guests! But I’m just embarrassed to take them here! I remember when guests came to us, my mother always arranged wonderful feasts! We had cakes and sweets, and gomi (ღომი – Georgian hot polenta – translator’s note), and chicken. Mom, do you remember, how many goodies you cooked?

“In the evening we sit, hug, warm each other and recall good times”

Lela: I’m happy we can at least remember the good life. Mari says: “We’ll also have a warm room and hot gomi.”

  – What else do you like to eat besides hot gomi?

  Mariam: I’ll tell you now! My mother makes a holiday for me every month. On a payday she takes me to McDonald’s and buys me one burger and one ice cream! I just love this day! But she never buys anything for herself, she says: “I do not like it!” How is it possible not to like such goodies? So, I divide everything in a half and say that until she eats her half, I won’t eat the other half! That’s my mom! I love her very, very, very, very much! She does everything for me. And then, when I grow up, I will do everything for her!

  – What will you do when you grow up?

  Mariam: I want to become a child therapist. I will get a salary and buy my mother a house and beautiful dresses. And she will be proud of me. They will say about me that I am a good doctor and save many children! I imagine my mom watching TV and crying with joy.

“When I grow up, I will help people the same way they help me now”


  So, another story has come to an end… Or rather, it would be better to say – here another story begins! The suffering of Lela and Mariam is coming to an end and a new chapter in their life begins! Together we can put an end to their suffering – we can do it. It is so nice to know that these people have already been saved by addressing us, that we have learned about them and told you about them! It’s already half the battle. We will never forget about them, we will not leave them, right?!

How can we help them? It is urgent to put in order at least one room for them – so that it does not rain on them, so that they wake up in a dry and warm bed, so that they have table, chairs, and at least nice clothes. The family also needs food, an oven to bake bread, a gas stove, kitchenware, bedding. And good girl Mariam needs a laptop, clothes, and a bicycle.

If any of you can visit this family and get to know these charming people personally, know that you will not regret it! You will remember your acquaintance with Mariam for the rest of your life! Their address is: Zugdidi municipality, Darcheli village, Dochia family.  Everyone knows them there.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

  We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Dochia family)

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

  We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, 

it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Jul 19, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 27, 2022
household appliances
Nov 03, 2022

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