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When a child dies, his mother dies with him herself, but when her second child is on the verge of death, she must rise from the dead!

calendar July 28, 2022

“How to explain to mom without words that you are thirsty? How to say that you are hungry? That your head aches? That you want hugs? I can only say “woo”. Will mom understand? And won’t mom be offended that I often say “woo”?
When the unfortunate mother addressed our Fund, we immediately realized that this family simply could not survive without our help. Meet my friends: this is Khatuna and her long-suffering son Nika.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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When a child dies, his mother dies with him herself, but when her second child is on the verge of death, she must rise from the dead!

“How to explain to mom without words that you are thirsty? How to say that you are hungry? That your head aches? That you want hugs? I can only say “woo”. Will mom understand? And won’t mom be offended that I often say “woo”?

When the unfortunate mother addressed our Fund, we immediately realized that this family simply could not survive without our help. Meet my friends: this is Khatuna and her long-suffering son Nika.
Khatuna: There are four of us in the family: me, my husband, Nika and Megi. Our two older children, Mariam and Kakha, already have families of their own. And eleven years ago, a real tragedy happened in our family. Our son Nika died at the age of 14 in an accident. He was playing with his friends near the transformer, and he got electrocuted.

Nick always lives in the hearts of his parents

– Before we start talking about Nika’s illness, tell me how did you cope with that tragedy?
Khatuna: How? In no way! I just live! After that we had Megi, and one year later Nika was born. We named him after his deceased older brother! Children brought a ray of light into our lives. Everyone got focused on babies. But as soon as our life sparkled with new colors, Nika became ill. Something went wrong during childbirth: Nika’s heart stopped, he stopped breathing. They placed him in a special capsule. We stayed in hospital for three months, but it did not help. Nika was so weak, he squeaked like a kitten. He didn’t even have the strength to cry. Apparently, because of a lack of oxygen, fluid started to collect in his head. At the age of five, he can neither talk nor eat on his own. He has one toy with which he does not part. He hugs it and “talks” to it, as if he is talking about his problems.

Teddy bear is the only friend of little Nika

– When did the problems appear?
Khatuna: I noticed that some movements were difficult for Nika. When Nika was seven months old, I sounded the alarm, and he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I know it’s incurable. But surgical interventions and procedures can stop the disease so that it does not develop. His condition is hard. His body got gradually deformed. He was operated on the ligaments of his legs and arms for several times. He can at least move now. We even were planning to send him to kindergarten, but the teachers do not want to take on such responsibility. He has a tube in his head through which fluid comes out. God forbid that some child accidentally hits him or hurts him. He is under close supervision at home.

Only a mother understands how much it hurts her boy when he cannot explain what he wants.

– We understand how much it hurts you. We can stop our conversation if you want to.
Khatuna: It’s really hard for me to talk about that, but I want to share my pain. I don’t wish this on my enemy. I wish all mothers in the world that their children are healthy! This is the greatest happiness!
– Maybe you want to give some advice to mothers who found themselves in the same hard situation as you?
Khatuna: I’m not the first and I won’t be the last… Unfortunately, there are a lot of mothers like me. Never give up! Fight for your child’s life to the end! Who if not we?! This is our destiny, and we must bear this cross with dignity.
– These are very important words. Probably, only you, mothers of special children, can cheer up and support each other. Khatuna, what is the main problem of your family?

“Nika, we love you and we won’t let anyone hurt you”

Khatuna: I’ll tell you straight. We sold everything of value we had at home for Nika’s treatment. We started with large things, then moved on to furniture. We even sold the TV set, our son’s only consolation, to buy medications for him. He was operated on his ligaments two years ago, and I still did not manage to pay off. We have a debt of 1200 lari. Because of this, I can’t take him to the hospital for a routine examination. And it is just impossible for our family to raise such an amount. 
– What do you live on?
Khatuna: They only give us 200 GEL allowance. They assigned very high score to us. When I went to write a complaint, the social worker said bluntly: “Your son is sick, you get a pension for him. What else do you want?” Even if they are right and I am not entitled to any allowance other than a pension, is this the way one could speak to the mother of a seriously ill child? Not everyone has nerves of steel. I couldn’t even utter a word. It would be better if she chopped me up with an ax. I keep thinking, they probably hire such soulless people for this position on purpose. I suppose you can give even a negative answer so as not to hurt the feelings of a person who is already suffering. Oh, sorry, I talk too much.

“One step for mom, one step for dad. I know it hurts you, but you can handle it.”

– No! That is why we have come – to tell an entire Georgia about all your problems! Who supports you? You probably would not have coped without support.
Khatuna: My husband and older children support me. Not financially, of course, but even their words that we will cope all together and stand up for Nika – mean a lot. My husband can’t find a job in any way, so he stays with Nika all the time, and I work in a social canteen as a cook. I get a salary of 330 GEL, which is also a big deal. And my work schedule is good. I work from morning to three in the afternoon. Then I can stay with the children.
– What dreams did you have when you started a family? Have you ever thought that such misfortune would happen to you?
Khatuna: We were so young when we started our family. We adore each other. Nobody in our house ever raised their voice. Even our children never argued among themselves. This is not a family, but a fairy tale! Our eldest son is now 27 years old, and our daughter is 20. But when our middle son died, I buried all my dreams and hopes with him. Then God gave me Megi and Nika! But, perhaps, everything in life cannot be perfect. 

Dad built walkers for his son so that his leg muscles would not atrophy.

– Khatuna, how can we help you? How can we make your life a little bit easier?
Khatuna: We really need diapers, medications, walkers, and a fridge. I will be very happy if you support us. And, if possible, help us pay off the debt at the clinic so that I can take him to the examination.
Friends, after reading this story, we have no moral right not to help these unfortunate people! Let’s pray for the soul of the elder Nika and for the health of little Nika. Let us all together ask the Lord to save the life of the boy! Let him make his mother, father, and older brother and sisters happy for a long time.
Nika urgently needs medications, hygiene products, and home appliances to survive! Help the Nachkebia family to survive! Consider them your relatives.
If you want to get to know this kind Georgian family better, you can visit them. They will be happy to see you! Their address is: Tsalejikha, 9 Mshvidoba Str.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Nachkebia family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you! 

Sep 30, 2022
fund overhead
Jan 09, 2023
household appliances
Jan 09, 2023
Jan 17, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
Apr 19, 2024
TV(extra charge)

Total expenses:



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253 Donors

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253 Donors


They need your help urgently